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A hierarchical version of OLSR for MANET

TitreA hierarchical version of OLSR for MANET
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsChoukri, Aa, Habbani, Aab, Elkoutbi, Ma
JournalWorld Applied Sciences Journal

Due to the dynamic nature of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) the Quality of Service (QoS) requires several improvements. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical routing protocol based on clustering approach inspired on the heuristic Max-Min D-Cluster that we have improved and implemented on standard OLSR. In order to validate this new release named OLSR-MaxMin2C we studied its stability and we compared its performances to those of other alternatives. The metrics we used in evaluating the performance of networks were Average end-to-end Delay, Control Routing Overhead and Packet Delivery Ratio according to VBR traffic (H.264) in addition to CBR traffic. Experimental results show that the control traffic is highly reduced and the improvement in the network performances is gained. © IDOSI Publications, 2013.




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