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Hybrid Encryption Approach Using Dynamic Key Generation and Symmetric Key Algorithm for RFID Systems

TitreHybrid Encryption Approach Using Dynamic Key Generation and Symmetric Key Algorithm for RFID Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLabbi, Z, Maarof, A, Senhadji, M, Belkasmi, M
EditorAbdulla, PA, DelporteGallet, C
Conference NameNetworked Systems, NETYS 2016
ISBN Number978-3-319-46140-3; 978-3-319-46139-7

The security of RFID systems become an important subject especially for low cost RFID tags. A lot of Cryptographic algorithms were proposed to insure the security and in the same time meet the resource limitations. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid cryptographic approach as symmetric key encryption technique which generate the key dynamically, together with integrity check parameters. The generation of key stream follows the chained approach, beginning from the initial key pre-shared. As a result, the computational complexity will be reduced as well as increase performance.




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