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A Hybrid Machine Learning Method for Movies Recommendation

TitreA Hybrid Machine Learning Method for Movies Recommendation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsNesmaoui, R, Louhichi, M, Lazaar, M
JournalLecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Volume489 LNNS

Recently, the application of machine learning algorithms is very useful in marketing by companies nowadays. Overall, it has become a big factor on the companies success and growth in term of the number of users or revenues, since it helps to suggest the right content to the right people in an easy way without going through a long complicated process to choose an element in a list of millions elements. This research has a goal of evaluating several recommending mining algorithms in machine learning by adopting a model that combines the content-based (constrained system to people) and collaborative approach and compares it with a paralleled algorithm, and we assume that can help to get the right recommendations to users. The model’s results show that it can positively solve this issue and help users to find the right content that they want to watch, and also predict if they like the new trending content. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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