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A hybrid metaheuristic method to optimize the order of the sequences in continuous-casting

TitreA hybrid metaheuristic method to optimize the order of the sequences in continuous-casting
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsTouil, Aa, Echchtabi, Aa, Bellabdaoui, Ab, Charkaoui, Aa
JournalInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations

In this paper, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm to maximize the production and to minimize the processing time in the steel-making and continuous casting (SCC) by optimizing the order of the sequences where a sequence is a group of jobs with the same chemical characteristics. Based on the work Bellabdaoui and Teghem (2006) [Bellabdaoui, A., & Teghem, J. (2006). A mixed-integer linear programming model for the continuous casting planning. International Journal of Production Economics, 104(2), 260-270.], a mixed integer linear programming for scheduling steelmaking continuous casting production is presented to minimize the makespan. The order of the sequences in continuous casting is assumed to be fixed. The main contribution is to analyze an additional way to determine the optimal order of sequences. A hybrid method based on simulated annealing and genetic algorithm restricted by a tabu list (SA-GA-TL) is addressed to obtain the optimal order. After parameter tuning of the proposed algorithm, it is tested on different instances using a.NET application and the commercial software solver Cplex v12.5. These results are compared with those obtained by SATL (simulated annealing restricted by tabu list). © 2016 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved.




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