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Impact of agility on the business IT alignment

TitreImpact of agility on the business IT alignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsImgharene, K, Doumi, K, Baina, S
Conference NameBMSD 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design

A strategic alignment with a strictly constant rhythm assumes stability. There are several factors that influence this stability. The strategic alignment must be evolutionary, long-term, and dynamic in spite of those factors. In our case we opted for the agility. Agility has a global impact on the internal and external environment of an organization. Agility concerns the future of the organization/company. It is this concept which became a standard for business models since the rhythm of the change in companies accelerates. The current article reflects this idea, by describing the nature of the relation between the factor of agility and the strategic alignment in the determination of various types of agility. Furthermore, we try to establish in this article if an aligned system can stay so, by transforming the company into an agile one. A transformation on all the levels of abstraction is going to maintain the alignment on the long term and will give an added value, and a way the changes can be detected in reality and be gradually integrated within the framework of the strategic alignment.




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