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Improving Collaborative Filtering Approach by Leveraging Opposite Users

TitreImproving Collaborative Filtering Approach by Leveraging Opposite Users
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsA. Fazziki, E, Y. Alami, EMadani El, O. Aissaoui, E, Y. Allioui, E, Benbrahim, M
JournalAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Volume1102 AISC
Mots-clésCollaborative filtering, Forecasting, Gray sheep, Intelligent systems, Learning systems, Movielens, Opposite neighbors, planning, Recommendation techniques, Recommender Systems, Similar neighbors, Similarity measure, Sustainable development

Collaborative filtering is a widely used recommendation approach that aims to predict for a target user the most appropriate items. This approach uses the ratings given by users who share similar tastes and preferences to predict ratings for items that haven’t been rated yet. Despite its simplicity and justifiability, CF approach stills suffering from several drawbacks and problems, including sparsity, gray sheep and scalability. These problems affect the accuracy of the obtained results. In this work, we present a novel collaborative filtering approach based on the opposite preferences of users. We focus on enhancing the accuracy of predictions and dealing with gray sheep problem by inferring new similar neighbors based on users who have dissimilar tastes and preferences. For instance, if a user X is dissimilar to a user Y then the user ┐X is similar to the user Y. The Experimental results performed on two datasets including MovieLens and FilmTrust show that our approach outperforms several baseline recommendation techniques. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.




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