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Interoperability Monitoring for eGovernment Service Delivery Based on Enterprise Architecture.

TitreInteroperability Monitoring for eGovernment Service Delivery Based on Enterprise Architecture.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsElmir, B, Alrajeh, N, Bounabat, B
JournalProceedings of the European Conference on Information Management & Evaluation
Pagination169 - 180
Mots-clésand eHealth, communication, Computer software, enterprise architecture, integrated public eService, Internet, Internetworking (Telecommunication), interoperability assessment, Local government, Organizational governance, periodic monitoring, Public administration, Public hospitals

Public administration has to prepare itself to deliver fully integrated eGovernment services. This delivery often requires cooperation via business processes interoperability across two or more departments. In this context, public departments and agencies need to implement interoperability using enterprise architecture techniques to structure business processes, and service oriented models to achieve their integration. Thus, it's quite interesting to adopt enterprise architecture paradigm and techniques to analyse, track and control the evolution degree of processes interoperability from the existing "as-is" state to the future "to-be" state. The present paper proposes a periodic monitoring approach based on an assessment method which considers three main aspects of interoperation: 1. Potentiality, reflecting the preparation to interoperate. The objective is to foster interoperation readiness by eliminating barriers that may obstruct the interaction. 2. Compatibility, referring to int




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