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Intrusion detection in cloud computing based attacks patterns and risk assessment

TitreIntrusion detection in cloud computing based attacks patterns and risk assessment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsYoussef, BC, Nada, M, Elmehdi, B, Boubker, R
Conference NameProceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Systems of Collaboration, SysCo 2016

This paper focuses on detecting and analyzing cyber-attacks in cloud environment, it represents a novel approach of detecting cyber-attacks by analyzing attacks pattern using risk assessment methodologies. The aims of our solution is to combine evidences obtained from Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) deployed in cloud services with data of risk assessment related to each attack pattern. Our approach presents a new qualitative solution for analyzing each symptom, indicator and vulnerability to detect the impact and likelihood of distributed and multi-steps attacks directed to cloud environments. The implementation of this approach will minimize the false positive alerts and will improve the performance of the IDS. © 2016 IEEE.




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