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Knowledge management performance measurement: A generic framework

TitreKnowledge management performance measurement: A generic framework
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsOufkir, L, Fredj, M, Kassou, I
JournalCommunications in Computer and Information Science

This theoretical article aims to propose a generic framework for measuring performance of Knowledge Management (KM) projects based on critical literature review. The proposed framework fills the existing gap on KM performance measurement in two points: (i) it provides a generic tool that is able to assess all kinds of KM project as well as the overall organization KM, (ii) it assesses KM projects according to KM objectives in a generic manner. Our framework (GKMPM) relies on a process reference model that provides a KM common understanding in a process based view. It is based on a goal-oriented measurement approach and considers that KM performance dimensions are stakeholder’s objectives. The framework application follows a procedural approach that begins with the KM project modelling, followed by the objectives prioritization. The next step consists of collecting and analysing data for pre-designed measures, and produces a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the KM project processes and in accordance with its objectives. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.




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