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PURL test ID: finland

Machine learning for predicting the risk for childhood asthma using prenatal, perinatal, postnatal and environmental factors

TitreMachine learning for predicting the risk for childhood asthma using prenatal, perinatal, postnatal and environmental factors
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsJeddi, Z, Gryech, I, Ghogho, M, Hammoumi, MEL, Mahraoui, C
JournalHealthcare (Switzerland)

The prevalence rate for childhood asthma and its associated risk factors vary significantly across countries and regions. In the case of Morocco, the scarcity of available medical data makes scientific research on diseases such as asthma very challenging. In this paper, we build machine learning models to predict the occurrence of childhood asthma using data from a prospective study of 202 children with and without asthma. The association between different factors and asthma diagnosis is first assessed using a Chi-squared test. Then, predictive models such as logistic regression analysis, decision trees, random forest and support vector machine are used to explore the relationship between childhood asthma and the various risk factors. First, data were pre-processed using a Chi-squared feature selection, 19 out of the 36 factors were found to be significantly associated (p-value




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