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Majority logic coding schemes performance over FSO channels

TitreMajority logic coding schemes performance over FSO channels
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLabghough, S, Ayoub, F, Belkasmi, M
Conference Name2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings

In this paper, the performance study of OSMLD convolutional self orthogonal (CSOC) and OSMLD block codes over Gamma-Gamma ΓΓ atmospheric turbulence channel is studied. We analyse the efficiency of channel coding technique for different atmospheric turbulence conditions by modeling the channel with a Gamma-Gamma ΓΓ distribution and with BPSK modulation. The results obtained by Monte Carlo simulation compare different coding schemes with different coding rates and with varying the effect of atmospheric turbulence. © 2016 IEEE.




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