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Meander-line UHF RFID tag antenna loaded with split ring rersonator

TitreMeander-line UHF RFID tag antenna loaded with split ring rersonator
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAznabet, I, Ennasar, M, O. Mrabet, E, Tedjini, S, Khalladi, M
Conference NameInternational Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings

In this paper, a new meander line UHF RFID tag antenna loaded with split ring resonator is presented. The antenna has a simple structure and low profile with only one layer of FR4 dielectric substrate and metallization. To achieve a good and impedance matching, the antenna has been loaded with a metamaterial structure (SRR). The obtained impedance bandwidth covers the American band (900-928 MHz). The proposed design provided quasi omnidirectional radiation pattern and radiation efficiency near to 90% in the operating band. The calculated reading range was 4.36 m at center frequency band. © 2016 IEEE.




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