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Mobile security: Designing a new framework limiting malware spread in the mobile cloud computing

TitreMobile security: Designing a new framework limiting malware spread in the mobile cloud computing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsGhallali, Ma, Mir, AbEl, Ouahidi, BaEl, Bounabat, Bb, Hami, NcEl, Elmir, Bb
JournalJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

Our study is primarily interested in limiting the spread of malwares via SMS/MMS, and Emails. It describes the steps leading to identify, analyze and secure traffic in mobile networks. For this purpose, a Framework MPSS has been used to be part of the network of the mobile network operator. MPSS aims to increase the level of information security across the telecom provider network in order to resolve the problems of the limited hardware and software resources on those mobiles devices. Finally, a new study based on MPSS Framework limitations, has driven a designing of a new Framework called MPSS2 based in the private Mobile Cloud Computing of the ISP. In addition, with the approach of MCC, the proposed security takes the form of a service provided by the mobile network operator (SaaS: Security as a Service). Therefore MPSS2 has the main objective to limit the risk of losses of personal and professional user's data. © 2005 - 2013 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.




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