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A model for enterprise architecture evaluation

TitreA model for enterprise architecture evaluation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsLakhrouit, J, Baina, K
Conference NameProceedings of the 7th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2014, IS 2014

Nowadays, enterprise architecture (EA) has become an intensively discussed approach in both industry and academia for managing the complexity of an enterprise from a holistic perspective, because it optimizes the alignment, the business strategy, the organization, the resources, the processes and the technology. Among the steps to develop complete enterprise architecture we find the evaluation. EA evaluation help to understand to what degree the EA goals of an organization are achieved. However it is very difficult to find a complete method of evaluation in term of indicators of evaluation and which ensures the follow-up of all the stages of development of the architecture of company. This article presents a generic model of evaluation enterprise architecture. We do not want to use attributes directly because the model definition could vary in different organizations. Therefore, we introduce this artifact as an intermediate layer as not to limit the flexibility of evaluations. © 2014 IADIS.




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