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Multi-objective dynamic metric and QoS in networks manets

TitreMulti-objective dynamic metric and QoS in networks manets
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsLakki, Na, Ouacha, Aa, Habbani, Aab, Abbadi, JaEl
JournalResearch Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

The aim of this study is to find a Intelligent parameter which is based on mobility and Clustering. This metric will be integrate in the selection process of MPRs to improve QoS in Manets networks. The unpredictable mobility and the large quantity of generated traffic by each node interface make communication in network increasingly difficult to manage. Thus, routing protocols need to be adapted to such conditions. In order to make OLSR protocol more robust, piercing and more adaptable to the conditions dictated by the environment of each node, this study proposes a polymorphic metric that changes depending on the network behavior. This metric aims to make the OLSR protocol best suited to each zone. Many simulations would be undergone by NS2 to test and prove the validity of this new metric in environments with high mobility and quantity of traffic. © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2015.




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