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Multicriteria queuing model to improve intra-user multi-flow qos in wireless cellular networks

TitreMulticriteria queuing model to improve intra-user multi-flow qos in wireless cellular networks
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsHanini, Ma, Haqiq, Abc d, Berqia, Ae
Series TitleMultidisciplinary Perspectives on Telecommunications, Wireless Systems, and Mobile Computing
Number of Pages86-106

This chapter tackles the challenging task of QoS evaluation and improvement in cellular networks. Initially, the authors provide a classification based on four criteria of the queuing models used in the literature. In a second step, an analysis of technologies shows that combining queue management and scheduling mechanisms may lead to improvement in QoS. Hence, the authors propose design of queuing models that meet all the classification criteria, with the goal of improving the various QoS parameters required by the different classes of flows (real time and non-real time) transmitted to an end user in a cell. These models have been mathematically and numerically analyzed, and their impact on end-to-end QoS in a mobile cellular network has been proved. © 2014, IGI Global.




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