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Multiple equivalent simultaneous offers strategy in an agent-based grid resource brokering system-initial considerations

TitreMultiple equivalent simultaneous offers strategy in an agent-based grid resource brokering system-initial considerations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAttaoui, Na, Ganzha, Mb, Paprzycki, Mb, Wasielewska, Kb, Essaaidi, Mc
JournalScalable Computing

The Agent in Grid (AiG) project attempts to integrate the concept of the Grid and anagent-based system to facilitate efficient resource management in the Grid. In this paper, we present preliminary considerations concerning multiple equivalent simultaneous offers strategy that can be used in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) negotiations. These negotiations are the key part of the main use case scenarios within the AiG project. In this context, first, we describe the AiG system. Second, we introduce the simultaneous offer strategy, as a mechanism known from economy, and suggest an approach for using it in the AiG negotiations. © 2013 SCPE.




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