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New Automatic Hybrid Approach for Tracking Learner Comprehension Progress in the LMS

TitreNew Automatic Hybrid Approach for Tracking Learner Comprehension Progress in the LMS
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBenabbes, K, Hmedna, B, Housni, K, Zellou, A, A. Mezouary, E
JournalInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies

Learning style is a significant learner-difference factor. Each learner has a preferred learning style and a different way of processing and understanding the novelty. In this paper, a new approach that automatically identifies learners learning styles based on their interaction with the Learning Management System (LMS) is introduced. To implement this approach, the traces of 920 enrolled learners in three agronomy courses were exploited using an unsupervised clustering method to group learners according to their degree of engagement. The decision tree classification algorithm relies on the decision rules construction, which is widely adopted to identify the accurate learning style. As the lack of good decision rules would lead to learning style misclassification, the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM) is used as it is among the most adopted models in the technology of quality improvement process. The results of this research highlight that most learners prefer the global learning style © 2022, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.All Rights Reserved.




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