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A new Framework to improve Change Mining in Configurable Process

TitreA new Framework to improve Change Mining in Configurable Process
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHmami, A, Sbaï, H, Fredj, M
Conference NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Mots-clésBusiness Process, Change mining, Configurable process models, Data mining, Environment change, Event logs, Information systems, Information use, Process mining

The configurable process model is an important approach to reduce the redundancy involved in modeling, reengineering, and adapting a business process with its environment. While process mining approaches aim to discover and, verify conformance and enhance a process, connecting configurable processes and process mining shows considerable improvements, especially in terms of time and cost. However, the configurable process has rarely been applied in change mining. Our goal in this paper is to highlight the importance of using variability to improve change mining from a collection of event logs. We propose a framework that can detect and recommend changes, by mining changes from a collection of event logs. The main purpose is to allow engineers and business process designers to easily adjust business process with the environment changes. © 2020 ACM.




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