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Object serialization white framework in J2ME and its refactoring in black framework

TitreObject serialization white framework in J2ME and its refactoring in black framework
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMahieddine, Ma, El-Khaddar, MAb, Oukid, Sa
JournalJournal of Mobile Multimedia

J2ME mobile agents developers are very soon confronted with the problem of objects transfer over the communication flows (streams) provided by J2ME which, by themselves, take into account only the primitive types or simple String objects of JAVA. Serialization is the process of saving the state of an object on a flow of communication, transferring it in the net, and restoring its equivalent from this flow. Unfortunately J2ME software development cannot be used as standard JAVA because it has many strong restrictions, which greatly restricts its use relatively to JAVA. For example, in the case of mobile agent software development, J2ME does not provide tools for the serialization of objects. This research addresses the lack of a standard development environment for mobile agents under J2ME. In this work we propose a pattern-based white-box application framework, in order to achieve the serialization of complex JAVA Objects and its re-factoring into a black-box application framework. © 2014 Rinton Press.




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