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Operators role-based approach to coordinate between heterogeneous DSLs

TitreOperators role-based approach to coordinate between heterogeneous DSLs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsEssadi, N, Anwar, A, Laghouaouta, Y
Conference Name2017 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems, WITS 2017

Nowadays systems involve many business domains and are consequently designed by teams of experts with different concerns. Every team uses its Domain Specific Language (DSL) to elaborate heterogeneous models describing different parts of the same system. These heterogeneous models need to be coordinated and integrated, to get a whole view of the system, to ease its validation and to uncover inconsistencies between heterogeneous models. However, many approaches and ways of integration has been already explored, one of important approach among them is coordination between DSLs instead of models, doing so coordination became automatic instead of being manual and tailored to every instance of models. Actually, this work fits in this class by giving a classification of DSLs relationships and their respective operators used to resolve DSLs heterogeneity. Moreover, in this paper we consider coordination as a separate role to be given to DSLs meta-classes responsible of coordination. Explicitly, these meta-classes need to override operations defined in the proposed coordination meta-model. As illustrative example, we present a telecommunication network supervision system where two different DSL are involved. © 2017 IEEE.




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