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Optimization in collaborative information systems for an enhanced interoperability network

TitreOptimization in collaborative information systems for an enhanced interoperability network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKoulou, A, Zemzami, M, N. Hami, E, Elmir, A, Hmina, N
JournalInternational Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Mots-clésCollaborative enterprise, Collaborative information systems, Heuristic methods, Heuristic optimization method, Information systems, Information use, interoperability, Optimal distributions, Particle swarm optimization (PSO)

Today's constraints on collaborative enterprises are often directly reflected in the interoperability of their information systems. The goal is to improve and effectively evolve the global interoperability of collaboration by distributing the required effort in an optimal way on different information systems to achieve the target goal. This method of enhancement will be realized by applying an IMA (Interoperability Measurement Approach) to generate a ratio representing the degree of interoperability of an information system within the collaboration, as well as applying the heuristic optimization method PPSO (Paralleled Particle Swarm Optimization) to reach the optimal distribution of effort. © A. Koulou et al.




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