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Product Opinion Mining for Competitive Intelligence

TitreProduct Opinion Mining for Competitive Intelligence
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAmarouche, K, Benbrahim, H, Kassou, I
Conference NameProcedia Computer Science

Competitive Intelligence is one of the keys of companies Risk Management. It provides the company with a permanent lighting to its competitive environment. The increasingly frequent use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); including (namely) online shopping sites, blogs, social network sites, forums, provides incentives for companies check their advantages over their competitors. This information presents a new source that helps and leads the company to identify, analyze and manage the various risks associated with its business/products. Nowadays, a good use of these data helps the company to improve its products/services. In this paper, an overview of opinion mining for competitive intelligence will be presented. We'll try to synthesize the major research done for the different steps of product opinion mining. © 2015 The Authors.




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