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PRoPHET-RAIP5: A new approach to secure routing in wireless sensor networks

TitrePRoPHET-RAIP5: A new approach to secure routing in wireless sensor networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMezouary, RE, Houmz, A, Jalil, J, Koutbi, ME
Conference NameInternational Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2015

Probabilistic routing in wireless sensor network (WSNs) use the mobility history when making a forwarding decision. This type of routing provides a very rapid development and new perspectives in WSNs. However, there are several constraints and challenges to overcome the security problems. In this paper, we propose a security solution based on the RAID5 technology and a multi-path routing, to develop a protective mechanism against the various attacks in mobile WSNs. To demonstrate our concept, we have implemented this solution on Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity (PRoPHET). We have compared our new protocol (PRoPHET-RAIP5) with standard PRoPHET to enhance security parameters. © 2015 IEEE.




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