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Pure P2P Mediation System: A Mappings Discovery Approach

TitrePure P2P Mediation System: A Mappings Discovery Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSelma, EYahyaoui E, Zellou, A, Idri, A
EditorGiannakopoulos, G, Sakas, DP, KyriakiManessi, D
PublisherUniv Peloponnese; Linnaeus Univ; Aberystwyth Univ; Technol & Educ Inst Athens; Univ Complutense Madrid, Fac Ciencias Documentac; Inst Disseminat Arts & Sci
ISBN Number978-0-7354-1283-5

The information integration systems consist in offering a uniform interface to provide access to a set of autonomous and distributed information sources. The most important advantage of this system is that it allows users to specify what they want, rather than thinking about how to get the responses. The works realized in this area have particular leads to two major classes of integration systems: the mediation systems based on the paradigm mediator / adapter and peer to peer systems (P2P). The combination of both systems has led to a third type; is the mediation P2P systems. The P2P systems are large-scale systems, self-organized and distributed. They allow the resource management in a completely decentralized way. However, the integration of structured information sources, heterogeneous and distributed proves to be a complex problem. The objective of this work is to propose an approach to resolve conflicts and establish a mapping between the heterogeneous elements. This approach is based on clustering; the latter is to group similar Peers that share common information in the same subnet. Thus, to facilitate the heterogeneity, we introduced three additional layers of our hierarchy of peers: internal schema, external schema and Schema directory peer. We used linguistic techniques, and precisely the name correspondence technique, that is based on the similarity of names to propose a correspondence.




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