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Reduced Complexity Iterative Decoding of 3D-Product Block Codes Based on Genetic Algorithms.

TitreReduced Complexity Iterative Decoding of 3D-Product Block Codes Based on Genetic Algorithms.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsAhmadi, A, Bouanani, FEl, Ben-Azza, H, Benghabrit, Y
JournalJournal of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Pagination1 - 8
Mots-clésComputational complexity, Computer simulation, Genetic algorithms, Iterative decoding, Performance evaluation, Three-dimensional imaging

Two iterative decoding algorithms of 3D-product block codes (3D-PBC) based on genetic algorithms (GAs) are presented. The first algorithm uses the Chase-Pyndiah SISO, and the second one uses the list-based SISO decoding algorithm (LBDA) based on order-i reprocessing. We applied these algorithms over AWGN channel to symmetric 3D-PBC constructed from BCH codes. The simulation results show that the first algorithm outperforms the Chase-Pyndiah one and is only 1.38 dB away from the Shannon capacity limit at BER of 10-5 for BCH (31, 21, 5)³ and 1.4 dB for BCH (16, 11, 4)³. The simulations of the LBDA-based GA on the BCH (16, 11, 4)³ show that its performances outperform the first algorithm and is about 1.33 dB from the Shannon limit. Furthermore, these algorithms can be applied to any arbitrary 3D binary product block codes, without the need of a hard-in hardout decoder. We show also that the two proposed decoders are less complex than both Chase-Pyndiah algorithm for codes with large corr




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