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Requirements for a mobile personal health record to improve cardiovascular healthcare services

TitreRequirements for a mobile personal health record to improve cardiovascular healthcare services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsOuhbi, S, Idri, A, Hakmi, R, Benjelloun, H, Fernandez-Aleman, JL, Toval, A
Conference NameProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

Analyzing health records of patients suffering from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease can help understanding their conditions and therefore improving healthcare services offered to them. To improve the cardiology healthcare quality and efficiency in the Autonomic Nervous System centre in Avicenne Hospital in Rabat in Morocco, a mobile personal health record (mPHR) along with an electronic health record have been developed. This paper presents our mPHR's functional requirements used in the product development. It also presents some aspects of quality evaluation of the mPHR. An experiment has been conducted to assess and improve the mPHR's quality using the ISO/IEC 25010 standard. Copyright 2017 ACM.




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