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PURL test ID: finland

The security of web services: Secure communication and identity management

TitreThe security of web services: Secure communication and identity management
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsL'Amrani, Ha, Idrissi, YbEl Bouzekr, Ajhoun, Ra
Conference NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings

Service Oriented Architectures have become the new trend in the world of communication on the web. Especially web services are the high-performance specification of service-oriented architectures. The use of confidential data on the Web becomes the primary problem in the secure communication over the web. The solution proposed in this paper is a secure communication tool OCS based on the principals of SAML standard and Single Sign-On. Our solution proposes a new approach which collaborates strong points of SAML standard and single sign-on method. The implementation of this approach is in the form of a platform or a tool which provide a secure communication between web services. Thus, a future approach that exceeds the level of authentication and address the level of access control, likewise and as a further step, prepare an evaluation of the most important technologies which provide Single Sign-On possibility and secure communication context between heterogeneous web services.




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