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A signaling game-based mechanism to meet always best connected service in VANETs

TitreA signaling game-based mechanism to meet always best connected service in VANETs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMabrouk, Aa, Kobbane, Aa, Sabir, Eb, Ben-Othman, Jc, Koutbi, MaEl
Conference Name2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2015

In heterogeneous network environments, users need to have mechanisms in place to decide which network is the most suitable at each moment in time for every application that the user requires. Always Best Connected is considered as a special concept to allow users to get connected to Internet using the access technology that best suits their needs or profile at any point in time. Clearly, this concept provides multiple access simultaneously for mobile users moving in heterogeneous access network environment. In this paper, we introduce a signaling game approach to achieve an always best connected service in vehicular networks. Under the considered scenario, we consider two smart vehicles named player 1 and player 2 moving in a road network area equipped with heterogeneous access networks. We assume that player 1 (super player) only has complete information on the road network, whilst player 2 has not any information. Player 1 plays first and sends a signal to player 2 which can be accurate or distorted. Based on the received signal and his belief about that signal, player 2 chooses its own action: it computes its suitable path which provides it an always best connected service. © 2015 IEEE.




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