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SMDQM-Social Media Data Quality Assessment Model

TitreSMDQM-Social Media Data Quality Assessment Model
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsReda, O, Zellou, A
Conference Name2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, IRASET 2022
Mots-clésAssessment, Daily activity, data quality, Data quality assessment, Data quality models, Data reduction, Interactive interfaces, Quality assessment model, Quality modeling, social media, Social media datum, Social networking (online)

Social media has taken a dominant place in people's lives since it become more than just a mode of communication between individuals. They regularly share their daily activities, experiences, and exchange interests and opinions on social media sites, leading to a flood of information that can be used by consumers. However, the reduced posting barriers, no operational costs and easy-to-use interactive interfaces have combined to create a variety of data quality issues in social media, making it difficult to obtain relevant, timely and accurate data. Given the increasing use of social media by users to obtain news and information first hand, they are required to filter a significant volume of data to reach the most satisfying to their request, therefore we can say that the process is more qualitative than quantitative. This paper proposes a new classification of data quality dimensions towards a social media data quality model called SMDQM(Social Media Data Quality Model), for this the quality of social media data is discussed, then we present the steps involved to create our model SMDQM. This attempt will be established by considering and discussing a state of the art in the field of social media and data quality. © 2022 IEEE.




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