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A Systematic Literature Review of Keyphrases Extraction Approaches

TitreA Systematic Literature Review of Keyphrases Extraction Approaches
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAjallouda, L, Fagroud, FZ, Zellou, A, Benlahmar, EH
JournalInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies

The keyphrases of a document are the textual units that characterize its content such as the topics it addresses, its ideas, their field, etc. Thousands of books, articles and web pages are published every day. Manually extracting keyphrases is a tedious task and takes a lot of time. Automatic keyphrases extraction is an area of text mining that aims to identify the most useful and important phrases that give meaning to the content of a document. Keyphrases can be used in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, such as text summarization, text clustering and text classification. This article provides a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to investigate, analyze, and discuss existing relevant contributions and efforts that use new concepts and tools to improve keyphrase extraction. We have studied the supervised and unsupervised approaches to extracting keyphrases published in the period 2015–2022. We have also identified the steps most commonly used by the different approaches. Additionally, we looked at the criteria that should be evaluated to improve the accuracy of keyphrases extraction. Each selected approach was evaluated for its ability to extract keyphrases. Our findings highlight the importance of keyphrase extraction, and provide researchers and practitioners with information about proposed solutions and their limitations, which contributes to extract keyphrases in a powerful and meaningful way effective © 2022, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.All Rights Reserved.




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