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Toward Eco-Friendly Smart Mobile Devices for Smart Cities

TitreToward Eco-Friendly Smart Mobile Devices for Smart Cities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWalid, A, Kobbane, A, Ben-Othman, J, M. Koutbi, E
JournalIEEE Communications Magazine

It is expected that the incessant use of SBSs by indoor mobile users to achieve high data rate and high energy efficiency for their smart mobile devices will drive ultra dense deployment of SCNs within MCNs, specifically in future smart cities. However, SCN densification has a hard effect on the deterioration of the energy efficiency and QoS throughput of mobile users equipped with smart mobile devices like smartphones, laptops, PDAs, and tablets. This degradation is due to the severe cross-tier interferences occurring in ultra dense co-channel deployments of SCNs within MCNs. The present article intends to study the energy efficiency of mobile users for better battery life management of their smart mobile devices through minimal energy consumption during their uplink transmissions. The proposed solution, based on a fully decentralized algorithm for sharing time access executed by SBSs and multi-homing capabilities of macrocellular users, improves the energy efficiency of mobile users for better battery life, and keeps their QoS throughput requirements. Therefore, it leads to the eco-friendly smart mobile devices required in future smart cities. The results validate our proposed solution and show the improvement achieved compared to the conventional access control mechanisms. Furthermore, our scheme requires no coordination among SBSs and macro base stations, which reduces the huge signaling overhead when using cooperative schemes. © 2017 IEEE.




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