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Toward interoperability approach between federated systems

TitreToward interoperability approach between federated systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsL'Amrani, H, Berroukech, BE, Y. Idrissi, EBouzekri E, Ajhoun, R
Conference NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series

The main evolution of web services and its exploitation enforce new security challenges, especially in terms of digital identity life cycle management. A set of Identity Management Systems exist to deal with these identities, in order to improve users' experience and gain secure access. Today we are faced with a large number of heterogeneous identity management approaches. In our study we treated several systems, among those, we present isolated model, centralized model, federated model and user centric model. The federated system makes proof of it eligibility for the identity management, therefore, we were interested in the federated model, which consist on the sharing of digital identity between different security domains , based on an agreement between the entities in communication. The Federated Identity Management (FIM) faces the problem of interoperability between heterogeneous identity federation systems. This study present a use case of interoperability among SAML and WS-Federation. We propose an approach that will permit to inter-operate heterogeneous federation systems and allow the exchange of identity data between them. © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).




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