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Toward a Novel Methodology for IT Strategic Planning.

TitreToward a Novel Methodology for IT Strategic Planning.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsLakhdissi, M, Bounabat, B
JournalProceedings of the European Conference on Information Management & Evaluation
Pagination263 - 273
Mots-clésBusiness enterprises, content framework, Decision making, enterprise architecture, Information technology, IS strategic planning, metamodel, Methodology, Standardization, Strategic planning

Defining IT target state and the specific roadmap to attain it, are main focuses of IT strategic planning which is considered increasingly as the basis for IT decision-making and governance. Unfortunately, it hasn't evolved with the same speed as other fields in the IT sphere. Most of the techniques, approaches and methods related to IT Strategic Planning date back to the 80s or 90s and are most often oriented business rather than IT. Enterprise Architecture is a really promising discipline aimed at capturing the as-is architecture of an enterprise, defining the target and the roadmap to get from existing to desired state. In that way, it is tightly related to IT strategic planning and it can provide a framework to fill the gap and contribute in structuring and formalizing IT Strategic Planning field. Enterprise Architecture benefits from a standardization effort as well as from tool support. Deliverables and artifacts are generally well defined and structured in the existing framewor




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