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Towards an Approach of Recommendation in Business Processes Using Decision Trees

TitreTowards an Approach of Recommendation in Business Processes Using Decision Trees
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsTrabelsi, FZ, Khtira, A, B. Asri, E
Conference NameProceedings - 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls, ISCSIC 2021
Mots-clésBPMN model, Business goals, Business Process, Decision trees, Forestry, Machine learning, Machine-learning, Recommendation techniques, Recommender Systems, User data

A recommender system analyses users' data in order to extract their interests and preferences and suggest them relevant items. The recommendation systems have shown their applicability in many domains, especially in business processes (BP). Business processes are defined as a set of tasks that are performed by an organization to achieve a business goal. Using recommendation techniques in business processes consists of proposing relevant tasks at a certain point, which helps managers making the right decisions. In this paper, we propose an approach of recommending in BPMN-based business processes. The recommendation technique that we considered in this approach is the decision trees. © 2021 IEEE.




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