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Towards a context-driven transactional service selection mechanism in ubiquitous and pervasive environments

TitreTowards a context-driven transactional service selection mechanism in ubiquitous and pervasive environments
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWidad, E, Driss, R, Mahmoud, N
JournalJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

Most prominent techniques and selection algorithms only support QoS settings for application services. However, the software, hardware, and network infrastructures underlying services and users application have a significant impact on the validation of transactional services. Additionally, users may have varying transactional requirements throughout the lifecycle of a service composition. Therefore, selection algorithms must take into account the context requirements and users transactional needs when selecting services. This has led us to explore the trail of a service selection mechanism based on a service description enriched by functional and transactional requirements, and context information. We propose a context-driven selection of transactional services by introducing a new selection algorithm CT2S based on a semantic matching mechanism. More precisely, we are interested in studying the response time of our CT2S algorithm vis-a-vis the rapidity requirements in pervasive environments. © 2021 Little Lion Scientific




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