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Towards deployment of a user-aware tenancy using rich-variant components for SaaS applications

TitreTowards deployment of a user-aware tenancy using rich-variant components for SaaS applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKriouile, H, B. Asri, E, M. Haloui, E, Benali, A
Conference NameProceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015

The approach of User-Aware Tenancy integrates the high configurability of multi-tenant applications with the flexibility and the functional variability of Rich-Variant Component use. Multi-tenancy concept consists in sharing instances among a large group of customers, called tenants. Multi-tenancy is a tool to exploit economies of scale widely promoted by Software as a Service (SaaS) models. However, the ability of a SaaS application to be adapted to individual tenant's needs seem to be a major requirement. Thus, our approach focuses on more flexibility and more reusability for Multi-tenant SaaS application using the multiview notion of Rich-Variant Components. The approach consists in a user-aware tenancy for SaaS. In this paper, we provide an application of an algorithm deriving the necessary instances of Rich-Variant Components building the application in a scalable and performing manner. The algorithm is based on fundamental concepts from the graph theory, and is accompanied by a reduced school management application as an illustrating example. © 2015 IEEE.




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