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Towards a fuzzy mapping for virtual integration system

TitreTowards a fuzzy mapping for virtual integration system
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsYazidi, MHEl, Zellou, A, Idri, A
JournalInternational Review on Computers and Software

To access a unified way to different information sources while hiding the user autonomy, heterogeneity, distribution and evolution of these sources, we thought to integrate its different sources of information, one of the existing integration approaches appear mediation as virtual approach. The integration approach mediation is performed using a global schema, and a set of mapping (links) associating schemas of sources to integrate with the global schema. The problem arises in creating the set of correspondences between the elements of the schema global and all the elements of local schemas, in this paper we present our approach: A New Fuzzy Mapping Approach for Mediation Systems, a new approach based on fundamental principles of the theory of fuzzy sets. Our approach is to define and associate to each link between two elements a weight that reflects the degree of its existence, it is present in an analysis using two components: syntactic and semantic. © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.




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