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Towards negotiable privacy policies in mobile healthcare

TitreTowards negotiable privacy policies in mobile healthcare
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSadki, S, Bakkali, HE
Conference Name5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2015

With the increased use of mobile technologies in the health sector, patients are more and more concerned about their privacy protection. Particularly, due to the diversity of actors (physicians, healthcare organizations, Cloud providers. ) and the heterogeneity of privacy policies defined by each actor, conflicts among these policies may occur. We believe that negotiation is one of the best techniques for resolving the issue of conflicting privacy policies. From this perspective, we present an approach and algorithm to negotiate privacy policies based on an extension of the bargaining model. Besides, in order to show how our solution can be applied, we present an example of conflicting privacy policies expressed using S4P, a generic language for specifying privacy preferences and policies. © 2015 IEEE.




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