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Towards a secure electronic voting in cloud computing environment using homomorphic encryption algorithm

TitreTowards a secure electronic voting in cloud computing environment using homomorphic encryption algorithm
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKartit, Za, Marraki, MaEl, Azougaghe, Ab, Belkasmi, Mb
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Cloud computing is the most envisioned paradigm shift in the computing world. In this context, it becomes necessary to properly protect the data from different risks and dangers that are born with cloud computing. In recent years, Storage in Cloud gained popularity among both companies and private users. However, data privacy, security, reliability and interoperability issues still have to be adequately faced and solved. But the most important between them is security and how cloud provider assures it. In this paper we present an electronic voting system based on Homomorphic encryption. Our proposal offers all the advantages of the additively homomorphic encryption scheme. © Research India Publications.




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