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Towards a variable non-functional requirements integration for component-based product line: A generic approach

TitreTowards a variable non-functional requirements integration for component-based product line: A generic approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHammani, FZ, Rhanoui, M, B. Asri, E
Conference Name2014 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014

Software Product Line and Component-Based Software Engineering are two expanding paradigms for developing critical and complex systems. Therefore, these two paradigms seem have complementary strengths. So, significant benefits can be gained from their integration. Despite the fact that Non-Functional Requirements (such as security, performance and reliability) are critical to software systems, and they must be taken into account at early stage of software development life cycle and should be explicitly specified as well as functional requirements; these NFR are overlooked in Software Product line and Component-Based Software Development Processes. So, our main objective is to discuss some recent approaches in the field and to propose a new extension to Software Product Line processes that supports Component-Based Approaches, and integrates Non-Functional Requirement in domain requirements stage. © 2014 IEEE.




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