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Towards XML schema extraction from deep web

TitreTowards XML schema extraction from deep web
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSaissi, Y, Zellou, A, Idri, A
Conference NameColloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST

Today, not all the web is fully accessible by the web search engines. There is a hidden and inaccessible part of the web called the deep web. Many methods exist in the literature to access and to integrate the huge structured data contained in the deep web. In this paper, we propose our approach to extract the XML schema describing a selected deep web source. Our approach is based on the static and the dynamic analysis of the HTML forms giving access to the selected deep web source. Our approach uses two knowledge database during its process: our proprietary identification tables and Wordnet. The XML schema extracted will be used to integrate the associated deep web source into a mediation system without extracting all its information. � 2016 IEEE.




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