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Virtual MIMO systems: A game theoretical approach

TitreVirtual MIMO systems: A game theoretical approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBennani, Ha, Sabir, Eb, Kobbane, Aa, Koutbi, MaEl
Conference NameWCCCS 2014 - Proceedings; 2014 5th Workshop on Codes, Cryptography and Communication Systems

In this work, we present a new game theoretic approach in order to build a Virtual MIMO system. The utility function used in this framework is defined so that the user throughput is divided into two components: the real, received by the base station, and the virtual throughput received by the neighboring users. A non-cooperative game is proposed where each user are allowed to choose its uplink receiver as well as to maximize its utility function. Simulation results validate our model and and illustrate numerically the proposed scheme under different scenarios. © 2014 IEEE.




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