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Workload balancing in nurse scheduling problem: Models and discussion

TitreWorkload balancing in nurse scheduling problem: Models and discussion
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSangai, J, Bellabdaoui, A
Conference Name2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017

Nurses planning is a challenging and a complex task that arises daily within healthcare facilities. Establishing rosters that meet both hospital requirements and nurses' preferences takes a considerable time and cannot be done manually. The equitable distribution of workload is one of the major factors contributing to nurses' satisfaction and, eventually, the quality of care delivered. However, the authors have given it a limited attention. This paper is threefold, it aims, firstly, to provide a detailed analysis of all the models proposed in the literature and which deal with this issue, compare and evaluate their relevance and effectiveness according to several criteria in order to highlight, lastly, the lines of reflection and action for further contributions. © 2017 IEEE.




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