Message d'état

PURL test ID: finland


du 28 au 30 mai 2020

CloudTech’20 is a high-level international forum to present state-of-the-art research results, address new challenges, and discuss trends and opportunities related with all aspects and applications of Cloud Technology; Artificial Intelligence; Big data; High Performance Computing, Internet of Things.
The target public of CloudTech’20 includes all scientists, researchers, professionals, industry and government, particularly, researchers, policy-makers, engineers and students interested in all issues related to the topics above.
Next to the regular tracks we have some special sessions related to innovative applications with Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Deep and Machine Learning, Blockchain and a demo-session for innovations achieved through prototyping and simulation. The scope of CloudTech’20 covers a broad range of hot topics grouped into four main tracks:   
(1) Cloud Computing,
(2)  Artificial Intelligence,
(3) Big Data,
(4) High Performance Computing,
(5) IoT and Mobile Computing [6].
A detailed list with illustrative topics of interest and details about the submission procedure are available at:
Submissions will be done via Easychair in
All accepted and presented papers  will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in  IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be indexing by Scopus.
Distinguished papers (extended version), will be considered for publication in special issues of the indexed journals below:
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE) (Q2 & SJR 2018: 0.31 & Impact Factor: 1.167), Published by J. Wiley & Sons Inc. and Indexed by ACM, SCOPUS (Elseiver), Web of Science, DBLP, ...
- International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC), Published by Inder Science and Indexed by: Scopus (Elsevier), DBLP, cnpLINKer (CNPIEC), Google Scholar, ...
- International Journal of Autonomic Computing (IJAC) , Published by Inder Science and Indexed by: ACM Digital Library, cnpLINKer (CNPIEC), DBLP, Google Scholar, ...
- Springer book with Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS)(in pending),  Indexing by SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
Other Journals are under confirmation.
Keynote Speakers:

- Maria Fasli, Institute for Analytics and Data Science at the University of ESSEX, UK
- Tarek El Ghazawi, George Washington University, USA
- Panda Dhabaleswar, The Ohio State University, USA
- Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Qiang Tang, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
- Abdelmounaam Rezgui, New Mexico Tech, USA
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: FEBRUARY 07, 2020
- Paper Acceptance Notification: March 16, 2020
- Camera-Ready: April 10, 2020
- Registration: April 20, 2020
CloudTech’20 will include three special sessions as follows:
- Special Session 1:  Smart Farming
- Special Session 2:  Artificial Intelligence and applications
- Special Session 3:  Advances in Blockchain and IoT Technologies
For more details about the two special sessions please consult the page:



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Avenue Mohammed Ben Abdallah Regragui, Madinat Al Irfane, BP 713, Agdal Rabat, Maroc

  Télécopie : (+212) 5 37 68 60 78

  Secrétariat de direction : 06 61 48 10 97

        Secrétariat général : 06 61 34 09 27

        Service des affaires financières : 06 61 44 76 79

        Service des affaires estudiantines : 06 62 77 10 17 /

        Résidences : 06 61 82 89 77



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