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Conférence : New Results on the Towers of Hanoi Problem

15 décembre 2017

L'ENSIAS organise une conférence, sous le thème,  "New Results on the Towers of Hanoi Problem", présentée par Prof. Ernst Leiss, ACM Distinguished Speaker / University of Houston, USA le vendredi 15 décembre 2017 à 15H00 dans l'Amphi II.

Short Biography


Ernst Leiss is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Houston. He earned degrees in computer science (M. Math., University of Waterloo, Canada, 1974), engineering (Dipl.-Ing., TU Vienna, Austria, 1975) and mathematics (Dr. techn., TU Vienna, Austria, 1976). He taught at Waterloo, the University of Chile in Santiago, and the University of Kentucky before joining the faculty at the University of Houston in 1979. His research interests include formal language theory, high-performance computing, and security. He has supervised and conducted research resulting in 17 doctoral dissertations, over 100 master theses, six books, and about 170 peer-reviewed publications in conferences and journals.

Leiss has lectured in 32 different countries, in three different languages. He has been an ACM Distinguished Lecturer since 1991and the chair of the Houston chapter of the IEEE Computer Society since 1981.



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