Heuristic based on iterative exact method for multi-tour dynamic vehicle routing problem with overtime

TitreHeuristic based on iterative exact method for multi-tour dynamic vehicle routing problem with overtime
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsOuaddi, K, Benadada, Y, Mhada, F-Z
JournalInternational Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

In the last two decades, the DVRP has received a very particular interest from researchers. Because of its great utility in modern transport systems, the DVRP is now a very motivating and still attractive line of research for new studies. The complexity of this problem comes from the fact that it belongs to the VRP family in addition to the dynamism of its components. In this article, a very little studied variant of the DVRP is dealt with. This is the multi-tour DVRP with overtime (MTDVRPOT). We treat this problem from a multi-objective point of view, based on a bi-objective mathematical modelling. The first objective is to minimise the total travelled distance, while the second objective is to minimise to maximal performed overtime. A heuristic based on the iterative exact method was proposed to solve this problem. Its principle is to divide the working day into time periods and resolve iteratively the mathematical models. Each mathematical model corresponds to one subproblem of one time period. Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.




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