Investment of classic deep CNNs and SVM for classifying remote sensing images

TitreInvestment of classic deep CNNs and SVM for classifying remote sensing images
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAlAfandy, KA, Omara, H, Lazaar, M, Achhab, MA
JournalAdvances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems

Feature extraction is an important process in image classification for achieving an efficient accuracy for the classification learning models. One of these methods is using the convolution neural networks. The use of the trained classic deep convolution neural networks as features extraction gives a considerable results in the remote sensing images classification models. So, this paper proposes three classification approaches using the support vector machine where based on the use of the ImageNet pre-trained weights classic deep convolution neural networks as features extraction from the remote sensing images. There are three convolution models that used in this paper; the Densenet 169, the VGG 16, and the ResNet 50 models. A comparative study is done by extract features using the outputs of the mentioned ImageNet pre-trained weights convolution models after transfer learning, and then use these extracted features as input features for the support vector machine classifier. The used datasets in this paper are the UC Merced land use dataset and the SIRI-WHU dataset. The comparison is based on calculating the overall accuracy to assess the classification model performance. © 2020 ASTES Publishers. All rights reserved.




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