- Kenza Douifir , NaoualChaouni Benabdellah , Ali Idri , Ahmed Zellou (2022), Comparison of engineering student’s grades before and after the pandemic in Morocco (in process)
- Kenza Douifir , Naoual Chaouni Benabdellah , Ali Idri (2022), Comparison machine learning techniques applied to the breast cancer dataset for diagnosis (in process)
- NaoualChaouni Benabdellah, Kenza Douifir, Ali Idri(2022),Covid 19:Intelligent Chat bot and financial aid applica-tion,- (in process)
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- Mahar, K., Benabdellah,N. C.& Abik, M. (2017). A Generic Curriculum Model for Formal Degree Programs.
- Mahar, K., Benabdellah,N. C.& Abik, M. (2017). Toward a Virtual Integration of heterogeneous educational Data. International Review on Computers and Software.
- Benabdellah, N. C., Gharbi, M., & Bellafkih, M. (2017). Units’ Categorization Model: The Adapted Genetic Algorithm for a Personalized E-Content. In Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (pp. 149-158). Springer International Publishing.
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- Benabdellah , N. C., Gharbi, M., & Bellafkih, M. E-content adaptation: new pheromone and adapted ant colony algorithm. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12,1.
- Benabdellah, N. C., Gharbi, M., & Bellafkih, M. (2013, May). Content adaptation and learner profile definition: Ant colony algorithm application. In Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA), 2013 8th International Conference on (pp.1-7). IEEE.
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