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Publications par année

S. Achchab, Singular Perturbation of Lotka-Volterra Models with time delay, the second Alcalá International Conference on Mathematical Ecology (ICME), in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Septembre 2003.

S. Achchab, B. Achchab, A General result related to strengthened C.B.S. inequality for three dimensional anisotropic linear differential systems, Collogue Maghrébin Tendance pour les Applications des Mathématiques TAM-TAM, (2003), Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, Rabat.

S. Achchab, B. Achchab, Estimateur hiérarchique robuste pour un problème de perturbation singulière, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 336 (2003) 95-100.

S. Achchab, B. Achchab, On a Posteriori error estimate for primal, equilibrium and mixed approximation of diffusion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation 134 (2003) 83- 92.

S. Achchab, O. Axelsson, A. Souissi, Upper bound of the constant in strengthened C.B.S. inequality for linear partial differential equations . Numerical Algorithms, 32 : 185-191, 2003.

S. Achchab, R. Ellaia, Singular perturbation of growth model with state dependent timedelay, International Congress of Computation and Applied Mathematics ICCAM. Belgique, 2003.

K. Baïna, K. Benali, and C. Godart. Dynamic interconnection of enterprise workflow processes, In 10th ISPE International Conference On Concurrent Engineering : Research and Applications (CE'03), volume 1, Madeira Island - Portugal, July 26-30, 2003.A.A.Balkema Publishers.

K. Baïna, K. Benali, and C. Godart. Dynamic interconnection of heterogeneous workflow processes through services, In 11th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'03), In Confederated International Conferences (DOA/CoopIS/ODBASE'03), (LNCS) 2888, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003. Springer-Verlag.

K. Baïna, S. Tata, and K. Benali. A model for process service interaction, In Conference on Business Process Management, on the Application of Formal Methods to Process-Aware Information Systems (BPM'03), LNCS 2678, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 26-27, 2003.

A. Belangour J. Bézivin, M. Fredj, Towards platform independence: a MDA organization, IT'03, Workshop on Information Technology, Rabat, Maroc, 17-19 Mars 2003.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, M. Oumsis, Méta recherche générique : vers une génération automatique des moteurs de recherche, CoPSTIC'03 Décembre 2003, Rabat, Maroc.

H. Chaarani, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A Multi-level Generic Model for Content Image Retrieval, ICISP'2003, Agadir, Marocco.

A. El Afia, A. Benchakroun, J-P. Dussault, Asymptotic Analysis of the trajectories of the logarithmic Barrier trajectories without Differentiable Objective Function, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.9, no 1, 2003, pp.99-123.

M.J. El Qasmi, A. Kriouile, L'entreprise marocaine face au changement organisationnel, Colloque de l'entreprise en action, Agadir, Maroc, 2003.

M. J. El Qasmi, A. Kriouile, Vers une nouvelle relation stratégie/système d'information, Revue de l'innovation, Canada, 2003.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam and D. Aboutajdine, A Preserving Color Space Transformation for Correlation between two Images, using FFT, novembre 2003. LMPA 199, rapport interne, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Joseph Liouville, Université de Littoral, France

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, A preserving Color Space Transformation For Correlation Between Two Images, Using FFT. IEEE ISSPIT 2003, Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, Corrélation entre deux images couleurs avec la transformée de Fourier sans perte d'information sur les couleurs, Deuxièmes Journées des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la communication, 24-25 Avril 2003, ENSAT de Tanger, Maroc.

M. Fredj, STIC Network : Design and Implementation of Multiviews Components. Application to Informations Systems, IT'03, Workshop on Information Technology, Rabat, Maroc, 17-19 Mars 2003.

W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna, K. Benali et C. Godart. Un patron pour l'interconnexion de composants distribués (CoPSTIC'03), December 11-13, 2003, Rabat, Morocco.

A. Idri, Un modèle intelligent d'estimation des coûts de développement de logiciels, Ph.D thesis, Septembre 2003, Advised by Alain Abran (ETS) and Serge Robert (UQAM), p. 250

I. Mbaye, J. Martinez, et R. Oulad Haj Thami, Un modèle de découpage progressif et d'indexation de la vidéo par le contenu. Deuxièmes Journées des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la communication, 24-25 Avril 2003, ENSAT de Tanger, Maroc.

I. Mbaye, J. Martinez, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Un modèle d'indexation de la vidéo, Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 8(5-6): 173-196 (2003).

I. Mbaye, J. Martinez, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Un modèle d'indexation pour la vidéo, in Première Conférence Pleinière STIC (CoPSTIC), Rabat, 2003.

R. Mrabet et B. Boutaleb, Toward a new classification of distance learning applications, 4th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education & Training, 7- 9 juillet 2003, Marrakech.

R. Mrabet, Distance education, an open issue for Moroccan Universities, Workshop in Information Technology, 17-19 mars 2003, Rabat, Maroc. M. Nassar, (sous la direction de A. Kriouile et B. Coulette), VUML : a Viewpoint oriented UML Extension, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'2003 - Doctoral Symposium ), Montreal, Canada, Octobre 06-10, 2003. pp. 373-376

M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A Kriouile, Génération de code dans VUML. Actes de la 1ère Conférence en Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication (CoPSTIC'03), Rabat, 11-13 décembre 2003. pp. 92-95.

M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Vers des composants multivues réutilisables, Actes du Workshop Objets, Composants et Modèles dans l'ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (OCM-SI'2003), Nancy, France, 3 juin 2003. pp. 49-54.

M. Nassar, B. Coulette, X. Crégut, S. Marcaillou, A. Kriouile, Towards a View based Unified Modeling Language, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS'03, Angers, 23-26 April 2003, pp. 257-265.

M. Nassar, VUML : a Viewpoint oriented UML extensions, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'2003 - Doctoral symposium), Montreal, Canada, October 6-10, 2003. pp. 373-376.

R. Oulad Ha Thami,j M. Daoudi. H. Chaarani. M. Rachik, Un modèle générique multiniveaux pour la recherche d'image par le contenu; Annales des Télécommunications, annals of telecommunication, Tome 58, N°3-4, mars-avril 2003.

R. Oulad Haj Thami, T. Filali Ansary, M. Daoudi, H. Chaarani, Generic: un système pour la recherche d'images basée sur les attributs visuels et les connaissances, CORESA'2003, Lyon, France, 2003

M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad haj Thami, Indexation et recherche des images de decor araboandalouses par le contenu en utilisant les ondelettes, Première Conférence Pleinière STIC (CoPSTIC), Rabat, 2003.

M. Oumsis, Q-C Pham, A. Doukkali Sdigui, B. Neyran, I. E. Magnin, Modeling and tracking of the cardiac left Ventricular motion by a state space harmonic model in MRI sequence, Second International Workshop on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart FIMH03, Juin 5-6, 2003 Lyon, France, 184-193

S. Rakrak et M. Erradi, Gestion des Services de Télécommunications, Revue de recherche Horizons, Université Mohammed V Souissi, 2003.

Sbihi B., Kriouile A., Ettalbi A., A generation of code multi-target for the VBOOM method, US-Morocco Information Technology Workshop, Rabat, Morocco, Mars 2003.

Sbihi B., Kriouile A., Ettalbi A., Coulette B., Toward a generation of code multi-target for the VBOOM method : Approach by filtering, International Conference on Software Engineering Reseach and Pratice, Las Vegas, 2003.

Sbihi B., Kriouile A., Ettalbi A., Marzak A., L'implémentation en UML de la notion de vue et point de vue issue de la méthode VBOOM, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference ICISP, Agadir, Morocco, 2003.

Sbihi B., Kriouile A., Ettalbi A., Nassar M., Implementation in UML of the points of view's notion in a Distance Education System, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET'2003), Marrakech, Morocco, 7-9 juillet 2003. 

A. Aarouda , S. E. Labhalla, B. Bounabat, Design of GSM hanover using MARDS model, Information technology and applications : Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ICITA 2004, China.

S. Achchab; A. Agouzal, Some Remarks about the Hierarchical A Posteriorie Error Estimate, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 20 (2004), no. 6, 919--932.

R. Ajhoun, A. Benkiran et D. Bouzidi, A system for an adaptative and collaborative elearning: SMART-Learning, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, e-Society 2004 Avila, Spain, 16-19 July 2004 pp:284-291

R. Ajhoun, Chapitre 8 du livre, Enseignement ouvert et à distance : épistémologie et usages, Edition Hermes, Octobre 2004 ISBN : 2-7462-0935-7

K. Baïna, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, and F. Toumani, Model-Driven Web Service Development, 2ème édition Horizons Universitaires, Revue Scientifique de l'Université Mohammed V - Souissi (Horizons'04), Décembre 2004.

K. Baïna, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, and F. Toumani. Model-driven web service development, In 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Riga, Latvia , June 7-11, 2004. Springer-Verlag.

K. Baïna, B. Benatallah, H-Y. Paik, F. Toumani, C. Rey, A. Rutkowska et B. Harianto, WSCatalogNet: An Infrastructure for Creating, Peering, and Querying e-Catalog Communities, 30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'04), 29 August - 3 September 2004, Toronto, Canada.

K. Baïna, F. Charoy, C. Godart, D. Grigori, S. el Hadri, H. Skaf-Molli, S. Akifuji, T. Sakaguchi, Y. Seki, and M. Yoshioka. CORVETTE: a cooperative workflow development experiment, Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO'04), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.232- 245. (2004)

Amine Benkiran, Samir Bennani, Bouchra Berrada, "Birth and prospects of eLearning: the common case of Morocco” Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2004. ITHET 2004. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, 31 May-2 June 2004.

M. Bennani, M. El Koutbi, and K. Nafil, Modeling Real-time Aspects using UML Scenarios, proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, pp. 200-213, Leipzig, Germany, September 2004.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, M. Oumsis, WBerg un méta Annuaire WAP, in 2nd International Symposium on Image/video Communications over fixed and mobile Networks, ISIVC'04, juillet 2004, Brest.

S. Bennani, R. Ajhoun, An open architecture for eLearning platform", Revue AMADEIA, Janvier 2004, Numéro spécial Télé-enseignement, pp 37-48.

B. Bounabat, Conduire un projet d'intégration d'ERP : Facteurs d'échec et de réussite. Le cas Bank-One / Navision, Etude de cas réalisé dans le cadre du projet MEDFORIST, 2004.

B. El Asri, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Views, subjects, roles and aspects: A comparison along software lifecycle, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto-Portugal, 14-17 April 2004.

H. El Bakkali, E-payment Security: recommendations about the use of a PKI, International Conference on E-Business and TElecommunication networks (ICETE'04), Setubal, Portugal, août 2004.

El Qasmi M. J., Kriouile A., Le management de l'information : une dimension stratégique et organisationnelle, Revue d'Information Scientifique & Technique, Vol. 14 n°01, Année 2004, pp. 135 - 152, ISSN 1111-0015

El Qasmi M. J., Kriouile A., Le management de la qualité de l'information : Une dimension stratégique et organisationnelle, Journée de recherche en Management de la qualité, ENCG, Tanger, Marco, Juin 2004.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, A New Fast Algorithm For Full Search Block Matching, ISIVC 2004, France, 2004.

W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna, K. Benali, and C. Godart. A Pattern for Interconnecting Distributed Components, In 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, April 14-17, 2004.

W. Gaaloul, S. Alaoui, H. Bakkali, K. Baïna et C. Godart, WorkflowMiner : An infrastructure for Mining Workflow Patterns, journées SITA'04, ENSIAS-Rabat, Maroc, décembre 2004.

W. Gaaloul, S. Alaoui, H. El Bakkali, K. Baïna, and C. Godart, « WorkflowMiner : An infrastructure for Mining Workflow Patterns », 3èmes Journées Nationales sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications (SITA'04), 6-7 Décembre 2004, Rabat Morocco.

A. Idri, A Abran, S. Mbarki, Validating and Understanding Software Cost Estimation Models based on Neural Networks, International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), 19-23 April, Damascus, Syria, 2004, pp. 433-438

A. Idri, A. Abran, La gestion des incertitudes dans les modèles à base de cas en estimation des coûts de logiciels, CARI, 22-25 Novembre 2004, pp. 209-217 A. Idri, A. Abran, T. Khoshgoftaar, S. Robert, Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning Models for Software Cost Estimation, Soft Computing in Software Engineering:, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 64-96.

A. Idri, S. Mbarki, A. Abran, Application du réseau de neurones RBFN à l'estimation des coûts de logiciels, CARI, 22-25 Novembre , 2004, pp. 405-413

Z. Jarir and M. Erradi , Dynamic Personalization in Component-based Application, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol 3, Numéro 9, pp. 796-800, Grace Publications Network, 2004.

Z. Jarir et M. Erradi, Vers une personnalisation des applications Web, la quatrième conférence internationale NOTERE 2004 - Les Nouvelles TEchnnologies de la Répartition, du 27 au 30 juin 2004, pp. 303-312.

I. Kassou, M. Fredj, Medforist : Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen pour le partage des ressources IST, Workshop e-learning : vers un Campus Virtuel Marocain, Agadir, Maroc, 8-10 janvier 2004.

R. Mrabet et B. Boutaleb, Toward a new classification of distance learning applications, Journal Marocain d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Traitement de Signal, pp. 61-72, Janvier 2004.

M. Nassar, B. Coulette et A. Kriouile, Génération de code dans VUML, Journal Marocain d'Automatique, d'Informatique et de Traitement du Signal, article sélectionné de la conférence COPSTIC'03. 2004. pp. 87-96.

M. Nassar, B. El Asri, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Une approche UML de composants multivues, Actes du Workshop Objets-Composants-Modèles dans l'ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (INFORSID-2004), Biarritz, France, 25 mai 2004. pp. 17-24.

H. Ouchetto, M. Fredj, O. Roudiès, Comment introduire la réutilisation dans une organisation, Journées internationales des Sciences et Technologies, Algeciras-Tanger, 14-17 décembre 2004.

M. Ouzzif, J.P. Courtiat et M. Erradi, Un protocole de Floor Control" basé sur un mécanisme d'exclusion mutuelle distribué dynamique, NOTERE juin 2004, Saidia, Maroc

A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, M. Daoudi, J-P Vandeborre, Classification des objets 3D basée sur la logique floue, Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA'2004), Lille, France, 25-26 mai 2004 

A. Aarouda, S. E. Labhalla, B. Bounabat, Modelling the Handover function of Global System for Mobile Communication, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation- ACTA Press, Vol 25, n° 2, pp 99-105, 2005.

S. Achchab, Perturbation singulière d'un modèle de croissance avec retard dans un environnement hétérogène, Collogue Maghrébin Tendance pour les Applications des Mathématiques TAM-TAM, Tunisie (2005).

K. Baïna, I. Berrada, and L. Kjiri, A Balanced Scoreboard Experiment for Business Process Performance Monitoring : Case study, 1st International E-Business Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, 24-25 June 2005.

K. Baina, I. Berrada, L. Kjiri, Applying Business Intelligence to Business Process Perfomance Monitoring Experiment, 4th International Conference on Operations Research, CIRO'05 Marrakech, 22-26 Mai 2005.

K. Baïna, K. Benali et C. Godart. DISCOBOLE: A service Architecture for Interconnecting Workflow Processes (Computers in Industry'05) - Special issue Concurrent Engineering (CE'03), Elsevier Science Publisher, 2005.

A. Belangour, J. Bézivin et M. Fredj, The Design Decision Assistant Tool : a contribution to MDA approach, IDM'05, dans ouvrage collectif Actes des 1ères Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, S. Gérard, J.M. Favre, P.A. Muller, X. Blanc, Editors Paris, ISBN 2- 7261-1284-6, 2005.

B. Berrada, “Amélioration de la qualité d’apprentissage de l’apprenant en FOAD”, 3ème rencontre AIPU, Section nationale, 29 Avril 2005.

I. Berrada, Etude de cas ONE, dans livre Rising to the Digital Challenge: Lessons from Mediterranean Entreprises, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Centre TIME, 2005

I. Berrada, R. Boujemaoui, G. Sebban, Amélioration de la Qualité de Service en Télécommunication : Etude de cas, 1st International E-Business Conference, IEBC'05, Hammamet, Tunisia, 24-25 Juin 2005.

B. Chapelet, O. Aba, B. Bounabat, A. Dogac, G. Khoury, S. Savvides, Rising to the Digital Challenge: Lessons from Mediterranean Entreprises, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Centre TIME, 2005.

X. Crégut, S. Ebersold, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, Un patron de génération de code pour le profil VUML", OCM 2005, Actes des Journées du groupe Objets, Composants et Modèles, Berne, 9-11 mars 2005, pp. 5-11.

K. Doumi, K. Baïna, and S. Mouline Un modèle de Data Warehouse des processus de Workflow pour le e-business, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (WOTIC'05), Kénitra, Morocco, 24- 25 juin 2005.

A. El Afia, A. Benchakroun, J-P. Dussault, K. El Yassini, Nouvelle stratégie d'extrapolation pour Log-barrière dans le cas non régulier, CIRO, vol.1, 2005, pp. 81-97

B. El Asri, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Assemblage de composants multivues par contrats, Actes du XXIIIème Congrès INFORSID, Grenoble, France, 24-27 mai, 2005. pp. 29- 44.

B. El Asri, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, MultiViews component for information development, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2005), Miami, USA, May 24-28, 2005. pp. 217-225.

M. El Koutbi, M. Bennani et K. Nafil, Une extension des scénarios UML pour la modélisation des contraintes de temps réel et de sécurité, Actes des Journées Annuelles d'Informatique JAI'05, Mai 2005.

M. El Koutbi, M. Jakimi, Approches transformationnelles et génération de code, Actes du Workshop en Technologies de l'Information et des Communications (WOTIC'05), Kenitra, Septembre 2005.

K. El Yassini, A. Benchakroun, J-P. Dussault, A. El Afia, Approche suivi de trajectoire de type intérieur-extérieur pour la programmation linéaire, CIRO, vol.1, 2005, pp. 39-54

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, A New Fast Full Search Block Matching Algorithm Using Frequency Domain, IEEE ISSPA, Australie, 2005.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, A New Integer and Reversible Color Transform for an Efficient Extension of Phase Correlation Method to Color Images, IEEE SMC 2005, Hawaii, USA, 2005.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, Estimation de mouvement dans les séquences vidéo, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, WOTIC'05, Kénitra, 2005.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine and A. Salam, Video Summarization Based on Object Disappearance, ICMS' 05, Marrakech, Morocco, 2005.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, Estimation de mouvement dans les séquences vidéo, Journées Traitement d'images : Recherches & Applications, Rabat, 2005.

W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna, and C. Godart, Towards Mining Structural Workflow Patterns, 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 - 26 August 2005. W. Gaaloul, S. Alaoui, K. Baïna, and C. Godart, Mining Workflow Patterns through Eventdata Analysis, Workshop on Teamware: supporting scalable virtual teams in multiorganizational settings, IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 31 January - 4 February 2005 in Trento, Italy. R. Gombotz, K. Baïna, and S. Dustdar, Towards Web Services Interaction Mining Architecture For e-commerce Applications Analysis, In International Conference on EBusiness and E-learning, Amman 23-24 May 2005. Y. Hadi, F. Essannouni et R. Oulad Haj Thami, Résumé Vidéo Basé sur la Disparition d'Objet Vidéo, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Kénitra, Maroc, 24-25 juin 2005. Y.Hadi, F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Résumé Vidéo Basé sur les Objets Sémantiques dans une Vidéo, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Kenitra, 2005. Z. Jarir and M. Erradi, An Adaptable Middleware for Personalizing Web Applications WEBIST-2005, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Mai 2005, Miami USA. C. Leghris et R. Mrabet, Vers une nouvelle vision des applications Mobile Learning, International E-Business Conference (IEBC 2005), 23-25 Juin 2005, Hammamet, Tunisie. I. Mbaye, R. Oulad Haj Thami, J. Martinez, A Model for Indexing Videos and Still Images from the Moroccan Cultural Heritage, in IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing MMSP 2005, Shangai, China, 2005. I. Mbaye, R. Oulad Haj Thami, José Martinez, Navigation dans une base d'images et de vidéos: application au patrimoine culturel marocain, in Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la communication, Kénitra, Maroc, 24- 25 juin 2005. R. Mrabet et C. Leghris, Classification of e-learning applications in a context of mobility, 1st International Conference on E-Business & E-Learning (EBEL'05), 23-25 mai 2005, Amman, Jordanie.

R. Mrabet, Le rôle du e-learning dans la formation des formateurs dans le secteur de la formation professionnelle au Maroc, étude réalisée pour la Fondation Européenne de la Formation, Turin, Italie, décembre 2005.

M. Nassar, B. Coulette, J. Guiochet, S. Ebersold, B. El Asri, X. Crégut, A. Kriouile, Vers un profil UML pour la conception de composants multivues, Revue L'Objet Volume 11 - N4/2005, 2005. pp. 83-113.

H. Ouchetto, D. Chiadmi et M. Fredj, A comparative study of the e-Government architectures, EBEL'05, International Conference on E-Business & E-learning, Amman, Jordanie, 23-24 Mai 2005.

H. Ouchetto, D. Chiadmi, M. Fredj et O. Roudiès, Towards architectural patterns for the eMorocco, ICMS'2005, IEEE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, General Applications and Models in Engineering Science, Marrakech, Maroc, 22- 24 Novembre 2005.

H. Ouchetto, D. Chiadmi, M. Fredj, O. Roudiès, Towards architectural patterns for the eMorocco, IEEE International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ICMS'05), 22 - 24 Novembre 2005, Marrakech, Maroc.

H. Ouchetto, M. Fredj et O. Roudiès, E-gouvernement : quels besoins en architecture, IEBC'05, International E-Business Conference, Hammamet, 23-25 juin 2005.

M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad haj Thami, Rachid, Benslimane, Mohamed Daoudi, Une nouvelle technique pour l'indexation des arabesques basée sur la dimension fractale, CORESA'2005, Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels ,7 - 8 Novembre 2005, Rennes, France, 2005.

M. Ould Djibril, Rachid Oulad haj Thami, Recherche et Indexation des arabesques, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, WOTIC'05, Kénitra, 2005.

M. Ouzzif and M. Erradi, Cooperative exercises over a multimedia videoconferencing system, EISTA 2005 Orlando, Florida USA July 2005.

M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi et Jean Pierre Courtiat, Gestion dynamique d'un groupe cooperatif dans un environnement de vidéoconférence, NOTERE 2005, Congrès international sur les Nouvelles TEchnnologies de la Répartition, Ottawa-Hull, Canada, Aout-Sept 2005.

A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, H. Zouaki, Mesure de la symétrie d'un objet 3D, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, WOTIC'05, Kénitra, 2005.

A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, M. Daoudi, J-P Vandeborre, Une méthode bayésienne pour la Classification des Objets 3D, In JFMMA 05, 2005

A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Placage d'une texture 2D sur un objet 3D, Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, WOTIC'05 Kénitra, 2005.

A. Tragha, F. Omary, A. Kriouile, Genetic algorithms inspired cryptography, Journal AMSE, 2005. 

A. Anwar, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, S. Ebersold, A. Kriouile, Vers la fusion de modèles par points de vues avec le profil VUML, Actes du Workshop Objets-Composants-Modèles dans l'ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (OCM-SI'2006), Hammamet, Tunisie, 31 mai 2006. pp. 50-61.

K. Baïna, W. Gaaloul, R. El Khattabi, and A. Mouhou, WorkflowMiner : a New Workflow Patterns and Performance Analysis tool, 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'06) Forum, Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, June 5-9, 2006.

A. Bellaachia, E. Vommina (USA), and B. Berrada (Morocco), « Minel: a framework for mining e-learning logs », International Association of Science And Technology For Development, Proceedings of the 5th IASTED international conference on Web-based Education, 2006.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, A. El Ouerkhaoui, A solution for data extraction by a new approach :The method of gene/clone, in International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World 2006(ICT4M) 21-23 November 2006, Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, A. El Ouerkhaoui, BERG 2.2: a Meta search engine for on-line directories, International Symposium on Communications And Information Technologies" (ISCIT 2006) 18-20 October 2006, Bangkok, Thailande

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, El Ouerkhaoui Asmaa, A New Solution for Data Extraction: GENE/LONE Method, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security -IJCSNS volume 8, 2006.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, La recherche sur Internet: nouveaux concepts nouveaux outils, in 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Mars 2006, Dubai/Sharah, UAE.

E.H. Ben Lahmar, A. Sdigui Doukkali, Towards An Automatic Extraction Of Data from Half Structured Documents, in second IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing" (ISCCSP 2006), Mars 2006, Marrakech, Maroc

B. Berrada, S. Janah, S. Fazouane, S. Bennani , Suivi de la participation des apprenants dans un modèle socio-constructiviste, Maghrebian Conference on Information Technologies - MCSEAI’06, December 07-09, 2006.

D. Bouzidi, R Ajhoun, A. Benkiran, les annotations pour un apprentissage collaboratifJOCAIR2006 Premières Journées Communication et Apprentissage Instrumentés en RéseauAmiens, 6-7 juillet 2006.

D. Bouzidi, R. Ajhoun, A. Benkiran, The use of the annotations in a collaborative activity of reading an online hypermedia course document, ITHET06, Sydney, Australie 10-13 juillet 2006.

B. Coulette, Y. Lakhrissi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Notion de Patron Multivues : application du
profil VUML, Actes du Workshop Objets-Composants-Modèles dans l'ingénierie des
Systèmes d'Information (OCM-SI'2006), Hammamet, Tunisie, 31 mai 2006. pp. 74-85.
B. El Asri, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Architecture d'assemblage dynamique de
composants multivues dans VUML, Actes du XXIVème Congrès INFORSID
(INFORSID'2006), Hammamet, Tunisie, 31 Mai- 3 Juin 2006. pp. 943-958.
M. El Koutbi, Ingénierie des Scénarios UML, Conférencier invité, Actes du Colloque
International Sur l'Informatique et ses Applications, IA'2006, Novembre 2006, Oujda.
M. El Koutbi, A. Jakimi and A. Sabraoui, Automatic Composition of UML Scenarios,
Accepted at the International Conference ICT4M'06, 21-23 Novembre 2006, Malaysia.
M. El Koutbi, A. Jakimi, R. K. Keller and E. Badidi, Scenarios Engineering, some Lessons
Learned, proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication
Technologies, From Theory to Applications (ICTTA'06). pp.65-66, Syria, 2006.
M. El Koutbi, I. Khriss, and R. K. Keller, Automated Prototyping of User Interfaces based on
UML Scenarios, the Automated Software Engineering Journal, 13, pp. 5-40, 2006.
N. Enneya and M. El Koutbi, Using Mobility to Enhance OLSR Performance, Accepted at the
International Conference ICT4M'06, 21-23 Novembre 2006, Malaysia.
N. Enneya, M. El Koutbi and A. Berqia, Enhancing AODV Performance based on Statistical
Mobility Quantification, In the proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on
Information & Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications (ICTTA'06). p
893-894, Syria, 2006.
F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, An efficient fast full search
block matching algorithm using FFT algorithms, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer
Science and Network Security, Vol.6 No.3B, March 2006.
F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, An Optimal and Statistically
Robust Correlation Technique For Block Based Motion Estimation, IEEE ICME
2006,Toronto, Canada, 2006.
F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam, D. Aboutajdine, Fast Algorithm for SSD
Block Matching Using Fast Fourier Transform, ICM'06. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2006
F. Essannouni, Y.Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, A New Optimal
Frequency Motion Estimation Algorithm, ISCCSP 2006, March 2006, Marrakech, Morocco,
W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna et C. Godart, A Bottom-upWorkflow Mining Approach forWorkflow
Applications Analysis, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in ECommerce
and Services (DEECS'06), In Conjunction with CEC'06 and EEE'06, San
Francisco, California, June 26, 2006.
Y. Hadi, F. Essannouni and R. Oulad Haj Thami, Unsupervised Clustering by k-medoids for
Video Summarization, ISCCSP 2006, March 2006, 13-15 Marrakech, Morocco, 2006
Y. Hadi, F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Driss Aboutajdine and Ahmed Salam, Cut
Detection Using Complex Correlation Block Matching Algorithm, Les 5ème Journées
d'Optique & du Traitement de l'Information, INPT - Rabat, 19 et 20 avril 2006.
Y. Hadi, F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A. Salam and D. Aboutajdine, A New
Approach for Cut Detection Using Color Histogram, ISIVC, Tunisie, 2006.
Y. Hadi, F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Video Summarization by k-medoid Clustering,
ACM SAC 06, Dijon, France, 2006.
A. Hamlili, Reliability Evaluation and Prediction of Improvable, Information and
Communication Networks, Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA’06
2nd, IEEE, Vol. 2, pp. 3587 – 3592, 2006, Available on :
A. Idri, A. Abran and S. Mbarki, An Experiment on the Design of Radial Basis Function
Neural Networks for Software Cost Estimation, Second IEEE International Conference on
Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), 24-28
April, Damascus, Syria, 2006, pp. 230-235.
A. Idri, A. Zahi, A. Abran, Generating Fuzzy set terms using Fuzzy C-means and Real Coded
Genetic Algorithms for Software Project Attributes, to be presented at the First International
Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, Kuala
Lampur, 21-23 November. 2006.
A. Idri, A. Zahi, A. Abran, Software Cost Estimation by Fuzzy Analogy for Web Hypermedia
Applications, International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurements,
Cadiz, 6-8 November. 2006.
Z. Jarir et M. Erradi, Personnalisation des applications Web pour une meilleure QoS, Congrès
international sur les Nouvelles TEchnnologies de la Répartition, NOTERE 2006, Toulouse
Z. Maamar, K. Baïna, D. Benslimane, N. Narendra, and M. Chelbabi, Towards a Contextual
Model-Driven Development Approach for Web Services, 8th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'06), Paphos, Cyprus, 23 - 27 May 2006.
I. Mbaye, J. Martinez, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Galois' Lattice for Video Navigation in a DBMS,
In Int. Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security,
MRCS'2006, volume 4105 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, pages
418-425, Istanbul, Turquie, Septembre 2006.
R. Mrabet et R. Ajhoun, Stratégie de mise en place du Centre de Ressources Universitaires
pour le télé-enseignement et expérience acquise à• travers les projets EUMEDIS, Global
International Conference, Developing a common platform for global co-operation (GUIDE
2006), 13-14 février 2006, Rome, Italie.
M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A new Quadtree-based Symmetry Transform (QST)
with application to arab-andalusian images indexing, ISCCSP'2006, IEEE Second
International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing , 13 - 15 March
2006, Marrakech, Morocco, 2006.
M. Ould Djibril, Youssef Hadi, and R. Oulad Haj Thami, Fundamental Region Based
Indexing and classification of Islamic Star Pattern Images, Image Analysis and Recognition
book, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, Volume 4142/2006, Pages
865-876, 2006.
M. Ould Djibril, Youssef Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami and Mohamed Daoudi, A New Multiscale
Method for Islamic Star Pattern Images Indexing, IEEE ICTTA'06, Damascus, Syria,
April 24 - 28, 2006.
M. Ouzzif et Mohammed Erradi, Traitement des pannes lors d'une session coopérative
synchrone, Congrès international sur les Nouvelles TEchnnologies de la Répartition,
NOTERE 2006, Toulouse France.
A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A Bayesian Decision for 3D Object retrieval and
classification, In International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security -IJCSNS
volume 8 , 2006.
A. Sadiq, R. Oulad Haj Thami, M. Daoudi, J-P Vandeborre, A Bayesian Decision For 3D
Object Retrieval and Classification, The second IEEE-EURASIP International Symposium
on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2006), Mars 2006, Marrakech,
A. Sadiq, R. Oulad HajThami, M. Daoudi, J-P Vandeborre, 3D Textured Objects Indexing by
Mixing Texture and Shape Features, in ICTTA 06 Syria, 2006.
A. Sdigui Doukkali, E.H. Ben Lahmar, Le contenu arabe en ligne: études quantitatives et
qualitatives, in 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and
Applications, Mars 2006, Dubai/Sharah, UAE.  

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Personalization of a group learning situation, First International Conference on ICT & Accessibility ICTA'07, p181-185, 12-14 Avril 2007, Hammamat, Tunisia.

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, The Personalization of an individual and a group learning situation, IEEE Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium ICTIS’2007, ISBN: 9954-877-0-2. p 51-54, April 3-5, 2007, Fes, Morocco.

A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Vers une approche à base de règles pour la composition de modèles : application au profil VUML, Revue RSTI-L'Objet (numéro spécial Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles), Vol 13/4, p 73-103.

A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A. Baayer, M El Koutbi, Sécurisation du protocole de routage OLSR , WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

K. Baïna, Wfeselector - a tool for comparing and selecting workflow engines. In Jorge Cardoso, José Cordeiro, and Joaquim Filipe, editors, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'07) (1), Volume DISI, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 12-16, 2007, pages 330-337, 2007.

K. Baïna, F.Z. Azayite, N. Belakbir, H. Srir, K. Benali, Workflow engines comparison model. In Colette Rolland, Oscar Pastor, and Jean-Louis Cavarero, editors, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'07), Ouarzazate, Morocco, April 23-26, 2007, pages 289-296, 2007.

A. Belangour, J. Bézivin, M. Fredj, M2T : Une amélioration du processus 2TUP dans le contexte du MDA, revue AMADEIA, 2007.

K. Belkass, Romadi, Redirection d’une session SIP suite à une préemption réseau, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

Y. Benadada Y., A. El Afia, S. Achchab, Problème de Distribution de Carburant, A paraître dans la revue HORIZON .

Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, S. Achchab, Problème de Distribution de Carburant : un modèle mathématique, A paraître dans les actes des Journées d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Décisionnelles.

E. Bendriss, B. Regragui, Architecture Distribuée pour la Prévention d'Intrusion Basée sur Honeyd, NOTERE’07 Marrakech , Maroc.

H. Berbia, M. Belkasmi, F. Ayoub, R. Romadi, Optimisation des performances d’un décodeur à base d’algorithmes génétiques, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

B. Berrada, Suivi des contributions des groupes d’apprenants en FOAD, RES@TICE, Journées Scientifiques de Rabat, 14 Décembre 2007.

I. Berrada, H. Machchour, Méthodologie pour la mise en place d’un outil de veille stratégique, 1er Colloque sur la Veille et Text mining organisé par le Centre National de Documentation de Rabat, les 24 et 25 Mai 2007.

M. Berrada, B. Bounabat, M. Harti, Modelling and Simulation of Multi-Agent Reactive Decisional Systems using Business Process Management Concepts, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol.2 N.2, pp. 159-169, Mars 2007.

M. Berrada, B. Bounabat, M. Harti, Process Management Oriented Modeling and Simulation for Multi-Agents Reactive Decisional Systems, The IEEE Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium (ICTIS’07), Fez, Morocco, 03-05 Avril 2007.

M. Berrada, B. Bounabat, M. Harti, Process Management Oriented Qualitative Verification for Multi-Agents Reactive Decisional Systems. InfoComp - Journal of Computer Sciences, à paraître dans Vol.6 N.4, December, 2007.

B. Bounabat, T. Debbagh, I. Alaoui Ismaïli, Livre blanc : Livre de Référence de la Stratégie e-Maroc 2010 : Réalisations, Orientations et plans d’action ; Publié par le Ministère du Commerce, de l’Industrie et des Technologies NouvellesDépartement de la Poste, des Télécommunications et des Technologies de l’Information (DEPTTI), Septembre, 2007.

H. El Bakkali, A New Trust Model for Reasoning about PKI, 6th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium (I2TS’07), Brasília, Brazil, Décembre 2007.

F. El Bouanani, H. Berbia, M. Belkasmi, H. Ben-azza, Comparaison des décodeurs de Chase, l’OSD et ceux basés sur les algorithmes génétiques, colloque GRETSI, Troyes, France, Septembre 2007.

Y. El Ghayam, M. Erradi, M. Ouzzif, Vers une Plateforme Collaborative Mobile pour le Télédiagnostic, First International Conference of E-Medical Systems (EmediSys), Fes, 24-26 octobre 2007.

Y. El Ghayam, M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi, Gestion des déconnexions lors d’une session coopérative MOBILE synchrone, WOTIC’07, 5-6 Juillet 2007, Rabat.

M.D. El Kettani, De la pertinence d’un dispositif de FOAD basé sur les systèmes embarqués, Colloque RESATICE 2007, 13-14 décembre 2007, Rabat, Maroc.

M. El Koutbi, A. Jakimi, A. Sabraoui, Ingénierie des scénarios UML Scenario engineering, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

R. El Meziane, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, K. Baïna, Détermination du niveau de consommation des abonnés en téléphonie mobile par la théorie des ensembles flous, In M. NoirhommeFraiture et G. Venturini, editors, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, volume RNTI-E-9 of Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, pages 215-216. Cépaduès-Éditions, 2007.

Y. Elghayam, M. Erradi, M. Ouzzif, Vers Une plateforme Collaborative Mobile pour le Télédiagnostic, International Conference on E-Medical Systems, E-Medisys’2007, Fez Morocco.

N. Enneya, K. Oudidi, M. El Koutbi, Enhancing Performance of the OLSR Protocol, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

M. Erradi, Applications Collaboratives Multimédias Distribuées : Etat de l’Art et Axes de Recherches, JIMD’2007, Meknes, Maroc.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, Optimal Frequency SSD Matching Using Cosine Kernel, ICECS 2007. 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Volume , Issue , 11-14 Dec. 2007 p 119 - 122.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, Adjustable SAD Matching Algorithm Using Frequency Domain, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol 1, N° 4, 2007, p 257-265.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, Dominant motion pattern search block matching algorithm, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, L4 Template Matching Using Frequency Domain, IEE Electronic Letters, Volume: 43, , pages 507-508, 2007.

F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thami, D. Aboutajdine, A. Salam, Fast Exhaustive Block-Based Motion Vector Estimation Algorithm Using FFT, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol 32, n° 2C, 2007, p 61-74.

A. Hajami, M. El Koutbi, Utilisation de IPsec pour sécuriser le protocole AODV, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

A. Hamlili, Network Security: Evaluation, Prediction and Control. Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies Proceedings (WOTIC’07), Rabat, Morocco, July 5-6 2007

A. Idri, Z. Bekkali , Etude Préalable pour évaluer la fiabilité des applications opérant dans des environnements mobiles, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat, pp 245-249.

A. Idri, E. Mendes, A. Zakrani, Web Cost Estimation Models using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurements, Mallorca, 5-8 November. 2007, pp.48-58.

A. Idri, A. Zahi, A. Abran, Impacts des techniques de construction des ensembles flous sur la précision d’un modèle d’estimation des coûts de logiciels par Analogie floue, SETIT, 25-27 Mars, 2007, pp. 131-139.

A. Idri, A. Zakrani, A. Abran, Mendes, E., Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Web Applications Cost Estimation, 4th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 18-20, 2007, pp. 576-580.

A. Idri, A. Zakrani, Construction d’un RBFN Networks par Fuzzy Cmeans pour l’estimation des coûts des applications web, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat, pp 31-34.

A. Jakimi, A. Sabraoui, E. Badidi , A. Idri, M. El Koutbi, Use Cases and Scenarios Engineering, 4th IEEE International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT’07), 18-20 November, 2007, Dubai, UAE, pp 521-525.

A. Jakimi, A. Sabraoui, M. El Koutbi, Towards a Unified Model of Interactions (UMI), NOTERE’07, 4-8 décembre 2007, Marrakech.

A. Jakimi, A. Sabraoui, M. El Koutbi, A. Idri, A new approach for composing UML scenarios and code generation, 4th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT’07), 25-29 March, 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia,

A. Jakimi, M. El Koutbi, Génération de code à partir de diagramme de séquence, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

A. Jakimi, M. El Koutbi, Génération de code à partir de diagramme d’état UML, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

A. Jakimi, M. El Koutbi, H. Sadki, Vers un langage unifié pour la description des interactions, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

B. Jalal, B. Elmehdi, B. Regragui, Architecture fonctionnelle et modélisation d’un IPS basée sur le développement orienté modèle (MDA) , WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Modélisation orientée service multivue des systèmes, WOTIC’07, 5-6 Juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Vers des services multivues contextuels, Actes du 1er Workshop International sur « Informatique Mobile et Applications » (WMCA’2007), En parallèle avec NOTERE 2007 (Nouvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition), Marrakech, 4-8 Juin 2007.

M. Lahmer, M. Belkasmi, Iterative Threshold Decoding of Majority Logic Decodable Codes on Rayleigh Fading Channels, Conference internationale SETIT Mars 2007 Hammamet, Tunisie.

M. Lahmer, M. Belkasmi, Iterative Threshold Decoding of One Step Majority Logic Decodable block Codes, IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology ISSPIT December 2007 Cairo, Egypt.

Y. Lakhrissi, I. Ober , B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile , Vers la notion de machine à états multivue dans le profil VUML, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

H. Machchour, K. El Himdi, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, Veille et extraction de concepts : étude de cas dans le domaine des télécommunications, Proceeding de la conférence internationale VSST, Octobre 2007, Marrakech, Maroc.

H. Machchour, K. El Himdi, Le Text mining une technologie Data Mining pour l’analyse approfondie des données textuelles, 1er Colloque sur la Veille et Text mining organisé par le Centre National de Documentation de Rabat, les 24 et 25 Mai 2007.

M. Nassar, B. El Asri, A. Kriouile, B. Coulette, Prise en compte des dépendances interacteurs dans VUML, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

J. Oubah, M. El Koutbi, Evaluation de performance d’une interconnexion Wifi DiffSev MPLS , WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

H. Ouchetto, M. Fredj, O. Roudiès, Un pattern de publication de contenu d’un portail e-gouvernement, workshop on Management and Integration in E-gov Architectures, en parallèle avec la 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE’07), Marrakech, Maroc, 4-8 Juin, 2007.

H. Ouchetto, M. Fredj, O. Roudiès, Des patterns processus pour l’e-gouvernement, Revue internationale e-TI, n°4, 2007.

K. Oudidi, N. Enneya, M. El Koutbi, Mesure de la mobilité dans les réseaux Adhoc , WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

K. Oudidi, A. Mouchtaki, A. Hajami, N. Enneya, M. El Koutbi, Vers une amélioration des performances du protocole de routage AODV , NOTERE’07 Marrakech – Maroc.

B. Outtaj, R. Ajhoun, Y. Bouzekri Idrissi, M. Sidir; Towards a model for evaluating the Elearner's behaviour, First International Conference on ICT & Accessibility ICTA'07, p 149-153, 12-14 Avril 2007, Hammamat, Tunisie.

B. Outtaj, R. Ajhoun, Y. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, Z. Dabbou, Critères d’analyse du comportement de l’apprenant dans une situation de téléapprentissage, 1er Congrès International TNICE-EP, 2007 Marrakech, Maroc.

M. Quafafou, Z. Jarir, M. Erradi, Services orchestration for web information extraction, International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP'07) Seoul, Korea, Octobre 2007.

M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad Haj Thami, iGEOARTi Search: Un système pour l'indexation et la recherche des images de l'art géométrique islamique, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad Haj Thami., Islamic Geometrical Patterns Indexing and Classification Using Discrete Symmetry Groups, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. Janvier 2007.

M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi, H. Mountassir, Description of a teleconferencing floor control protocol and its implementation, International Scientific Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Revue Internationale EAAI, 2007.

A. Radi, B. Regragui, A. Ramrami, Mise en place d’un IPS par Détection d’Intrusion à trois niveaux et Corrélation des alertes, VSST’2007, 21-25 octobre 2007, Marrakech, Maroc.

A. Sadiq, Y. Tabii , R. Oulad Haj Thami, Indexation des objets 3d avec les graphes de reeb multi-resolution, in Workshop sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, WOTIC, Rabat, 5-6 juillet 2007.

R. Saidi, N. Arnaud, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, Multi-view Variability Modelling for Business Component Reuse, IEEE First international workshop on Methods and Design models for Health Information Systems (MeDeHIS'07), Lyon, France, Octobre 2007.

R. Saidi, N. Arnaud, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, Multi-view Variability Modelling for Business Component Reuse, IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI’07), Las Vegas, Août 2007.

R. Saidi, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Une approche par composants pour les systèmes coopératifs : cas des applications E-Gov, workshop on Management and Integration in E-gov Architectures, 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition Marrakech (NOTERE’07), Marrakech, Maroc, 4-8 Juin, 2007.

R. Saidi, A. Front, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Concepts clés et techniques de la Variabilité pour la Réutilisation des Composants Métier, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.

B. Slayki, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Application de l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles aux Systèmes Multi-Agents, 7ème Conférence Internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition Marrakech (NOTERE’07), Session Poster, Marrakech, Maroc, 4-8 Juin, 2007. ISBN : 9981-9704-7-6.

Y. Tabii, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A method for soccer cut detection, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.  

Y. Tabii, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A new method for soccer shot detection with multi-resolution dct, 12èmes journées d'étude et d'échange Compression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, CORESA, Montpellier, France, 8-9 novembre 2007.

Y. Tabii, M. Ouled djibril, Y. Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A new method for video soccer shot classification , 2nd International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications, VISAPP, Barcelona, Espagne, 8-11 march, 2007.

F. Touré, K. Baina, L. Kjiri, Etat de l’art des algorithmes de validation des modèles de procédés métiers : vers une approche unifiée pour supporter la fiabilité lors de la conception, WOTIC’07, 5-6 juillet 2007, ENSIAS, Rabat.  

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, A Framework For Enabling Personalization Centred Learning Context, In 5th Congress of Scientific Research Outlook and Technology Development in the Arab World “Scientific Innovation and Sustained Development". October 26-30, 2008 Fez-Morocco.

S. Achchab, Dynamics of controlled linear discrete-time models: Projected System, International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence, 14-16 février 2008, Hammamet, Tunisie

S. Achchab, Six Sigma : sélection de projets à partir de deux critères: le risque et le bénéfice , Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

S. Achchab, Singular perturbation of single species model with time-delay, International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (IJMS), 2, p 18- 29, 2008.

R. Ajhoun, A. Begdouri, A. Berqia, Mobilité et apprentissage : quel avenir ?, Revue Formamente International research journal on digital future, p. 177 à 184, N° 1-2/2008, ISSN 1970-7118

M. Alberto Pires de Barros et M. El Koutbi, Performances du protocole MAODV dans une course automobile, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

M. Alberto Pires de Barros et M. El Koutbi, Evaluation du protocole MAODV dans un réseau fortement mobile, Poster dans le Workshop sur les nouvelles générations de réseaux, WNGN’08. Fès, Juillet 2008.

A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Towards a generic approach for model composition, Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2008), October 26-31, 2008, Sliema, Malta.

A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, A QVT-Based approach for model composition: Application to the VUML Profile, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’08)”, Barcelona, Spain, 12-16 June 2008.

A. Atahran, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, Problème de Distribution de Produits Pétroliers-GPL, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

A. Baayer, N. Enneya et M. El Koutbi, A Recent Survey on Key Management Schemes in MANET. International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA’08, Damascus, Syria, April 2008.

K. Baïna, S. Baïna, S. Slimani. Business process governance management. Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

K. Baïna, F. Touré, F. Kharroubi. Workflowchecker : Graph oriented verification tool. Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

S. Baina, P-Y. Ansias, M. Petit, A. Castiaux, Strategic Business/IT Alignment using Goal Models Formalism, (BUSITAL'08) held in conjunction with CAiSE'08 Conference.

Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, S. Achchab, Problème de Distribution de Produits Pétroliers, Canadian Operational Research Society / Optimization Day (CORS/JOPT), Québec, 12-14 mai 2008.

A. Begdouri, R. Ajhoun, A. Berqia, Mlearning : nouvelle plate forme mobile ou extension de l'existant ? , Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques appliquées, CARI’08. Rabat, 27-3O octobre 2008.

M. Belkasmi, A. Ferchane, Iterative decoding of parallel concatenated blocks, proceedings of of ICCCE 2008, International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 13-15 mai 2008, pp 230-235.

M. Belkasmi, M. Lahmer, Exit chart pour le décodage à seuil itératif des codes à logique majoritaire, 9ème Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique - CARI'08, Rabat, 27-30 Octobre 2008.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, MDA et Ontologie, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

H. Berbia, M. Belkasmi, F. Elbouanani, F. Ayoub, On the Decoding of Convolutional Codes Using Genetic Algorithms, proceedings of ICCCE 2008. International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 13-15 mai 2008, pp 667-671.

H. Berbia, F. Elbouanani; M. Belkasmi, R. Romadi, An Enhanced Genetic Algorithm Based Decoder for Linear Codes, 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008, 7-11 April 2008, pp 1-5

H. Berbia, F. Elbouanani; M. Belkasmi, An efficient decoder based on the genetic algorithms over a fading multipath channel in CDMA-based cellular systems, 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008. ICTTA 2008, 7-11 April 2008, pp.

H. Berbia, F. Elbouanani; M. Belkasmi, Iterative decoding of product block codes based on the genetic algorithms, proceedings of 7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding, 14-16 Janvier 2008

B. Berrada, Exemple de coopération internationale en FOAD favorisant la collaboration SUD-SUD, Congrès IP3S 2008 Internet et Pédagogie des Sciences de la Santé et du Sport, Marrakech, 3 novembre 2008

I. Berrada, M. Bekkar, O. Benkhadra, K. El Himdi, I. Kassou, N. Harchaoui, Résolution de la problématique du churn en téléphonie mobile : étude de cas, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008

B. Bounabat, Organisation des Réseaux Virtuels : Cas du Réseau National de l’Information Industrielle du Maroc, SIIE’2008, 14-16 février 2008, Hammamet, Tunisie

B. Bounabat, Méthodologie pour l’évaluation qualitative du gouvernement électronique local dans les Pays en Voie de Développement, AFME’2008, Grenoble, 27 et 28 Mars 2008.

B. Bounabat, Le point sur le e - Cas des réseaux Virtuels, AFME’2008, Grenoble, 27 - 28 Mars 2008.

B. Bounabat, Feuille de Route pour la mise en œuvre des principes directeurs de l’UNESCO pour le développement et la promotion de l’Information du Domaine Public Gouvernemental en Mauritanie ; UNESCO, Juin 2008.

B. Bounabat, Cadre général d’Interopérabilité du Maroc, Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et des Technologies Nouvelles, Septembre 2008

N. Daoudi, R. Ajhoun, An adapatation af E-learning standard to M-learning, Interactive Journal of Mobile Technologies, Vol 2, N° 3, 2008.

N. Daoudi, R. Ajhoun, Y. Ebobissé, Design of an Interoperable and Hybrid (E & M ) Architecture : Application to E & Mobile Learning, Proceedings of Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 24-26 september 2008, Vienna, Austria.

N. Daoudi, R. Ajhoun, Pedagogy in Mobile Learning, Proceedings of Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 24-26 september 2008, Vienna, Austria.

N. Daoudi, R. Ajhoun, Y. Ebobissé, Environnement de développement d’applications hybrides : PCs et Mobiles,. 1er Workshop sur les Nouvelles Générations de Réseaux : La Mobilité, 18-19 juillet 2008, Fès, Maroc.

A. El Afia, A. Benchakroun, J.-P. Dussault and K. El Yassini, Asymptotic analysis of the trajectories of the logarithmic barrier algorithm without contraint qualifications, RAIRO-Operations Research, Vol 42, N°2, pp 157-198, 2008.

A. El Afia, H. Soltani, Planification des réseaux cellulaires UMTS, Rencontre Nationale en informatique : Outils et applications RNIOA’08, Errachidia 5-7 Juin 2008

A. El Afia, H. Soltani, A Benders decomposition algorithm for global planning problem of UMTS telecommunication networks, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

A. El Afia, R. Edaoudi, Un système de recommandation hybride total SR3CDWS, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

H. El Bakkali, Towards by-passing Large Scale PKI Limitations, 1 workshop sur les réseaux nouvelles generation : la mobilité, Wngn 2008, Fès, 18-19 Juillet 2008.

H. El Bakkali, H. Hamid, RB-WAC :une nouvelle approche de contrôle d’accès dans les workflows, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

Y. El Bouzekri, R.Ajhoun, Besoin d’interopérabilité entre les protocoles de découvertes traditionnels, 1er Workshop sur les Nouvelles Générations de Réseaux : La Mobilité, 18-19 juillet 2008, Fès, Maroc

Y. El Bouzekri, R.Ajhoun, Discovery services in the future generation of mobile networks; in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS’08) 01-04 July 2008, Roma, Italia.

Y. El Ghayam, M. Erradi, M. Ouzzif, Sensibilité au Contexte : Etat de l’art, 1 workshop sur les réseaux nouvelles generation : la mobilité, Wngn 2008, Fès, 18-19 Juillet 2008

Y. El Ghayam, M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi, Une approche de Gestion de Déconnexion lors de Sessions Collaboratives Mobiles, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008

Y. El Ghayam, M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi, An LTL Specification and Verification of a Mobile Teleconferencing System, Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS), Leeds, 2-3 juillet 2008.

A. El Haddadi, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, B.Dousset, Les Apports du Text Mining et du Web Mining à la Veille Stratégique, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008

N. El Hillali, B. Bounabat, Elaboration de métriques pour l’évaluation des architectures logicielles, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

M.D. El Kettani, Une innovation techno-pédagogique au service d'un télé-apprentissage itinérant, CEMAFORAD 2008, Strasbourg, 9-11 avril 2008

M.D. El Kettani, NCSec: a national cyber security referential for the development of a code of practice in national cyber security management, ICEGOV'2008, Cairo, 1-4 December 2008

R. El Meziane, I. Kassou, I. Berrada, A New Artificial Immune System for the Detection of Abnormal Behaviour, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer verlag, Vol 149, P 113-122, 2008

R. El Meziane, I. Kassou, I. Berrada, Un Système de Détection de Fraude en Téléphonie Mobile à Base d'un Système d'Inférence Floue, Troisième Atelier sur les Systèmes Décisionnels, Mohammadia 10-11 Octobre 2008.

R. El Meziane, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, Un nouveau système immunitaire artificiel pour l'apprentissage non supervisé, in F. Guillet, B. Trousse, editors, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances EGC'2008, Volume RNTI-E-11 of Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, pages , Cepadues-Editions, 2008.

A. ElOuerkhaoui, A. Sdigui Doukkali, D. Aboutajdine. Extraction d’information à partir d’Internet. AMINA’08, Monastir, Tunis.

A. ElOuerkhaoui, A. Sdigui Doukkali. Novembre 2008, WIEbMat, a new information extraction system.’ IJCSNS volume 8 numero 11

N. Enneya and M. El Koutbi, A New Mobility Metric for Evaluating Ad hoc Network Performance, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol.3, N.5, pp. 506-514, September 2008.

N. Enneya, K. Oudidi and M. El Koutbi, New Mobility Metrics for MPRs Selection in the OLSR Protocol., Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques appliquées, CARI’08. Rabat, 27-3O octobre 2008.

N. Enneya, K. Oudidi and M. El Koutbi, Network Mobility in Ad hoc Networks, Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE08). Malaysia, 13-15 May 2008.

R. El Ouazzani, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Détection des événements importants dans les vidéos des matches de football en utilisant la classification des plans et les Modèles de Markov Cachés, Cinquième conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications (SITA08), Rabat, 5-6 mai 2008.

R. El Ouazzani, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Reconnaissance et apprentissage des événements importants dans les vidéos des matches de football en utilisant le modèle Bayesien et les Modèles de Markov Cachés, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

F. Essannouni, Y. Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami, and Driss Aboutajdine, Automatic soccer shot boundary detection based on Bayesian classification of temporal and visual features, International Journal of Computational Science, 2008 , ISSN 1992-6669 (Print) ISSN 1992-6677.

W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna, C. Godart. Log-based Mining Techniques Applied to Web Service Composition Reengineering. Service Oriented Computing and Applications Journal (SOCA'08), 2(2-3):93-110, July 2008. Springer-Verlag.

M. Hajami, M. Taoufik, M. El Koutbi, Security and key management in OLSR routing. International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security. TANGER, November, 2008.

M. Hajami, M. Taoufik, M. El Koutbi, Sécurisation du Routage OLSR, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

O. Halidou, R.Mrabet, Vers une plateforme de gestion de la QoS multi-couches IP au dessus de WiMAX , Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

O. Halidou, R. Mrabet, Vers une plateforme de gestion de la QoS dans IP au dessus Wimax, 10th Maghrebian Conference on Information Technologies, MCSEAI’08, 28-30 april 2008, Oran, Algeria.

A. Hamlili, Simulation contre mesure au service de la prise de décision : Application à l’ingénierie des réseaux informatiques, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

A. Hamlili, Estimation et prédiction de la croissance de fiabilité des versions d’un logiciel par la détermination des états d’un processus de Markov caché, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

A. Idri, A. Zahi, E. Mendes, A. Zakrani, Software Cost Estimation Models using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, Software Process and Product Measurement, published in LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2008, Springer-Verlag, pp 21-31.

A. Idri, S. Bahassine et A. Zakrani, L'Estimation des Coûts des Applications Web par les Arbres de Décision, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

A. Idri, A. Zakrani, A. Abran, Functional Equivalence between Radial Basis Function Neural Networks and Fuzzy Analogy in Software Cost Estimation, 3rd IEEE international Conference in Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications , 7-11 April, 2008, Damas, Syria.

A. Idri, A. Zakrani, Hard et Fuzzy C-means dans la conception d'un RBFN Networks pour l'Estimation des Coûts des Applications Web: Une Etude Comparative, 5ème Conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications, 5-6 Mai, 2008, Rabat, Maroc.

Z. Jarir et M. Erradi, MAQAME : A Meta Level Architecture for QoS Adaptation in Mobile Environment, Actes de NOTERE’2008 (ISBN:978-1-59593-937-1), Lyon, France, juin 2008.

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, SOA vs MVSOA : Une architecture orientée services multivues, Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et en Mathématiques Appliquées (CARI’08), Rabat, 27-30 Octobre 2008.

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Vers une approche orientée modèle pour l’adaptation des services aux profils des utilisateurs, Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence – Maghrebian Conference on Information Technologies (MCSEAI’08), Oran, Algérie, 28 - 30 Avril 2008.

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Multi-functional service oriented system development for user-driven adaptability, Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA’08), April 7 - 11, 2008, Damascus, Syria.

A. Khafaji, R. Saadane, J. El Abbadi and M. Belkasmi, Ray Tracing Technique based 60 GHz Band Propagation Modelling and In uence of People Shadowing , Proceeding of world academy of science, engineering and technology, Vol 35, p 668-674, November 2008.

Y. Lakhrissi, I. Ober, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Prise en compte des aspects comportementaux dans la démarche de modélisation de VUML, Actes du 7ème Atelier sur l'Evolution, la Réutilisation et la Traçabilité des Systèmes d'Information (ERTSI’08), conjointement à la conférence INFORSID 2008, 27 mai 2008, Fontainebleau, France.

H. Machchour, K. El Himdi, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, Ontologie de concepts clés pour une veille coopérative en télécommunication, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008

J. Oubaha, M. El Koutbi, 802.11 Mobile Networks Combined to QoS IP Networks, International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA’08, Damascus, Syria, 7-11 April 2008.

K. Oudidi, N. Enneya, A. Loutfi et M. El Koutbi, Mobilité et routage OLSR, Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques appliquées, CARI’08. Rabat, 27-3O octobre 2008.

K. Oudidi, N. Enneya et M. El Koutbi, Une Mesure Intelligente de la Mobilité dans les MANETs, Cinquième conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications (SITA08), Rabat, 5-6 mai 2008.

K. Oudidi, N. Enneya et M. El Koutbi, Vers une amélioration du protocole de routage OLSR, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

M. Ould Djibril, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Islamic Geometrical Patterns Indexing and Classifcation Using Discrete Symmetry Groups, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Volume 1 , Issue 2, October 2008.

M. Ouzif, M. Erradi, H. Mountassir, Description of a Teleconferencing Floor Control Protocol and Its Implementation, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, EAAI, Editor, Elsevier, Vol 23, Issue n° 3, pp 430-441, 2008.

R. Rahal, H. Berbia, Wireless Sensor Network A specification method based on Reactive Decisional Agents, International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications - ICTTA’08, Damascus, Syria, 7-11 April 2008.

M. Sahli, Y. Benadada, Solving the Large-scale Timetabling Problem using the Backtracking Algorithm, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

O. Slimi, B. Bounabat, Estimation des charges des projets d’intégration, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008.

R. Saidi, M. Fredj S. Mouline, A. Front, D. Rieu, Variability Modeling for Business Component Customization, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’08), Marrakech, 6-9 Juillet 2008.

R. Saidi, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, A. Front, D. Rieu, Expression de la Variabilité Multi-Vues pour la conception de Composants Métier, XXVIème congrès INFORSID’08, Fontainebleau, France, 27-30 Mai 2008

R. Saidi, A. Front, D. Rieu, M. Fredj S. Mouline , From a Business Component to a Functional Component using a Multi-View Variability Modelling, (MoDISE-EUS’08), Workshop en collaboration avec CAISE’08, Montpellier, 16-17 Juin 2008, France.

Y. Tabii, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Classification des plans dans les vidéos de sport : cas de football, 2008.

F. Touré, K. Baïna. An efficient algorithm for workflow graph structural verification, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'08) Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 12 - 14, 2008, Springer-Verlag

F. Touré, K. Baïna. Vérification structurelle de graphe de workflow par un algorithme hybride, In Cinquième Conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications (SITA'08), Rabat, Maroc, 5-6 Mai, 2008.

F. Touré, K. Baïna, W. Gaaloul. Toward a hybrid algorithm for workflow graph structural verification. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'08), Barcelona, Spain, June 12-16, 2008.

F. Touré, K. Baïna. Vers un algorithme hybride de vérification structurelle de graphe de workflow, In Proceedings de la 1ère Conférence Internationale des Systèmes d'Information et d'Intelligence Economique (SIIE'08),Hammmet, Tunisie, 13-16 Février, 2008.

A. Zakrani , A. Idri, Hard et Fuzzy C-means dans la conception d'un RBFN Networks pour l'Estimation des Coûts des Applications Web: Une Etude Comparative, à apparaître dans Systèmes Intelligents, 2008, France.

A. Zakrani, S. Bahassine et A. Idri, Une Conception Améliorée du Réseau Neuronal RBF pour l'Estimation des Coûts des Applications Web, Journées d’informatique et mathématiques décisionnelles, JIMD’08, Rabat, 3-5 Juillet 2008. 

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Normalization and Personalization of Learning Situation: NPLS, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), ISSN: 1863-0383, Vol 4, N° 2, p. 4-10, 2009.

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, NPLS: A help System for Normalization and Personalization of Learning Situations, In Second International conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Accessibility, 7-9 Mai 2009, Hammamat, Tunisia.

S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada, Optimization of the cost stock in a multi-product one-level supply chain systems under a probabilistic demand, 2ème Meeting en Optimisation Modélisation et Approximation 19-21 novembre 2009, Casablanca.

K. Baina, Validation des modèles de processus, Chapitre dans livre Les processus métiers : concepts, modèles et systèmes, Auteurs C. Godard, C. Perrin, Editeur Lavoisier, 2009.

K. Baina, Dimensions managériales, Chapitre dans livre Les processus métiers : concepts, modèles et systèmes, Auteurs C. Godard, C. Perrin, Editeur Lavoisier, 2009.

M. A. P. de Barros, M. El Koutbi, Enhancing MAODV performance using Active Queue Management, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

M. A. P. de Barros, M. El Koutbi, AQM applications in MAODV ad hoc networks, proceeding of the 16th international conference on telecommunications, 25-27 mai 2009, p37-40, 2009.

N. Belkhayat, A. Doukkali, B. Regragui, E-Strategy: A new vision, الإستراتیجیة الإلكترونیة تصور جدید , CSPA 09, RABAT, May 09.

N. Belkhayat, A. Doukkali, B. Regragui, Modèle dynamique de la E-Stratégie inspiré de l’Urbanisation des systèmes d’information, AIM09, Marrakech, June 09

E. Ben Lahmer, A. Sdigui Doukkali, Y. ElYunoussi, " طريقت جذيذة لاستخراج المعلوماث من الشبكت العنكبوتيّت ", in CSPA 09 -Rabat May 09

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Vers une fusion des modèles métier en utilisant les ontologies, 1ères Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC'09), ENSIAS, Rabat, 16-18 Juillet 2009.

B. Berrada, M. Majada, C. Bur, B.Hlimi, Chaîne Editoriale et Espace Numérique Ouvert pour la Méditerranée : Enjeu de la Mutualisation, Open Digital Space for the Mediterranean, EOMED, Mars 26-28, Agadir, 2009.

B. El Asri, A. Kenzi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile,Multiview Components for User-Aware Web Services, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’09), 6 - 10 May 2009, Milan, Italy.
B. El Asri, A. Kenzi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, "Vers une architecture MVSOA pour la mise en oeuvre des composants multivue", Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information RNTI-L-4, 3ème Conférence Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL 09), ISBN : 978.2.85428.887.2, Nancy, 2009.
H. El Bakkali, H. Hamid, RB-WAC: New Approach for Access Control in Workflows, Proceedings of the 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA’09), 10-13 mai 2009, Rabat, Maroc.

Y. El Bouzekri, R. Ajhoun; An OSGi-based approach for context-aware discovery protocols interoperability, International conference on Mobile communications and pervasive computing MCPC’09, 23-25 mars 2009, Leipzig, Germany, Published at CoSIWN international journal.

Y. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, Middleware's architecture for context-aware service discovery interoperability, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

Y. El Ghayam, A. Sadiq, M. Erradi, Arbres de Décisions pour la Gestion de la Sensibilité au Contexte, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

A. El Haddadi, B. Dousset, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, Construction d'une ontologie de domaine fondée sur le textmining, Colloque VSST 2009 Veille Stratégique Scientifique et Technologique, Nancy, 30 et 31 mars 2009.

A. Elhamdaoui, M. Abik , Adaptation of E-services for Mobile and Ubiquitous environments, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

K. Elhari, B. Bounabat, Evaluation des Frameworks d’Architecture d’Entreprise Basée sur les Critères de l’Alignement Stratégique et les Critères de Maturité, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

A. Elouerkhaoui, A. SDIGUI Doukkali JDTIC 2009, WIEbMat, a new information extraction system 16-18 Juillet 2009, Rabat, Maroc.

A. Elouerkhaoui, A. SDIGUI DOUKKALI, D.Aboutajdine. Du 18 Au 20 Juin 2009, WiebMat a new information Extraction Systeme PO19, IADIS European Conference On Data Mining 2009 Algavare Portugal.

A. Elouerkhaoui, A.Sdigui DOUKKALI, D.Aboutajdine WOTIC 2009, Génération d’adaptateurs à partir de pages étiquettées, 24-25 Decembre 2009 Agadir.

Y. ElYunoussi, E. Ben Lahmer, A. Sdigui Doukkali, ," تجذير انهغت انعربيت باستعمال انمسىقاث راث انحالاث اننهائيت:كهمت واحذة، عذة جذور ", in CSPA 09 - Rabat May 09

A. Enaani, A .Sdigui Doukkali مقاربت هجينت لتقذير وثاقت الصفحاث لمتعذد محركاث البحث in CSPA 09 -Rabat May 09

N. Enneya, R. ElMeziane, M. ElKoutbi, A Game Theory Approach for Enhancing QoS-Aware Routing in Ad hoc Netwoks, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

N. Enneya, K.Oudidi, M. Elkoutbi, Enhancing Delay In Manet Using Olsr Protocol, International Journal Of Communications, Network And System Sciences, vol. 2, no. 4, May 2009

H. Hamid, H. El Bakkali, I. Berrada, Étude comparative des modèles de contrôle d’accès dans les workflows, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009.

A. Hamlili, A. Boushaba, Evaluation de performance des variantes TCP haut débit, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

A. Hamlili , Approche d’Erdös-Rényi pour la simulation des réseaux ad hoc, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

A. Hamlili Performance Evaluation for Competing High-Speed TCP Protocols, IEEE Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, Hammamet, Tunisia, 23-26 June 2009

A. Hajami, M. Taoufiq, M. Elkoutbi; Sécurité Du Routage OLSR Dans Les Réseaux Ad Hoc, Colloque international telecom’2009 & 6èmes JFMMA, Agadir, Maroc, 12, 13 & 14 Mars 2009

A. Jakimi, M. Elkoutbi, A new approach for UML scenario engineering, International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), Volume 4. Number 1. pp. 88-95, January 2009

A. Jakimi, M. Elkoutbi, An Object-Oriented Approach to UML Scenarios Engineering and Code Generation, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 35-41, February 2009

A. Jakimi, M. Elkoutbi, Automatic Code Generation From UML Statechart, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Volume 1, Number 2, June 2009

A. Kenzi, B. El Asri , M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A model driven framework for multiview service oriented system development, Proceedings of the 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA’09), 10-13 mai 2009, Rabat, Maroc.

M. Nassar, A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, B. El Asri, B. Coulette, A. Kriouile, Code Generation in VUML profile: a Model Driven Approach, Proceedings of the 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA’09), 10-13 mai 2009, Rabat, Maroc.

H. Ouchetto, O. Roudiès et M. Fredj, Recherche de composants : un pattern d’intégration du profil utilisateur, 1ères Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC'09), ENSIAS, Rabat, 16-18 Juillet 2009.

H. Ouchetto, O. Roudiès, M. Fredj, A component retrieval system, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’09), 22 – 24 Avril , Fès, Maroc, 2009.

H. Ouchetto, O. Roudiès, M. Fredj, Towards process patterns for a component retrieval system integrating the user profile, The 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA’09), 10 – 13 Mai 2009, Rabat, Maroc.

K. Oudidi, M. Elkoutbi, A Mobility Based Metric For Qos In Mobile Ad Hoc Netwoks, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC’09), ISBN: 978-0-88986-793-2 pages : 11-18, Banff, Canada, July 6 - 8, 2009

K. Oudidi, M. ElKoutbi, Une métrique de QoS à Contraintes Multiples pour les MANETs, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

K.Oudidi, A. Habbani, M. Elkoutbi , Using Mobility to Enhance the Routing process in the MIS System, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), ISSN: 1865-7923 , to appear

K. Oudidi, A. Ouacha et M. El Koutbi, Une Métrique de QoS basée sur la mobilité et l’énergie pour les MANETs, Proceeding de la Premières Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC 2009) , Rabat, Maroc, 16-18 juillet 2009

M. Ouzzif, M. Erradi, Gestion des Déconnexions lors de Sessions Collaboratives Synchrones, Conférence internationale sur les NOuvelles TEchnologies de la REpartition (NOTERE), Montréal, 1-3 juillet 2009.

R. Saadane M. A. Benyoucef, M. Hassani, M. Belkasmi, Comparative Study of Protocols AODV and DSDV in Ad Hoc Network, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

R. Saadane R. Dada, M. Kallida, M. Belkasmi , Etude de la QOS dans la norme 802.11e cas de la VOIP, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

R. Saadane I. El Fachtali, Y. Ajerrar, M. Belkasmi, Simulation du Handover Vertical entre réseaux hétérogènes en utilisant la Plateforme MIH : IEEE802.21 sur NS2, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’09), Rabat, 4-6 juin 2009

R. Saidi, A. Front, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Component-Based Development : Extension with Business Component Reuse, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’09), 22 – 24 Avril , Fès, Maroc, 2009.

R. Saidi, M. Fredj, A. Front, S. Mouline, Variabilité dans les composants métier multi-vues , Revue RTSI- ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information - Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information, éditeur Hermès Lavoisier, Vol. 14, 2009, pp. 61-86.

R. Saidi, M. Fredj, A. Front, S. Mouline, D. Rieu, Une contribution à l’ingénierie de composants métier processus, 1ères Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC'09), ENSIAS, Rabat, 16-18 Juillet 2009.

M. Zbakh, Tasks Allocation Problem as a Non-Cooperative Game, In International Workshop on Next Generation Mobile Networks –WNGMN’09, November 14-15, 2009, Tangiers, Morocco.

M. Zbakh, Equilibrage de Nash dans le Problème d'Allocation de Tâches, Rencontre Francophone du Parallélisme-RenPar’19, 9-11 Septembre 2009, Toulouse, France. 

S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada , Optimization of the cost stock and transport in a multi-product two-level supply chain systems under a probabilistic demand, Cinquième Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle (CIRO'10). Marrakech du 24 au 27 mai 2010.
S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada , Optimization of the cost stock and transport in a multi-product two-level supply chain systems under a probabilistic demand , International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics, Vol 3, N°4, p6-12, 2010.
S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada, "Optimization of warehousing and transporation costs in a multi-product multi-level supply chain system under a stochastic demand". International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. Vol. 4, N° 1, January 2010, Published online: 21 July 2011.

M. E. Ajana, H. Harroud, M. Boulmalf, M. Elkoutbi, FlexRFID in Supply Chain: Strategic Values and Challenges, IEEE NGNS 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2010
M. Ammari, A. Zellou, D. Chiadmi, L. Benhlima, Les modes P2P : une Etude comparative, 2èmes Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, JDTIC'10, Jul 15-17, 2010, Sciences Faculté Dhar Mehraz, Fez, Morocco.
A. Anwar , S. Ebersold, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A Rule-Driven Approach for composing Viewpoint-oriented Models, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 9, n° 2, p. 89-114, 2010.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, Planification de la distribution du gaz de pétrole liquéfié (GPL) , Cinquième Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle (CIRO'10). Marrakech du 24 au 27 mai 2010.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, A Genetic Algorithm for a heterogeneous fleet Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem, IEEE ECDC'2010. International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing, September 2010.

N. Belkhayat, A. Doukkali, B. Regragui, Modèle en strates pour la définition de la E-Stratégie, JDTIC 10, FES, July 2010.

N. Belkhayat, A. Doukkali, B. Regragui, E-Strategy:State model based on the Impact concept, MICS10 (IEEE Sponsored), RABAT, November 2010.

A. Bellabdaoui et A. Artiba, A hybrid approach for production planning and scheduling, 5ème Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle CIRO'10, 24-27 mai 2010, Marrakech, Maroc

E.H. Ben Lahmer, A. Sdigui Douakkali, Y. ElYunoussi, ثحبلا نع فيراعت ثاحلطصملا نع طريق البحث المتعذد , in ICCA 2010, Mai 20-21, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisie

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj et S. Mouline, An Hybryd approach for Models Comparison, IADIS (International Association for the Development of Information Society) Applied Computing 2010 (AC 2010), Timisoara, Roumanie, 14-16 Octobre 2010.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj et S. Mouline, Towards a Complete Models Comparison for information Systems Integration Context, International Conference on Models of Information and Communications Systems (MICS’10), 2-4 Novembre 2010, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S.Mouline, Un système à base de règles d’aide à la décision pour la comparaison sémantique des modèles, Conférence internationale SITA’10 (Systèmes Intelligents : Théorie et Applications), 4-5 Mai 2010, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj et S. Mouline Intégration des modèles métier avec les ontologies, 2èmes Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC'10), ENSIAS, Rabat, Juillet 2010.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, Vers une contribution à l’intégration sémantique des modèles UML, atelier ERATSI (Évolution, la Réutilisation, l'Adaptation et la Traçabilité des Systèmes d'Information) organisé conjointement avec INFORSID’10, Marseille, France, 25 mai 2010.

Y. Benadada, R. Ayadi, M. T. Benslimane, A. El Afia, A. Bellabdaoui Problème de distribution de carburant Optimization Days 2010, 10-12 mai 2010, Montréal, CANADA.

Y. Benadada, M.T. Benslimane, A. El Afia, A. Bellabdaoui, Problème de tournée de véhicules et problème de distribution de produits pétroliers , Cinquième Conférence Internationale en Recherche Opérationnelle (CIRO'10). Marrakech du 24 au 27 mai 2010.

M.T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, A. Bellabdaoui, Optimisation de la distribution multi-région en grande quantité avec la rationalisation des véhicules hétérogènes, 3ème colloque international LOGISTIQUA’10, 20-21 mai 2010, Agadir, Maroc.

M. T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, A. Bellabdaoui, Multi-region distribution of petroleum products in large quantities by a heterogeneous vehicles fleet, Conference on Models of Information and Communication Systems, MICS'10, 2 à 4 novembre 2010, Rabat, Maroc.

B. Bounabat, تطوير المهارات في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات كرافعة أساسية لتنمية صناعية شاملة في المنطقة العربية, Conférence « Développement du secteur de l’Information Industrielle dans les pays Arabes », organisée par l’Organisation Arabe pour le Développement Industriel et des Mines (OADIM), 09-11 Novembre 2010, Beyrouth.

B. Chakir et M. Fredj, Towards a Model Driven Approach for variability management in SOA, International Conference on Models of Information and Communications Systems (MICS’10), 2-4 Novembre 2010, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

B. Chakir et M. Fredj, Vers une gestion de la variabilité dans SOA, 2èmes Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (JDTIC'10), Université Sidi Md Ben Abdallah, Fès, 15-17 juillet 2010.

R. Chiheb, R. Faizi, A. El Afia, Une nouvelle approche pour améliorer la performance des apprenants dans les systèmes de gestion d’apprentissage. Sixième Colloque Francophone sur les sondages, 23-25 Mars 2010, Tanger

R. Chiheb, R. Faizi, A. El Afia, M. Tirari (A paraitre) Une nouvelle approche d’identification des profils d’apprenants et d’adaptation du contenu. Editions DUNOD, 2011.

N. Daoudi, R. Ajhoun, MADAR learning: an interoperable environment for E&M learning. IEEE Engineering Education 2010 – The Future of Global Learning in Engineering Education 14-16 April 2010 in Madrid/Spain.

K. Doumi, S. Baïna, K. Baïna, Combination intentional and functional modeling for strategic alignment, International Conference on Models of Information and Communication Systems (MICS'10), Rabat, Morocco, 3-5 November, 2010.

H. El Bakkali, H. Hamid et I. Berrada, A New Task Engineering Approach for Workflow Access Control, in Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2010), Novembre 11-12, 2010 - León, Spain, Publié dans la série 'Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing', Vol. 85/2010, P203-212, Springer.

Y.El Bouzekri, R. Ajhoun, Context-based services selection and recommendation through P-learning platform ITHET 2010 Proceedings published at IEEE, ID: 10.1109/ITHET.2010.5480054, Page(s): 108 – 113.Capdaoccia Turkey.

Y.El Bouzekri, R. Ajhoun, M.A.Janati Idrissi, Multi-criteria-based decision for services discovery and selection KES-IIMSS 2010, Baltimore, USA. Published as a book chapter of Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Springer Verlag series. Volume 6, pages 41-51, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14619-0_5.

A. El Haddadi, B. Dousset, I. Berrada, Xplor EveryWhere – A tool for competitive intelligence on the Web and Mobile, Colloque international VSST 2010, Toulouse, 25 - 29 octobre 2010

A. El Haddadi, B. Dousset, I. Berrada, Sécurisation d’une plate-forme dédiée à l’Intelligence Economique Dans : Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information et les Environnements Collaboratifs - INFORSID 2010 (SEC-SY 2010), Marseille, 25/05/10, p. 27-36, 2010

A. El Haddadi, B. Dousset, H. Hamid, H. El Bakkali, I. Berrada, Approche générique de Contrôle d’accès aux données et aux traitements dans une plateforme d’intelligence économique, Colloque international VSST 2010, Toulouse, 25 - 29 octobre 2010

A. Elhamdaoui, M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Toward an adaptation system of learning Content in pervasive environment, Proceedings of the 10st International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'10), WORLDCOMP’10 congress. USA, July 12-15, 2010.

A. Elhamdaoui, M. Abik, An Adaptation System of learning content to learner’s current context, Proceedings of the 2st International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS’10), Rabat, July 6-8,2010.

K. Elhari, B. Bounabat, Strategic Alignment Maturity Model Based on Enterprise Architecture for the International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation at University of Cape Town, South Africa on 25th & 26th March 2010.

B. El Mir, B. Bounabat, E-Service Interoperability Measurement within Business Collaboration Networks, International conference on Models of Information and communication Systems, MICS'10, Rabat, 2-4 November 2010.

B. El Mir, B. Bounabat, Integrated Public E-Services Interoperability Assessment, International Journal of Information Science and Management, IJISM, October 2010.(To be published).

M.A. El Oualidi, J. Saadi, L. El Hiki, A. Artiba, A. Bellabdaoui, Modélisation et simulation du flux des patients au service des urgences. Cas de l'hôpital Ibn Rochd à Casablanca, Conférence francophone Gestion et Ingénierie des SystèmEs Hospitaliers (GISEH 2010), 2, 3 et 4 septembre 2010.

Y. ElYunoussi, A. Sdigui Douakkali, B.El Habib, تعزيز وثاقت أنظمت انبحث عبرعمهيت إعادة صياغت جمم طهباث انمستخذمين , in ICCA 2010, Mai 20-21, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisie

R. Faizi, R, Chiheb, A. El Afia, L’évaluation d’une nouvelle approche pour améliorer la qualité d’une plateforme d’enseignement à distance. Sixième Colloque Francophone sur les sondages, 23-25 Mars 2010, Tanger

W. Gaaloul, K. Baïna, and C. Godart. Fouille de workflow, Découverte de patrons de workflows par l’analyse des traces d’exécution, Revue Technique et Science Informatiques, (TSI’2010).

B. El Mir, B. Bounabat, RatIop, a Ratio Metric for Assessing Interoperability between Automated Business Processes, Journal of Computing and Applications, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2010.

W. Hadi, A. Zellou and B. Bounabat. Toward classification of hybrid integration systems, 22nd International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, Paris, Dec 7-9 2010.

A. Hajami, K. Oudidi, M. Elkoutbi A Distributed Key Management Scheme based on Multi hop Clustering Algorithm for MANETs (IJCSNS) International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 2010 VOL.10 No.1, January 2010 pp. 39-49

A.Hajami, K.oudidi, M.Elkoutbi An enhanced algorithm for MANET clustering based on Multi hops and Network Density In proceedings of NOTERE. May 2010 (to appear)

H. Hamid, H. El Bakkali et I. Berrada, Workflow Access Control: From Role Engineering to Task Engineering, in Proceeding of the 5th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2010), 8-11 novembre 2010, London, UK.
T. Hamidou, A. Kobbane and M. Elkoutbi, "Robust power allocation games under channel uncertainty and time delays" IFIP Wireless Days 2010, Venise Italy.

A. Idri, S. Elyassami, Software Cost Estimation Using Decision Trees, In Proceeding of Sixième Conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents: Théories et Applications (SITA'10), Rabat, Morocco, 4-5 Mai, 2010.

A. Idri, S. Elyassami, Web Effort Estimation Using Decision Trees, In Proceeding International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA 2010), Kayseri, Turkey, 21-24 Juin, 2010.

A.Idri, A. Zakrani, A. Zahi, Design of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Software Effort Estimation, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 4, No 3, July 2010, pp. 11-17.

M. Kassou, L. Kjiri, Ingénierie des exigences de la sécurité informatique : Revue de travaux de recherche de l’élicitation à la spécification , soumis à e-TI Revue électronique des technologies d’information, N°7, 2010

A. Khadrouf, L. Kjiri, Specifying security aspects in decision support systems, Poster, International Conference on Models of Information and Communication Systems, MICS'10, 2-4 Novembre 2010, ENSIAS, Rabat

A. Khadrouf, L. Kjiri, Spécification de la sécurité dans les systèmes décisionnels, Poster, JDTIC’10, Fès, Juillet 2010

A. Kobbane, R. Elazouzi, K. Ibrahimi, E.H. Bouyakhf and K. Samanta Sujit, The Uplink Capacity Evaluation of Wireless Networks: Spectral Analysis Approach, in the Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT, Vol. 18, 2010, No. 1, Pages 1-17.

M.A. Koulali, M. El Koutbi, M. Azizi, A QoS routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with mobile base station. IADIS/Informatics 2010, Freiburg-Germany, pages 27-34, 2010.

M.A. Koulali, M. El Koutbi, M. Azizi, A. Kobbane. A QoS-Geographic and Energy-aware routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, In the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Image/Video Communications and Mobile Networks, (ISIVC),Rabat, September 30-October 1-2, 2010.

H. Machhour, I. Berrada, I. Kassou, K. El Himdi Analyse des documents texte pour la surveillance et la veille technologique et télécommunication, Colloque international VSST 2010, Toulouse, 25 - 29 octobre 2010

J. Oubaha, A. Habbani, M. Elkoutbi , Mobile intelligent system (MIS) and a multi-criteria in MPLS networks, International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN), pp. 61-71 Vol.2, No.4, December 2010.

J. Oubaha, A. Habbani, M. Elkoutbi, Multi-criteria Path Optimization in MPLS networks, International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Networks (ISIVC),Rabat, September 30-October 1-2, 2010.

K. Oudidi, A. Hajami, M. Elkoutbi, A New Composite Metric For QoS Satisfying Both Mobility And Bandwidth Constraints In Manets In proceedings of African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics CARI’10, Yamoussoukro- 2010, Rabat, Côte d'Ivoire.

K. Oudidi, A. Hajami, M. Elkoutbi, Towards a QoS Aware Routing protocol For MANETs in the proceedings of the International Conference Next Generation Networks (NGNs’10) , Mararkech, Maroc, 2010

K. Oudidi, A. Hajami, M. Elkoutbi, QoS Routing For Mobile Adhoc Networks And Performance Analysis Using OLSR Protocol (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security April 2010, Vol. 8 No. 1 pp138-150.

K.oudidi, A.Hajami, M.Elkoutbi, QoS Routing Using OLSR Protocol in proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WC’2010, Alberta Banff, Canada, July 14-15, 2010. (published at ActaPress)

M.Z. Ouertani , S. Baïna, L. Gzara and G. Morel; Traceability and management of dispersed product knowledge during design and manufacturing, Computer-Aided Design Journal, Article in Press.

H. Sadok, L'optimisation de la tarification d'un actif dans un marché segmenté : le cas de l'introduction d'uneune firme en bourse, Conférence Internationale en recherche Opértionnelle (CIRO), Marrakech, 24- 27 Mai 2010

H. Sadok, L'investissement dans l'immatériel : cas particulier de création de valeur pour les PME ; Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME), 27- 29 Octobre 2010

R. Saidi, A. Front, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Variability Dimensions for Business Component Reuse, RNTI : Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Cépaduès Editions, (12 pages), Juin 2010.

R. Saidi, A. Front, D. Rieu, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Variability Dimensions for Business Component Reuse, the third International Conference on Web and Information Technologies (ICWIT'10), article publié dans RNTI (Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information), 16-19 Juin 2010, Marrakech, Maroc.

S. Slimani, K. Baïna, S. Baïna, M. Henkel, and E. Perjons, An Ontology Change Management System : An experiment on a health care case study, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Developement (KEOD’10), Valencia, Spain, October, 25-28, 2010.

S. Slimani, S. Baïna, and K. Baïna, Agent-based Architecture for Service Ontology evolution management, 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering, and Knowledge Engineering, (SEKE’10), San Francisco, USA, July, 1-3, 2010.

S. Slimani, S. Baïna, K. Baïna, Vers un algorithme distribué de gestion des changements des ontologies de services, In Sixième Conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents : Théories et Applications (SITA'10), Rabat, Morocco, 4-5 Mai, 2010.

H. Tembine, A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi, Robust power allocation games under channel uncertainty and time delays, to appear in the conference IFIP Wireless Days 2010, Venise (Italy), October 20-22, 2010.

S. Wardy, I. Berrada, Double problématique du churn et du turnover pour les organisations : définitions et état de l’art, Colloque international VSST 2010, Toulouse, 25 - 29 octobre 2010.

A. Zakrani, A. Idri, Applying Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Based on Fuzzy Clustering to Estimate Web Applications Effort, International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 5, n. 5, September 2010, pp. 516-524.

A. Zakrani, A. Idri, Construction d’un réseau de neurones RBF par Context-based Clustering pour l’Estimation des Coûts de Développement de Logiciels, In Proceeding of Sixième Conférence sur les Systèmes Intelligents: Théories et Applications (SITA'10), Rabat, Morocco, 4-5 Mai, 2010. 

A. Aaouaoui, M. Askali, M. Belkasmi, A genetic algorithm to search of good double-circulant codes, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS 2011), 7-9 avril 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, " The technological evolution and its impact on the learning process". « E-Learning Quality Assurance: A Multi-Perspective ApproachContribution »,Chapitre3 ISBN 978-88-492-2259-3, publié en Novembre 2011.

M. Ajana El Khaddar, M. Boulmalf, H. Harroud, M. El Koutbi, Designing and Deploying RFID Applications’; Book Edited by Cristina Turcu, INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-307-265-4, June 2011.

M. Ajana El Khaddar, H. Harroud, M. Boulmalf, M. El Koutbi, FlexRFID Middleware in the Supply Chain: Strategic Values and Challenges. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Volume 3, issue 2,

B. Angoma, M. Erradi, A. Bergia, End to End delay Analysis over Heterogeneous Networks: Case of WLAN and WiMAX Network, 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Software Oriented Architectures, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 2011.

B. Angoma, M. Erradi, Y. Benkaouz, A. Berqia, M. C. AKALAY, HaVe-2W3G : A Vertical Handoff Solution between WLAN, WiMAX and 3G Networks, IEEE International Conference IWCMC’ 2011, July, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

N. Alrajeh , A. Haqiq, B. Bounabat, HIPAA based Healthcare Information System Security Modeling Method , INFORMATION, International Interdisciplinary Journal, Tokyo, Japan, Indexed by SCIE, JCP/SE, MR, ZM and JDreamII.

A. Al-Qutaish, L. Cheikhi, Analysis of the meanings of the measurement, assessment and evaluation in the ISO/IEEE Software Engineering Standards, Recent Researches in Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science, 2011

S. Anter, A. Zellou,A. Idri, "Personalization of a hybrid integration system: Creation of views to materialize based on the distribution of user queries", International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS’12, 05-06 November 2011, Agadir, Morocco.

A. Baayer, N. Enneya, M. El Koutbi, A New Algorithm to avoid Replay Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

A. Baayer, N. Enneya, M. El Koutbi, Detection and prevention of replay attacks in MANET using secure Window-System based Mac layer, The Fourth Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication (WOTIC 2011),, 13-15 October 2011, ENSEM Casablanca.

A. Bellabdaoui, "Planification des opérations de transport des marchandises en chargement complet", Colloque International sur les Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques, 15 et 16 décembre 2011, Casablanca, Maroc

A. Bellabdaoui , B. Ulungu, D. Tuyttens, P. Nitiema, "Méthodes quantitatives de gestion pour le management des entreprises : quelques cas" d’études, Colloque d’Informatique, Automatique et Eléctronique, 24 et 25 Mars 2011, Mundiapolis Université Casablanca - Maroc

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, An hybrid approach for Models Comparison, IADIS International Journal of Computer Science and Information systems, Issue 1, 2011.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, MDA based-approach for UML Models Complete Comparison, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol. 8, Issue 2, March 2011, CoRR abs/1105.6128.

S. Benabdellah Chaouni, M. Fredj, S. Mouline, Metamodels for models complete integration, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI’11), 3-5 August 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 496-497.

H. Benbrahim, Fuzzy semi-supervized Support Vector Machines, Machine learning and data mining in pattern recognition, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol 6871/2011, pp 127-139, 2011.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, A. El Hassan, A user-centric Mashuped SOA, Int. J. of Web Science 2011, (IJWS).

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M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, A. El Hassan, Model-driven Approach for User-centric Mashuped SOA, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems" (ICEIS'2011), June 8-11st, Beijing, China. ICEIS (4) 2011: 116-123

Y. Benkaouz, M. Erradi, Performance analysis of WiFi/WiMAX vertical handover based on Media Independent Handover, Second Workshop on Collaborative Applications for Remote Diagnosis in Neuroscience, WCARDN’2011, Marrakech, 2011.

H. Berbia, F. El Bouanani, R. Romadi, H. Benazza, M. Belkasmi, Genetic algorithm for decoding linear codes overAWGN and fading channels, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol 30, N° 1, 2011.

E. Biglieri, N. Alrajeh, A. Loranzo, B. Bounabat, A Smartphone-Based Healthcare Monitoring System---PHY Challenges and Behavioral Aspects, 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth 2011, Helona - Kos Island, Greece 5-7 October 2011

N. Bouzaidi, L. Kjiri, A Process-Based Approach for Data Integration, poster, 4th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication (WOTIC’11), Casablanca, Maroc, 13-15 Octobre 2011

B. Chakir, M. Fredj, A Model Driven Approach Supporting Multi-view Services Modeling and Variability Management, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’11), Volume 3, 8-11 June 2011, Beijing, China, pp. 247-252.

B. Chakir, M. Fredj, Towards a Modeling Method for managing variability in SOA, IADIS (International Association for the Development of Information Society) Information Systems 2011 (IS 2011), 11-13 mars 2011, Avila, Espagne.

I. Chana, H. Allouch, M. Belkasmi, An efficient new soft-decision decoding algorithm for binary cyclic codes,The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

B. Coulette, K. A. Kedji, M. Nassar, R. Lbath Vers un méta-modèle pour la description des processus IDM collaboratifs,. Dans : Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM’ 2011), Lille, 07/06/11-08/06/11, Hermès, (support électronique), juin 2011.

T. Dinkelaker, M. Erradi, Using Aspect-Oriented State Machines for Resolving Feature Interactions, 3rd International Workshop on Programming languages (WAPL 2011), Szczecin, Poland, September, 2011.

T. Dkaki, A. Anwar, S. Ebersold, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, A Formal Approach to Model Composition Applied to VUML Language, IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2011), Las Vegas, 27/04/2011-29/04/2011, IEEE Computer Society, avril 2011

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Business IT Alignment - A Survey, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems" (ICEIS'2011), June 8-11st, Beijing, China. ICEIS (4) 2011: 493-499

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Experimenting a modelling approach for modelling enterprise strategy in the context of business IT alignment, 3rd International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems – aligning technology, organizations and people (CENTERIS'2011), 5 to 7 October 2011, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Modeling Approach Using Goal Modeling and Enterprise Architecture for Business IT Alignment, 1st International Conference on Model and Data Engineering (MEDI'2011), Óbidos, Portugal, September 28-30, 2011: 249-261

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Modeling Approach for Business IT Alignment, 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems" (ICEIS'2011), June 8-11st, Beijing, China. ICEIS (4) 2011: 457-464

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Strategic alignment: A survey, th. International Conference on Information Systems & Economic Intelligence (SIIE'2011), February 17-19th, 2011. Marrakech – Morocco

Y. F. Ebobisse Djene, R. Ajhoun, A Elearning Independent Runtime for MADAR Learning, 8th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation Brasov, Romania June 28 - July 1, 2011

Y. El Ghayam, M. Erradi, Distributed context awareness for remote diagnosis, Second Workshop on Collaborative Applications for Remote Diagnosis in Neuroscience, WCARDN’2011, Marrakech, 2011.

Y. El Ghayam, M. Erradi, Distributed Context Management in Collaborative Environment, International Conference NOTERE’2011, Paris, June 2011.

A. El haddadi, H. Hamid, B. Dousset, I. Berrada and H. El akkali, Reduce Threats In Competitive Intelligence System: A Generic Information Fusion Access Control Model, publié dans International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ), Vol.3, No.1, February 2011.

A. El haddadi, B. Dousset, I. Berrada, Establishment and application of competitive intelligence in mobile devices, Journal of intelligence studies in business, Vol 1, n° 1, pp 87-96, 2011.

A. Elhamdaoui, M.Abik, R.Ajhoun, Contextual adaptability platform for mobile and ubiquitous learning: a step towards a pervasive learning environment, International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) 1(2): 620-628, 2011

A. Elhamdaoui, M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Platform for Dynamic Adaptation of Learning Content for Pervasive Learning Environments, in The International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC'11) July 7-9, 2011, Part II of Communication in Computer and Information Science 189, pp. 518–529, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.

N. El Haoud, B. Saber, 2011, "Peut-on concilier la flexibilité et la sécurité d’emploi ? ", Colloque International sous le thème « Analyse Economique du droit du travail et méthodes d’évaluation quantitative », Université Cadi Ayyad, Marakech,21 octobre 2011.

B. Elmir, B. Bounabat, A Novel Approach for Periodic Assessment of Business Process Interoperability, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, July 2011 ISSN: 1694-0814, July 2011. ( dblp, sensei, doaj, citeseer, google scholar, scirus)

B. Elmir, N. El Hami, B. Bounabat, R. Ellaia, M. Itmi, Optimal Control of Information System Interoperability Implementation, International Journal of Design and Innovation Research, Volume X – n°Y / 2011 (non encore publié)

B. Elmir, N. Alrajeh, B. Bounabat, Interoperability monitoring for e-government service delivery based on enterprise architecture, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation ICIME 2011, Toronto Canada, ISBN: 97-1-906638-98-6, April 2011. (web of science) the Thomson Reuters ISI Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (ISTP), the EBSCO database, etc.)

S. El Yassami, A. Idri, Applying Fuzzy ID3 Decision Tree for Software Effort Estimation, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol 8, Issue 4, N° 1, pp 131-138, 2011.

S. El Yassami, A. Idri, A fuzzy Decision Tree to estimate development effort for Web Application, International Journal of Avanced Computer Science and Applications - Special issue on artificial Intelligence, pp 87-91, 2011.

M. H. El Yazidi, A. Zellou and A. Idri, "Towards a Fuzzy Mapping for Mediation Systems", International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS’12, 05- 06 November 2011, Agadir, Morocco.

N. Enneya, A. Baayer, M. El Koutbi, The International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science (ICIEIS2011), A Dynamic Timestamp Discrepancy Against Replay Attacks in MANET, 14-16 Nov 2011-Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia & Springer.

B. En-nasry, M.D. Ech-cherif El Kettani, Towards an open framework for mobile digital identity management through strong authentification methods, Communications in computer and information science, vol 187, pp 56-63, 2011

H. Hafiddi, H. Baidouri, M. Nassar, B. El Asri, A. Kriouile, A model driven approach for context-aware services development, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS’2011), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, How Can Service Oriented Systems Make Beneficial Use of Model Driven Architecture and Aspect Paradigm?, Proceedings of the The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE’2011), December 12-14, 2011, Irvine, CA, USA.

H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, B. El asri, A. Kriouile, Modeling Context-Awareness for service oriented applications, Proceedings of the international workshop on Information Technologies and Communication (WOTIC’11), 13-15 octobre 2011, ENSEM, Casablanca, Maroc.

H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, H. Baidouri , B. El Asri, A. Kriouile, A context-aware service centric approach for service oriented architectures , Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS’11), Beijing, China, 8-11 June 2011.

H. Hamid, H. El Bakkali et I. Berrada, Enforcing Access Control in Workflow Systems with a Task Engineering Approach, publié dans International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Inderscience Publishers, Vol.3, 2011.

T. Hamidou, A. Kobbane, M. Elkoutbi, Robust power allocation games under channel uncertainly and time delays, Journal Computer Communications, Elsevier, Issue 12, 34 (August 2011) 1529-1537

A. Jakimi, E. Bouziane, M. El Koutbi, M. Hajar, Retro-Ingénerie de framework UML, Rencontre Nationale en Informatique : Outils et Applications (RNIOA’11), pp, 135,136, 24-25 Mars 2011, Errachidia.

A. Jakimi, L. Elberni, M. El Koutbi, Reverse Engineering of UML Sequence Diagrams, International Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication WOTIC’11, pp. 13-15 October 2011, ENSEM Casablanca.

A. Jakimi, L. Elbermi, M. El Koutbi, Software Development for UML Scenarios: Design, fusion and Code Generation, Accepted in International Review on Computers and Software, Vol 7, September 2011.

A. Jakimi, M. El Koutbi, UML Scenarios engineering and automatic code generation, Accepted in Journal Arab Computer Society, 2011.

M. Kassou, L. Kjiri, Security requirement specification : State of the Art and case of Service Based Applications, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), IEEE Conference, published at IEE digital library, Ouarzazate, Maroc, 07-09 April 2011

K. A. Kedji , B. Coulette, M. Nassar, R. Lbath, Minh Tu Ton That, "Collaborative Processes in the Real World: Embracing their Essential Nature" (regular paper). Dans : International Symposium on Model Driven Engineering: Software & Data Integration, Process Based Approaches and Tools - colocated with ECMFA 2011, Birmingham, 06/06/11-07/06/11, Springer, (support électronique), juin 2011.

K.A. Kedji, Minh Tu Ton That, B. Coulette, R. Lbath, Hanh Nhi Tran, M. Nassar, "A tool-supported approach for process modeling: application to collaborative processes" (regular paper). Dans : Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011), Hochiminh City, 05/12/11-08/12/11, IEEE Computer Society - Conference Publishing Services, décembre 2011.

A. Khaled, M.A. Janati Idrissi, A learning driven model for ERP software selection based on the choquet integral : small and medium enterprises context, Digital Enterprise and Information Systems - International Conference, DEIS 2011, London, UK, July 20 - 22, 2011. Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science 194 Springer 2011 pp 358-371, 2011.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi : A Framework for ERP Evaluation and Selection using MACBETH Technique, in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS 2011, China, pp. 339-342.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi : A Learning Driven Model for ERP Software Selection Based on the Choquet Integral : Small and Medium Enterprises Context, DEIS 2011: 358-371, Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS, Volume 194, Springer , pp. 358-371.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi : A Semi-Structured Methodology for ERP System Selection Based on MACBETH and Choquet Integral Applied to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. IJEEI 2(4):1-19 (2011).

A. Kobbane, Evaluation de performances dans les réseaux sans fil , 2011, Edition universitaires Européennes, ISBN : 978-613-1-56069-9

A. Kobbane , T. Hamidou "Interacting network dynamics under noisy, delayed measurement and random updates" Journal Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2011.

W. Krombi, M. Erradi, Formal Composition of a System with its Security Policy, 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Software Oriented Architectures, Hammamet, Tunisia September 2011.

M. Lakhdissi, B. Bounabat, A new content framework and metamodel for ISSP and EA”. Proceeding of WOTIC 2011, p 211-221, Casablanca, October 2011.

M. A. Koulali, M. El Koutbi, A. Kobbane and M. Azizi “QGRP : A Novel QoS-Geographic Routing Protocol for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8(6): 51-66, 2011.

M. Lakhdissi , B. Bounabat, A new content metamodel for IS Strategic Planning with a tool implementation, To appear in International Jounal of Computer Science Issues(IJCSI) Volume 8 Issue 8, November 2011.

M. Lakhdissi, B. Bounabat, A new content metamodel for IS Strategic Planning : Regulation Agency Case Study, To appear in Journal of Communication and Computer, David publishing Company, Number 12, 2011

M. Lakhdissi, B. Bounabat, Toward a novel methodology for IT Strategic Planning, Proceeding of ICIME 2011, p 277-287, , Toronto Canada, ISBN: 97-1-906638-98-6, April 2011

A. Lbouchouari, B. Tamboura, M. Erradi, Policy Rules as Automata, 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Software Oriented Architectures, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 2011.

A. Loutfi, M. El Koutbi, Evaluation and enhancement of ZRP performances,The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

A. Ouacha, N. Lakki, A. Habbani, J. Oubaha, M. El Koutbi, J. El Abbadi, Energy Consumption of Mobile Intelligent System, International Review on Computers and software (I.RE.CO.S), ISSN 1828-6003, September, 2011

J. Oubaha, A. Habbani. M. ELKOUTBI, New Approach : Mapping of 802.11e into MPLS. International Conference on Multimédia. ICMCS’11, pp.497-502, Ouarzazate, Morocco, 2011.

R. Romadi, H. Berbia, B. Bounabat, Wireless Sensor Network Simulation of the Energy Consumption by a Multi-Agents System, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 25 No.1, pp. 50-56, 15th March 2011

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri, Une approche guidée par les composants pour la conception et le développement d'entrepôts de données, 5ème Conférence francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL’2011), Workshop sur l’Evolution du principe de Réutilisation entre Composants, Services et Cloud Services (RCS2), Lille, France, 07-08 juin 2011

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri, Vers une ontologie pour la formulation des besoins d'un Système d’information Décisionnel, 4th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication (WOTIC’11), Casablanca, Maroc, 13-15 Octobre 2011

H. Sadok, du Knowledge Mangement à l’intelligence Stratégique : l’ingénierie du Process , SIIE 2011, 17-19 Février; Marrakech.

H. Sadok, Finance et pouvoir : l’organisation d’une dynamique de croissance pour les PME, Edition Universitaire Européenne 2011.

H. Sadok, la valorisation du capital immatériel par le marché financier : application aux entreprises technologiques cotées à la bourse de valeurs de Casablanca, Revue contrôle de Gestion (2011), Université Hassan II, Casablanca.

H. Sadok, Le rôle de la légitimation de la prise de décision dans la consolidation du pouvoir du dirigeant, Revue Marocaine de commerce et de Gestion (2011), ENCG, Tanger.

H. Sadok, L’e-banking au Maroc : études de quelques facteurs déterminants , 6th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2011), Abu Dhabi du 11 – 14 Décembre 2011.

S. Slimani, S. Baina, K. Baina, A Framework for Ontology Evolution Management in SSOA-Based Systems. 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2011, Washington, DC, USA, July 4-9, 2011 (ICWS'2011): 724-725.

S. Slimani, S. Baina, K. Baina, Interactive Ontology Evolution Management Using Mutli-agent System: A Proposal for Sustainability of Semantic Interoperability in SOA, 20th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE'2011), Paris, France, 27-29 June 2011: 41-46.

S. Slimani, D. Benslimane, S. Baina, K. Baina, Ontology Evolution Management For Semantic Web Services Cooperation, International Journal of Electronic Business Management 2011, (IJEBM).

K. Souali, A. El Afia, R. Faizi, R. Chiheb, A new recommender system for e-learning environments, The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11), 7-9 April 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco.

H. Tembine, M. El Koutbi, A. Kobbane, Dynamic robust power allocation games under channel uncertainty and times delays, Journal Computer communications, Vol 34, Issue 12, Aout 2011.

R. Zoubairi, Z. Jarir, M. Erradi, Dynamic QoS Management in Mobile Services Framework, 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Software Oriented Architectures, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 2011.
M. Ghenname, R. Ajhoun, C. Gravier, J. Subercaze, Combining the semantic and the social web for intelligent learning systems, IEEE Educon2012,17-20 April 2012, Marrackesh,Morocco. 

M. Abik, " Du e-Learning au e-Learning 2.0: Quel impact sur la qualité de l’apprentissage". « The Journal of Quality in Education » Novembre 2012, ISSN 2028-1897 N°3 Article 3.

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Impact of technological Advancement on pedagogy, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE. January 2012 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume: 13 Number : 1 Article 15.

A. Ahmadi, F. El Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, Y.Benghabrit, Reduced Complexity Iterative Decoding of 3D-Product Block Codes Based on Genetic Algorithms, Hindawi, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 609650.

H. Allouch, M. Belkasmi, Design of distributed IMS by classification and evaluation of costs for secured architecture (2012) 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2012, art. no. 6457814, pp. 291-296.

N.A. Alrajeh, B. Elmir., B. Bounabat, "Healthcare Strategic Alignment through Interoperability Reinforcement”, 9th CONTECSI – International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, May 30th to 1st June – 2012, São Paulo – Brazil.

N. A. Alrajeh, B. Elmir., B. Bounabat, N. El Hami "Interoperability Optimization in Healthcare Collaboration Networks". Biomedizinische Technik - Biomedical Engineering (BMT), March 2012.

N.A. Alrajeh, B. Bounabat, Formal specification of humanitarian disaster management processes (2012) 2012 6th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, ISMICT 2012, art. no. 6203056.

N.A. Alrajeh, B. Elmir, B. Bounabat, N.E. Hami, Interoperability optimization in healthcare collaboration networks (2012) Biomedizinische Technik, 57 (5), pp. 403-411.10.

H. Anoual, S. El Fkihi, A. Jilbab, D. Aboutajdine,. “A Novel Texture-Based Algorithm for Localizing Vehicle Licence Plates”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, pp: 027 - 032 Vol. 45. No. 1 – 2012 .

H. Anoual, S. El Fkihi, A. Jilbab, D. Aboutajdine, ‘Edge Features and Geometrical Properties based Approach for Vehicle License Plate Detection and Localization’, International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 4(2), 63- 76, April-Jun, 2012.

H. Anoual, S. El Fkihi, A. Jilbab, D. Aboutajdine, Localizing Text in natural scene images with complex background, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) , Tangier , Morocco, 10-12 May, 2012.

S. Anter, A. Zellou and W. Hadi, The Hybrid Integration Systems : A Comparative Study, Premières Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, JDSIRT’12, 14-15 Mai 2012, Rabat Maroc.

S. Anter, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Personalization of a hybrid integration system: Creation of views to materialize based on the distribution of user queries (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2012, art. no. 6458566.

S. Anter, A. Zellou, A. Idri, "Vers une architecture d’un système d’intégration hybride", Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2012, Mohammedia, Morocco.

M. Askali, S. Nouh, M. Belkasmi, An efficient method to find the minimum distance of linear block codes (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS 2012, art. no. 6320261, pp. 318-324.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, “Ant Colony Algorithm for a heterogeneous fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-trip”,1st International IEEE ConferenceonLogisticsOperations Management (GOL’12), 17-19 October 2012, Le Havre, France.

A. Azouaoui, M. Belkasmi, A new genetic decoding of Linear Block Codes (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS 2012, art. no. 6320254, pp. 1176-1182.

A. Azouaoui, M. Belkasmi, A. Farchane,Efficient dual domain decoding of linear block codes using genetic algorithms (2012) Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, art. no. 503834.

Y. Baddi, M.D.E El Kettani, VNS-RP algorithm for RP selection in multicast routing protocol PIM-SM (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS 2012, art. no. 6320123, pp. 595-600.

Y. Baddi, M.D.E El Kettani, D2V-VNS-RPS: Delay and delay variation constrained algorithm based on Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm for RP Selection problem in PIM-SM protocol (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2012, art. no. 6458559.

Y. Baddi, M.D.E El Kettani, MC-PIM-SM: Multicast routing protocol PIM-SM with Multiple Cores Shared tree for mobile IPv6 environment (2012) 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2012, art. no. 6457753, pp. 21-26.

H. Bahtit, B. Regragui, Modeling of the process of ISO 27005 standard [Modélisation des processus de la norme ISO 27005] (2012) Proceedings of the 2nd National Days of Network Security and Systems, JNS2 2012, art. no. 6249230, pp. 1-6.

H. Baidouri, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A model-driven approach for Context-Aware services composition (2012) Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS 2012, art. no. 6320249, pp. 693-698.

H. Baidouri, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A mediator architecture for context-aware composition in SOA (2012) ICEIS 2012 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2 ISAS (SAIC/-), pp. 245-251.

K. Baina, Rationalism in scientific management: the dialectic between formal and informal, 2d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb'2013, Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), November 3d. and 4th., 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

A. Baya, B. EL Asri, M. Nassar, Développement des Systèmes par Composition des Domaines Spécifiques: Etat de l’Art" , JDTIC12 Novembre 2012.

H. Belaoud, A. Habbani, J. El Abbadi, Mobile networks migration towards NGN (2012) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 36 (1), pp. 85-91.

A. Belahcen, M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, C-MADAR Learning: A Clouded environment for E&M Learning, IEEE Educon2012,17-20 April 2012, Marrackesh,Morocco.

Y. Belkasmi, A. Kobbane , M. El Koutbi, J. Benothmane, Channel Allocation Strategies in Opportunistic-based Cognitive Networks, IWCMC, Chypre 2012.

Y. Benadada, A. El Hilali, « Programmation Mathématique, de la modélisation à la résolution », ISBN : 978-9954-31-581-1, 2012.

F. Benamar, C. Demonceaux, S. El Fkihi, E. Mouaddib, D. Aboutajdine, Time to contact estimation on paracatadioptric cameras (2012) Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, art. no. 6460944, pp. 3602-3605.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, "A user-centric Mashuped SOA", International Journal of Web Science (IJWS), Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012: 204-223.

L. Benhiba, M.A. Janati Idrissi, An SNA-based evaluation framework for virtual teams> (2012) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7567 LNCS, pp. 597-607.

L. Benhiba, M. A. Janati Idrissi, An SNA-based evaluation framework for virtual Teams . Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2012, art. no. 6425637, pp. 948-953.

L. Benhiba, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Towards an SNA system for evaluating project virtual teams based on social collaborative platforms, 4th International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services, NGNS’12, Algarve-Portugal (2012).

L. Benhiba, M. A. Janati Idrissi, An SNA-Based Evaluation Framework for Virtual Teams. OTM Workshops, LNCS 7567 , pp. 597-607, (2012)

L. Benhiba, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Tendances des méthodes de gestion des projets informatiques, e-TI- la revue électronique des technologies d-information, Numéro 6, (2012)

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, Towards a Formalization of the User-Centric Service Development, 2d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb'2013, Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), November 3d. and 4th., 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

S. Bensiali, R.Ajhoun, M. Abik. Novel approach for accessible visual resources in a Web based learning environment. IEEE Educon2012,17-20 April 2012, Marrackesh, Morocco.

M.T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, “Ant colony algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem in large quantities by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles”,1st International IEEE ConferenceonLogisticsOperations Management (GOL’12), 17-19 October 2012, Le Havre, France.

M. Bezoui, M. Belkasmi, F. El Bouanani, Méthodes de mutliplexage et de modulation utilisé dans le LTE , JDSIRT, ENSIAS-Rabat 14-15 Mai 2012.

A. Blaise, Y. Benkaouz, M. Erradi, A. Berqia, A Vertical Handoff Implementation In a Real Testbed , International Journal, Mobile Computing Vol. 1 Iss. 1, November 2012, pp.1-14.

A. Blaise, Y. Benkaouz, M. Erradi, A. Berqia, A Multicriteria Handoff Decision Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks ", PEMWN 2012: International Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wireless Networks, 22 November 2012, Tunis.

B. Bounabat, « Arab Book 2012, A vibrant ICT Market in the Arab region, impact of the regulation », 2012.
B. Bounabat Stratégie Nationale pour la Cyber-Sécurité au Maroc UNECA –UMA Workshop. Harmonisation de la Cyber-législation au Maghreb, 9-10 Mai, 2012 – Rabat, Maroc.

H.Chaibi, R. Saadane, M. El Aroussi, M. A. Faqihi, M. Wahbi, M.Belkasmi, “Measurement and modeling of an ULB channel using an autoregressive model “ Second International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, IEEE (INTECH 2012), September , Rabat 2012

H.Chaibi, R. Saadane, My A. Faqihi, M. Belkasmi, "Evaluation de laprobabilité de panne dans une communication cognitive basé sur leremplissage du vide dans le spectre", NTCCCS 2012, WorkshopInternational Théorie des Nombres, Code, Cryptographie et Systèmes de Communication 26-28 Avril, 2012, ouajda, Maroc.

H.Chaibi, R. Saadane, My A. Faqihi, M. Belkasmi, "Spatial Correlation Characterization for UWB Indoor Channel based on Measurements",LNCS, International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP 2012),Agadir, PP. 149-156, June 28-30, 2012, (c’est une publicationdans DBLP et LNCS Image and Signal Processing de Springer).

B. Chakir, M. Fredj, M. Nassar, "A model driven method for promoting reuse in SOA-solutions by managing variability", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 3, No 3, Mai 2012.

B. Chakir, M. Fredj, M. Nassar, Promoting reuse in web services by managing variability, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12), Tangier, Morocco, 10-12 Mai 2012, pp. 712 – 717.

Y. Ebobissé Djéné, M. Abik, Using Contextual information in Learning Management Systems: Managing Access Control and Adaptability/ Accessibility, IEEE Educon2012,17-20 April 2012, Marrackesh,Morocco.

T. Debbagh, A. Hashem, B. Bounabat, Telecom/ICT Regulatory reform evolution: achievements and way forward - Arab region. Arab-Book 2012, International Telecommunications Union – BDT/ITU, September 2012.

K. Doumi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Evaluation approach for strategic business and IT alignment: Application to university information System, 2d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb'2013, Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), November 3d. and 4th., 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

A. El Afia, Y. Benadada, A conception of electrical energy supply chain management platform,1st International IEEE ConferenceonLogisticsOperations Management (GOL’12), 17-19 October 2012, Le Havre, France.

H. El Bakkali, Bypassing Workflow Satisfiability Problem due to Access Control Constraints, in Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT2012), publié dans ‘Communications in Computer and Information Science’(CCIS 7899) Series of Springer LNCS, Dubai, April 2012.

L. El Bassiti, M.Abik, R.Ajhoun, Organization of the 21st century, new challenges, new opportunities, .5th. International Conference on “ Information Systems & Economic Intelligence”, February 16th. - 18th., 2012. , Djerba– Tunisia.

F. EL Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, M. Belkasmi, H. Berbia, New Results for the Shannon channel capacity over generalized multipath fading channels, Accepted in Eurasip Journal on wireless Communications and Networking 2012.

A. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, El Hilali Alaoui and Y. Benadada, “Optimisation des émissions de CO2 du transport de fret et CVRP :Revue”, 1st International IEEE ConferenceonLogisticsOperations Management (GOL’12), 17-19 October 2012, Le Havre, France.
M. El Haj Tirari, A. El Afia, R. Faizi, “new optimal quadratic predictor of a residual linear model in a finite population”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 42, N°1, 70-74, 2012.

B. El Idrissi, S. Baina, K. Baina, "An Ontology Based Approach for Semantic Interoperability of ERP Systems within an organization", 2d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb'2013, Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), November 3d. and 4th., 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

K. El Mahdi, S. Enniari, M. Zbakh, Cloud Computing Architectures Based IDS, International Conference on Conmplex Systems (ICCS´12), November 5-6, 2012, Agadir, Morocco.

N. Elhaoud, 2012, « Effets de e-gouvernement sur le bien-être social », Colloque international du groupe de recherche « Innovation, Responsabilités et Développement Durable – INREDD », Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, 28 au 30 novembre 2012.

N. Elhaoud, Intelligence économique au service de l’entreprise innovante, Revue Internationale de l’Intelligence Économique 3 (2011) 175-187, 2012.

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, “Using lexicometry and vocabulary analysis techniques to detect a signature for web profile”, The First International Workshop on Semantic Social Network Analyis and Design, under IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2012, , 26 aout 2012, Istambul, Turquie

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, “Vers une méthodologie de modélisation d’une signature unique des profils Web : Module de détection des auteurs des forums web”, 11ème Journées d’Analyse Statistique des Données Textuelles JADT 2012, 13-15 juin 2012, Liège, Belgique

M. Elmaallam, A. Kriouile, A case study for Assessing maturity of IS risk management process, Journées doctorales en système d'information réseaux et télécommunication, Mai 2012, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

M. Elmaallam, A. Kriouile, A Model of maturity for IS risk management - Case study, Computer and Information Science (CIS), Vol. 5, No. 3; May 2012, doi:10.5539/cis.v5n3p97.

M. Elmaallam, A. Kriouile, Assessing maturity of IS risk management process Case study, Proceedings of Seventh international conference on intelligent systems Théories and applications (SITA'12), Mai 2012, Mohammedia, Morocco.

M. Elmaallam, A. Kriouile, IS risk management process maturity model(ISR3M) - Integration of IS life cycle, Proceedings of International conference of multimedia computing and systems, 10-12 Mai 2012, Tangier, Morocco.

M. Elmaallam, A. Kriouile, Model ISR3M for assessing maturity of IS risk management process - Case study, soumis pour publication à la conférence CIST’2012 Oct 24-26, 2012, Fez, Morocco.

M. Elmachkour, A. Kobbane , M. El Koutbi, New Insights from a Delay Analysis for Cognitive Radio Networks with and without Reservation, IWCMC, 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, art. no. 6314179, pp. 65-70. Chypre, 2012.

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, Using lexicometry and vocabulary analysis techniques to detect a signature for web profile, The First International Workshop on Semantic Social Network Analyis and Design, under IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2012, , 26 aout 2012 Istambul, Turquie.

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, Vers une méthodologie de modélisation d'une signature unique des profils web : module de détection des auteurs des forums web, 11ème journées internationales d'analyse statistique des données textuelles, 13-15 juin 2012, Liège, Belgique.

S. El Yahyaoui El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Les Systèmes De Médiation P2P : Une Etude Comparative, Premières Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, JDSIRT’12, 14-15 Mai 2012, Rabat Maroc.

S. El Yahyaoui El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, "Une approche pour la découverte de Mapping dans un système de Médiation P2P Pur", 2nd.International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb'2012 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), November 3d. and 4th., 2012 in Hammamet (Tunisia).

M. H. El Yazidi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Integration Of Information : Methods Of Mapping, Premières Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, JDSIRT’12, 14-15 Mai 2012, Rabat Maroc.

A. Essahraouy, M. Baslam, A. Kobbane, M. Gharbi, Price and QoS Ware Between Telecommunication Service Providers : A Non-Cooperative Game Analysis, ICMCS, Tanger 2012.

A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, B. Sbihi, Viewpoints Diagram: towards an innovative diagram in the UML Language, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS’2012), ISSN: 1738-7906, Vol.12, No.8, August 2012, pp: 49-54,,

W. Hadi, A. Zellou and B. Bounabat, Hybrid Information Integration: Fuzzy controller for selecting views to materialize, Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2012,
Mohammedia, Morocco.

W. Hadi, A. Zellou, B. Bounabat,. The Integration of InformationSources : What Solution for Witch Situation ?, Premières Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, JDSIRT’12, 14-15 Mai 2012, Rabat Maroc.

Y. Hamada, B. Gendron, Y. Benadada, “Modélisation et résolution d’un problème de planification stratégique à trois échelons”,1st International IEEE Conference on Logistics Operations Management (GOL’12), 17-19 October 2012, Le Havre, France.

H. Hamid, H. El Bakkali, I. Berrada, Enforcing Access Control in Workflow Systems with a Task Engineering Approach, Int. J. Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST), Vol.4 - Issue 1 – 2012, InderScience, DOI: 10.1504/IJITST.2012.045150.

A. Idri, F. Amazal, ‘Software Cost Estimation by Fuzzy Analogy for ISBSG Repository, World Science, Special Issue Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, World Scientific Proceedings on Computer Engineering and Information Science 7, Edited by Cengiz Kahraman, Etienne E. Kerre and Faik Tunc Bozbura, 2012 pp.863-868.

A. Idri, S. Elyassami, “Investigating effort prediction of software projects on the ISBSG Dataset”, IJAIA International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, Vol.3, No.2, March 2012, pp. 121-132.

A. Idri, S. Ouhbi, J. L. Fernandez-Aleman, A. Toval, “A survey of requirements engineering education”, IEEE EDUCON, April, Marrakech, 2012, pp. 1-5.

M. Kassou, L.Kjiri, A Goal Question Metric Approach for Evaluating Security in a Service Oriented Architecture Context, IJCSI Volume 9, Issue 4, July 2012.

M. Kassou, L.Kjiri, A novel SOA Security Model, ICSSEA 2012, 24th International Conference on SOFTWARE & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING and their APPLICATIONS, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, 23-25 Octobre 2012.

M. Kassou, L.Kjiri, Ingénierie des exigences de la sécurité informatique : Revue de travaux de recherche de l'élicitation à la spécification, e-TI Revue électronique des technologies d'Information, N°6, 2012.

M. Kassou, L. Kjiri, A maturity metric based approach for eliciting SOA Security Requirements , IEEE Conference, published at IEE digital library, Journées Nationales de la Sécurité des Réseaux et Systèmes (JNS2), 20-21 Avril 2012, Marrakech, Maroc.

M. Kassou, L. Kjiri, SOASMM: a Novel Service Oriented Architecture Security Maturity Model, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12), IEEE Conference, published at IEE digital library, 10-12 Mai 2012, Tanger, Maroc.
A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi, A decision making System for ERP Selection based on Its anticipated Payoff. In the proceedings of the 7th international Conference on Intelligent Systems , SITA 2012, Mohammedia, pp. 10-17.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi, , A Semi-Structured Tailoring-Driven Approach for ERP Selection, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 5, N° 2, pp. 71-80, (2012)

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi, A Semi-Structured Tailoring-Driven Approach for ERP Selection. CoRR abs/1211.2445 (2012)

A.Khiyaita, M. Zbakh, H. El Bakkali, M.D. El Kettani, LOAD BALANCING IN CLOUD COMPUTING: STATE-OF-ART, Second edition of the National Security Days – JNS2, April 20 – 21, 2012, Marrakesh, , Morocco,
M.A. Koulali, A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi, M. Azizi, QDGRP : A Hybrid QoS Distributed Genetic Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS, Tanger, 2012.

M. A. Koulali, A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi, H. Tembrine , J. Benothmane, Dynamic Power Control for Energy Harvesting Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, doi : 10.1186/1687-1499-2012-158, licensee Springer.

A. Kobbane, M.A. Koulali, M. El Koutbi, J. Benothmane, “Optimal Distributed Relay Selection for Duty-Cycling Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Globecom 2012.

A. Kobbane, M.A. Koulali, M. El Koutbi, H. Tembrine, J. Benothmane, Dynamic Power Control with Energy Constraint for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE ICC 2012 Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium. Ottawa 2012.

F. Mhada, I. El Hallaoui, M. Ouzineb, " An efficient heuristic for buffer sizing and inspection stations : allocation" 1st International IEEE Conference on Logistics Operations Management (GOL’12),Le Havre, 17-19 October, 2012.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim. “Sentiment Analysis : Classification supervisée de documents arabes”. In proc of the 7th international conference on intelligent systems: Theories and Applications (SITA’12), Mohammadia, Morocco, 2012, pp282-289.Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “A cross-study of Sentiment Classification on Arabic corpora”. In Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIX, M. Bramer and M. Petridis, Editors. 2012, Springer London. pp.259-272. Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “Addressing the problem of Unbalanced Data sets in Sentiment Analysis”.In proc of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR’12), Barcelone, Spain, 2012, pp306-311. Short paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “An empirical study to address the problem of Unbalanced Data Sets in Sentiment Classification”. In proc of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC’12), Seoul, Korea, 2012, pp3280-3285.Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “Sentiment Classification on Arabic Corpora: Preliminary results of a cross-study”. In proc of Le 3eme Séminaire de Veille Stratégique, Scientifique et Technologique (VSST’12), Ajaccio, France, 2012, pp1-16.Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “Some methods to address the problem of Unbalanced Sentiment Classification in an Arabic context”. In proc of the Colloquium on Information Science and Technology (IEEE CIST’12), Fez, Morocco, 2012, pp43-48. Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. “Sentiment Analysis : Etude de méthodes de Réduction de Dimensionnalité dans la classification de documents arabes”. 4èmes Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (JDTIC’12), Casablanca, Morocco, 2012, pp1-5. Poster paper.

A. Mouradi, "Vue générale sur les Technologies du Langage Humain : Cas des projets européens : NEMLAR & MEDAR", 5ème Edition de la Conférence Internationale sur Les Technologies d’Information et de Communication pour l'AMazighe TICAM’12, Rabat, 26-27 novembre 2012.

A. Mzibri, F. El Bouanani, M. Belkasmi, An approximation fo Rayleigh fading mimo channels capacity in terms of meijer G-Function, Journées JDSIRT, ENSIAS, Rabat 14-15 Mai 2012.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, Etat de l’art des systèmes de réputation en e-commerce, Actes des deuxièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS2), Marrackech, Avril 2012.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, Towards a New Design for Trust Reputation System, in Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12), Tangier, May 2012.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "An Analysis Study of Contract-Based Approach for Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture ". Journal of Information and Systems Management , 2012.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "Dependability of Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems". Proceedings of the International Symposium on Security and Safety of Complex Systems (2SCS 2012). Agadir, Morocco, 2012.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "A Multilevel Contract Model for Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture". Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2012). Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.

A. Sabraoui, A. Ettalbi., M. Elkoutbi, A. En-nouaary, Towards an UML profile for web service composition based on behavioral descriptions, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA’2012), ISSN Print: 1945-3116, ISSN Online: 1945-3124, Vol.5, No.9, September 2012, pp: 711-721, 10.4236/jsea.2012.59084,

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri , Une démarche d’analyse à base de patrons pour la découverte des besoins métier d’un Système d’Information Décisionnel, 12e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, Atelier aIde à la Décision à tous les Etages EGC@2012, 31 Janvier- 2 Février 2012, Bordeaux, France.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, A process pattern for managing evolution of configurable process models, the 2nd international IEEE Colloquium In Information Science and Technology, (IEEE CIST’12), 22-24 Oct. 2012, Fès, Maroc. pp. 22-25.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "Service Component Architecture Models and Frameworks for Critical Systems". Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication (JDSIRT 2012). Rabat, Morocco, 2012.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "Survey of Dependability Efforts of Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems " Journal of Automation \& Systems Engineering, 2012.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "Toward a Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture, Techniques and Models". Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information System (ICEIS 2012). Wroclaw, Pologne.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, "Towards Contract-Based Approach for Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture". Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2012). Casablanca, Morocco.

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri , Patterns to analyze requirements of a Decisional Information System, The 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering, Databases and Expert Systems (SEDEXS'12), 14-15 Juin 2012, Settat, Maroc.

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri, Patterns to analyze requirements of a Decisional Information System, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), Special Issue On Software Engineering Databases and EXpert Systems (SEDEXS), Number 2, ISBN: 973-93-80870-26-8, 17 Septembre 2012.

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri , Processus de traitement et de formalisation des besoins métier d’un Système d’Information Décisionnel, 30 ème édition INFORSID2012, 29-31 Mai 2012, Montpellier, France.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, A process pattern for managing evolution of configurable process models, International IEEE CIST’12, Fez, Morocco, 22-24 October, 2012.H. Sadok "L’immatériel : un levier pour la création de valeur dans les PME" Colloque sur le Management des PME et compétitivité territoriale, 22-23 Mars ; Palais des congrès de Fès (ENCG), 2012.

H. Sadok, A.Taghzouti, S. Benjabeur, Y. Fahmi, " Du pilotage astratégique pr la valeur des alliances stratégiques" Colloque sur le Management de la Performance des organisations, 21 et 22 juin à L’ENCG, Tanger, 2012.

H. Sadok, Y. Fahmi, S. Benjabeur, A. Taghzouti "La défaillance des entreprises: une revue de littérature" Colloque sur le Management de la Performance des organisations, 21 et 22 juin à L’ENCG Tanger, 2012 

S. Achchab, I. Slimani, "Sharing demand forecasts in a basic supply chain using game theory" 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO'13). 28-30 April 2013; Hammamet, Tunisia.

S. Achchab, I. Slimani, "Optimization of inventory and transportation costs with probabilistic demand : A game theory approach" International Symposium on Operational Research and Applications (ISORAP 2013). 08-10 May 2013; Marrakesh, Morocco.

S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada , Combined optimization of costs of the storage and the shipping in a multi-stage and multi-product supply chain under a stochastic demand. International Symposium on Operational Research and Applications (ISORAP 2013). 08-10 May 2013; Marrakesh, Morocco.

S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada. "Combined optimization of shipping and storage costs in a multi-product and multi-level supply chain, under a stochastic demand". 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO'13). 28-30 April 2013; Hammamet, Tunisia.

A. Alfath, K. Baina, S.Baina, “Cloud Computing Security: Fine grained analysis and Security approaches”, 3ème édition des Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS3), 26 & 27 Avril 2013, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

N. Alrajeh, K. Elhari, B. Bounabat, Enterprise architecture based assessment of healthcare information system strategic alignment, (2013) HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, pp. 284-289.

S. Anter, A. Zellou, A. Idri, "K-schema: A New approach, based on the distribution of user queries, to create views to materialize in a hybrid integration system", JATIT, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, E-ISSN: 1817-3195, will appear in Vol 49 March 2013 Issues of JATIT.

S. Anter, A. Zellou and A. Idri, MATHIS : A new approach for creating views to materialize in a hybrid integration system, IRECOS, Journal International Review on Computers and Software, 8, No. 2, 2013.

S. Anter, A. Zellou, A. Idri, “The hybrid integration system. Towards a new approach for creating candidate views for materialization”. CSIT 2013, the 5th international conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Amman, Jordan, March 27-28th, 2013.

A. Anwar, A. Benelallam, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A graphical specification of model composition with triple graph grammars, (2013) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7706 LNCS, pp. 1-18.

R. Aouinatou, M. Belkasmi, On the conventional public key in identification-based encryption: The case of RSA, (2013) International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 5 (3), pp. 171-201.

H. Aousalah, M. Rhanoui, and B. El Asri, CompSys : a Verification and Validation Process Based on SysML for Attesting Critical Service Component Systems, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication , Rabat, Morocco, 2013.

N. Assad, B. Elbhiri, S. El Fkihi, M.A. Faqihi, M. Ouaddou, D. Aboutajdine, Sum Minimum Cost Link Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks, Accepted in SENSORCOMM 2013, August 25 - 31, 2013 - Barcelona, Spain.

N. Attaoui, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, K. Wasielewska, M. Essaaidi, Multiple equivalent simultaneous offers strategy in an agent-based grid resource brokering system-initial considerations, (2013) Scalable Computing, 14 (2), pp. 83-94.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, Memetic algorithm for a multi-objective vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, (2013) International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 10 (2), pp. 72-91.

Y. Baddi, M.D. Ech-Cherif El Kettani, Key management for secure multicast communication: A survey, (2013) 2013 National Security Days - 3eme Edition Des Journees Nationales de Securite, JNS3, art. no. 6595453.

Y. Baddi, M.D.E.C. El Kettani, Parallel GRASP algorithm with delay and delay variation for Rendez vous Point selection in PIM-SM multicast routing, (2013) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 57 (2), pp. 235-243.

K. Baina, Organisation, and Information Systems between formal and informal continuum, balance, patterns, and anti-patterns, 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 4-7 July 2013, Angers, France.

K. Baina, S. Baina, User experience-based evaluation of open source Workflow systems : The cases of Bonita, Activiti, jBPM, and Intalio, 3d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb 2013 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM) November 8th. - 9th, 2013. Marrakech, Morocco.

A. Baya, B. EL Asri, M. Nassar, Composing Specific Domains for Large Scale Systems, Journal of Communication and Computer, 2013.

A. Baya, B. EL Asri, M. Nassar, "Towards a Generic Composition of Specific Domain Models", International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications, Rabat, Maroc, May 2013.

A. Baya, B. EL Asri, M. Nassar, "XCOMP : A Multidimensional Approach for Composing Specific Domain", ICONS2013, Seville, Espagne, Janvier 2013.

H. Belaoud, J. El Abbadi, A. Habbani, Survey of SIP authentication mechanisms, (2013) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 58,2,pp 357-365.

A. Bellabdaoui, I. Bennis, J. Saadi, M. Benajiba, Optimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco [Optimisation des niveaux de stock dans les centres de transfusion sanguine au Maroc], (2013) Transfusion Clinique et Biologique.

K. Benaija, L.Kjiri, "Gestion de portefeuilles de projets de l’entreprise : état de l’art et démarche de sélection de projets", Les deuxièmes Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunications (JDSIRT’13), ENSIAS, 27-28 juin 2013, Rabat, Maroc.

K.Benaija, L.Kjiri, "Mesure de la maturité de portefeuille de projets de l’entreprise : état de l’art et amélioration de processus", 3ème Colloque international ISKO-Maghreb'2013, IEEE Conférence, 08-09 Novembre 2013, Marrakech, Maroc.

F. Benamar, C. Demonceaux, S. El Fkihi, E.M. Mouaddib, D. Aboutajdine, “Estimation des Cartes du Temps de Collision (TTC) en Vision Para-catadioptrique”. Accepté à la conférence ORASIS, 10-14 juin 2013 à Bourgogne, France.

F. Benamar, S. El Fkihi, C. Demonceaux, E.M. Mouaddib, D. Aboutajdine, Gradient-Based Time to Contact on Paracatadioptric Camera.Accepted in ICIP 2013, September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.

E . Bendriss, B. Regragui, Automatic selection of filtering devices in a distributed intrusion prevension system, (2013) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 53 (2), pp. 307-311.

E . Bendriss, B. Regragui, Honeypot based intrusion management system: From a passive architecture to an ips system, (2013) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 47 (2), pp. 792-797.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, A Formalization of the End User Service Development Approach, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI'2013) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2013.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, A New Enterprise Integration-based Framework for Enterprise Physical Mashup, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS'2013), Vol 8, N 8, August 2013.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, Formalization of the User Centric SOA Approach : Implementation and End User Satisfaction Evaluation, 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2013), 4-7 July 2013, Angers, France

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, SOA for the Masses : End Users as Services Composers, The 10th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA'2013), Fes/Ifrane, Morocco, May 27 – 30, 2013.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, A user-centric Mashuped SOA, International Journal of Web Science (IJWS'2012), Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012: 204-223.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, Formalization of the User Centric SOA Approach : Implementation and End User Satisfaction Evaluation, 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 4-7 July 2013, Angers, France.

M. Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, SOA for the Masses : End Users as Services Composers, THE 10th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), Fes/Ifrane, Morocco, May 27- 30, 2013.

M.Benhaddi, K. Baina, H. Abdelwahed, The user-centric SOA and its impacts on other disciplines, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT'2013), Vol 54, N 3, August 2013 : 523-531.

L. Benhiba, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Proposition d’un système d’aide à l’évaluation structurelle de la communication dans les équipes projets virtuelles intégrant des concepts SNA et BI, In the proceedings of the 8th International conférence on Intelligent Systems, SITA 2013, pp. 45-51.

Y. Benkaouz, M. Erradi, A distributed protocol for privacy preserving aggregation, (2013) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7853 LNCS, pp. 221-232.

A.Belahcen, M.Abik, R.Ajhoun, C ESB Based Communication in the Connectivist Learning Environment -CLE-, Isko-Maghreb’13, 8-9 Novembre 2013, Marrackesh,Morocco

A.Belahcen, M.Abik, R.Ajhoun, Knowledge Construction in the Connectivist Learning Environment -CLE-, IEEE- Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 10-12 Octobre 2013, Antalya, TURQUIE.

M.T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, A constructive heuristic for the multi-depot distribution problem of petroleum products in large quantities by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering, Vol. 7, N°1, 2013.

M.T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, Ant colony algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem in large quantities by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, accépté dans Information Systems and Operational Research, INFOR, décembre 2013.

M. Berrada, B. Bounabat Business Modeling of Enterprise Architecture based on Multi-Agent System The 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Information Technology, ICAIT 2013. Singapore, August 24-25, 2013.

H. Bouirouga, S. El Fkihi, A. Jilbab, D. Aboutajdine, Neural network adult videos recognition using jointly face shape and skin feature extraction, VISAPP, 21-24, February, 2013, Barcelone, Spain.

H.Chaibi, A.Aouaoui, My A. Faqihi, M. Belkasmi, "Comparaison de décodeurs DDGA et GAMD pour les codes LDPC", JDSIRT 2013, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’information Réseaux et Télécommunications, 27-28 Juin 2013 Rabat-Maroc.

H.Chaibi, My A. Faqihi, M. Belkasmi, "Amélioration de la Classification des Signaux en utilisant les algorithmes génétiques", JDSIRT 2013, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’information Réseaux et Télécommunications, 27-28 Juin 2013 Rabat-Maroc.

H.Chaibi, My A. Faqihi, M. Belkasmi, "Technologie Ultra Large Bande et les Réseaux de Capteur Sans Fil ", JDSIRT 2012, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’information Réseaux et Télécommunications, 14-15 Mai 2013 rabat-maroc.

A. Choukri, A. Habbani, M. El Koutbi, A hierarchical version of OLSR for MANET, (2013) World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (12), pp. 1739-1747.

A. Choukri, A. Habbani, M. El Koutbi, Efficient heuristic based on clustering approach for OLSR, (2013) Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2013, art. no. 597461.

N. Daoudi et R. Ajhoun, Pedagogy centered on learner in E, M and P-learning continuum : Active and situated learning, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), Mai 2013.

K. Doumin S. Baina, K. Baina, Aligning organizations strategy to information system : the BUSITAME method - Application to university information System, bearing paper id 'IJCSI-2013-10-3-6682' has been accepted for publication in IJCSI Volume 10, Issue 3, May 2013.

K. Doumin S. Baina, K. Baina, Strategic Business and IT Alignment : Representation and Evaluation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), 10th January 2013. Vol. 47 No. 1.

H. El Bakkali, “Enhancing Workflow Systems Resiliency by Using Delegation and Priority Concepts”, in Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM), Vol.11- Issue 4 – August 2013.

A. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, A. El Hilali Alaoui, Y. Benadada, A genetic algorithm for Optimizing the amount of emissions of greenhouse gaz for capacitated vehicle routing problem in green transportation, 2013.

N. El Hami, A. Elmir, R. Ellaia, M. Itmi, B. Bounabat, Simulation and Optimization of Interoperability Planning, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology June 2013 -- Vol. 52. – 2013.

M. El Hamlaoui, S. Ebersold, B. Coulette, A. Anwar, M. Nassar, Heterogeneous Models Matching for Consistency Management, 8th international Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE’2013), ESEO, Angers Loire Vallez, france, 4-6 July 2013.

M. El Hamlaoui, S. Ebersold, A. Anwar, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A Process for Maintaining Heterogeneous Models Consistency through Change, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), Fès/Ifrane, 27/05/2013-30/05/2013, IEEE Computer Society, (support électronique).

B. El Idrissi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Automatic Generation of Ontology from Data Models: A Practical Evaluation of Existing Approaches, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 29-31 2013, Paris, France.

B. El Idrissi, S. Baina, K. Baina, "Ontology Learning from Data Models : Advance and the Requirement for a Database Preparation and Enrichment Process", 3d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghrebeb 2013 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM) November 8th. - 9th, 2013. Marrakech, Morocco.

S.E.Y . El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Towards a dynamic mapping in P2P mediation system, 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, CSIT 2013 - Proceedings, art. no. 6588771, pp. 134-141.

A. El Kabli, My A. Faqihi, A. Hammouch, "Review of OCDMA with Optical Orthogonal Codes", WCCCS'13, Workshop on Codes, Cryptography and Communication Systems 07-08 November 2013, Meknes, Morocco.

M. El Maallam, A. Kriouile, Toward a Maturity Model Development Process for Information Systems (MMDePSI), International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 10(3), pp. 118-125, 2013.

K. El Mahdi, S. Enniari, M. Zbakh, Cloud Computing Architectures Based Multi-Tenant IDS, International Conference in Engineering Education and Research-CEER´13, July 1-5, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2013.

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, Using lexicometry and vocabulary analysis techniques to detect a signature for web profil,Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2013.

S. El Manar El Bouanani, I. Kassou, An approach using intertextual distance to detect web messages authors, 2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb.

A. El Mir, B. El Mir, B. Bounabat, Multi-facet Quality Assessment of Process Driven Services in Collaborative Networks, 3d. International Symposium ISKOMaghreb’ 2013 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), Marrakech, Morocco, 8-9 November 2013.

A. El Mir, B. El Mir, B. Bounabat, Towards an Assessmen t-oriented Model for External Information System Quality Characterization, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 2, July 2013.

K. El Mahdi, S. Enniari, M. Zbakh, Towards a Cloud Computing Architectures Based Multi- Tenant IDS, Third edition of the National Security Days – JNS3, April 26–27, 2013, ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco.

S. El Yahyaoui El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Towards a Dynamic Mapping in P2P Mediation system, CSIT 2013, the 5th international conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Amman, Jordan, March 27-28th, 2013.

S. El yassami, A. Idri, “Evaluation Software Cost Estimation Models using Fuzzy Decision Trees”, WSEAS Book "Recent Advances in Knowledge Engineering and Systems Science", ISBN 1-61804-162-1, 2013, pp. 243-248.

M. H. El Yazidi, A. Zellou and A. Idri, Towards A Fuzzy Mapping for Virtual Integration System, IRECOS : Journal International Review on Computers and Software, 2013.

B. Elbhiri, S. El Fkihi, R. Saadane, N. Lasaad, A. Jorio, D. Aboutajdine , A New Spectral Classification for Robust Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks, WMNC’2013, 23th to 25th April 2013, Dubai, UAE.

I. Elmagrouni, M. Lethrech, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A. Kenzi, Processus 3TUP, 3rd. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, Nov 8, 2013 - Nov 9, 2013, Marrakech – Morocco.

A. Ezzahout, M.Y. Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami, An efficient people tracking system using the FFT- Correlation and Optimized SAD, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 48 (1), pp. 9-14.

A. Ezzahout, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Y. Hadi, Tracking people through selected blocks using correlation and optimized similarity measure OSSD, 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, art. no. 6560819.

R. Faizi, A. El Afia, R. Chiheb. "Exploring the Potential Benefits of Using Social Media in Education”. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP). Vol. 3 Issue 4, pp50-53.

R. Faizi, A. El Afia, R. Chiheb. "Students’ Perceptions on Social Media Use in Language Learning". 6th International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.

R. Faizi, R. Chiheb, A. El Afia."A Web-Based Tool to Assess Language Learning". 6th International Conference on ICT for Language Learning. Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2013.

T. Fissaa, H. Guermah, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Ontology Based Context Modeler for Context-Aware Systems, IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA’13), Koloa, HI, USA, December 16-18, 2013.

T. Fissaa, H. Guermah, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Ontology based Context Aware e-Learning System, 3rd. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, Nov 8, 2013 - Nov 9, 2013, Marrakech – Morocco.

M. Ghenname, M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, C. Gravier, J. Subercaze, and F. Laforest, Personalized Recommendation Based Hashtags on E- learning Systems, Isko-Maghreb’13, 8-9 Novembre 2013, Marrackesh,Morocco.

H. Gueddah, A. Yousfi, The impact of arabic inter-character proximity and similarity on spell-checking, 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, art. no. 6560811.

H. Guermah, T. Fissaa, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Context Modeling and Reasoning for building Context, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), Fès/Ifrane, 27/05/2013-30/05/2013, IEEE Computer Society, (support électronique).

H. Guermah, T. Fissaa, M. Nassar and A. Kriouile, Towards an Ontology based Context Modeling for Service Oriented Systems, International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (ICIST'2013), Tanger, Morocco, March, 22 - 24, 2013 2013.

K. Guilavogui, L. Kjiri, M. Fredj. "Towards an architecture for the semantic integration of data streams", Les deuxièmes Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunications (JDSIRT’13), ENSIAS, 27-28 Juin, Rabat, Maroc.

W. Hadi, A. Zellou, B.Bounabat. A Fuzzy Logic Based Method for Selecting Information to Materialize in Hybrid Information Integration System. Journal IRECOS, International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 8, N.2, 2013, ISSN 1828-6003, pp: 489-499.

W. Hadi, A. Zellou, B. Bounabat. Fulvis: New approach for selecting views to materialize in Hybrid Information Integration. CSIT 2013, the 5th international conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Amman, Jordan, March 27-28th, 2013.

M. Hanini, S.El Kafhali, A. Haqiq, A. Berqia, Effect of the Feedback Function on the QoS in a Time Space Priority with Active Queue Management, CoRR abs, 2013.

A. Harbouche, M. Erradi, A. Kobbane, A Flexible Wireless Body Sensor Network System for Health Monitoring, IEEE WETITCE/AROSA Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia 2013.

A. Harbouche, M. Erradi, A. Mokhtari, Deriving multi-agent system behavior, (2013) International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, 7 (4), pp. 137-156.

A. Haqiq, B. Bounabat “MM : HIPAA Modeling Method for Modeling Security in e-Health, 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2013), Dubai.

A. Haqiqi, B. Bounabat, UML Profile for Modeling Multi Decisional Reactive Agent System, 2nd International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2013), Paris, France, June 2013.

B. Hdioud, A. Ezzahout, Y. Hadi, R. Oulad Haj Thami, A real-time people tracking system based on trajectory estimation using single field of camera view, (2013) International Conference on Computer Applications Technology, ICCAT 2013, art. no. 6522038.

A. Idri, A. Hassani, A. Abran, Assessing Software Cost Estimation Models Based on RBF Neural Networks”, to be presented 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE, 27-29 June, Boston, 2013.

A. Idri, K. Moumane, A. Abran, On the use of ISO/IEC 9126 in the Mobile Environments, submitted to 9th joint European Conference on Software Engineering and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 18-26 August, Saint-Petersburg, 2013.

A. Idri, A. Zahi, Software Cost Estimation by Classical and Fuzzy Analogy for Web Hypermedia Applications: A replicated study, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and DataMining , April 12-19, Singapore, 2013.

A. Jorio, S. El Fkihi, B. Elbhiri, D. Aboutajdine, A new clustering algorithm for wirless sensor networks, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, March 2013 -- Vol. 49. No. 3 – 2013.

A. Jorio, S. El Fkihi, B. Elbhiri, D. Aboutajdine, A New Clustering Algorithm in WSN Based On Spectral Clustering And Residual Energy, Accepted in SENSORCOMM 2013, August 25 - 31, 2013 - Barcelona, Spain.

K. A. Kedji, R. Lbath, B.Coulette, M. Nassar, Supporting collaborative development using process models: A tooled integration-focused approach, Journal of Software: Evolution and process, July 2013.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati-Idrissi, SEVALERPS a new EX-ANTE multi-criteria method for ERP selection, (2013) International Review on Computers and Software, 8, 10, pp 2477-2485.

A. Khiyaita, M.Zbakh, Mean field game among cloud computing end users, International Conference in Engineering Education and Research-CEER´13, July 1-5, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2013.

A. Khiyaita, M.Zbakh, Mean field game among cloud computing end users, Third edition of the National Security Days – JNS3, April 26 – 27, ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco, 2013.

A. Khtira & B. El asri, A Requirements-Oriented Study of Mass Customization Paradigm &Software Product Line Engineering, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, Rabat, Morocco, 2013.

A. Kobbane, J. Benothman, M. El Koutbi 'Packet dropping for Real-Time Applications in Wireless Networks, 61ème edition IEEE ICC 2013 Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium. Budapest Hungry ICC 2013.

Y. Laghouaouta, A.Anwar, M. Nassar, A Traceability Approach for Model Composition, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), Fès/Ifrane, 27/05/2013-30/05/2013, IEEE Computer Society, (support électronique).

F.Z. Lahlou, H. Benbrahim, A. Mountassir, I. Kassou. “Context Extraction from Reviews for Context Aware Recommendation Using Text Classification Techniques”. In proc of IEEE AICCSA’13, Fes/Ifrane, Morocco, 2013. Poster Paper.

F.Z. Lahlou, A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Kassou. “A Text Classification Based Method for Context Extraction from Online Reviews”. In proc of the 8th international conference on intelligent systems: Theories and Applications (SITA’13), Rabat, Morocco, 2013. Regular Paper.

M. Lakhdissi, R. El Habi, B. Bounabat, Planification stratégique mobile basée sur l’Architecture d’Entreprise, 3d. International Symposium ISKOMaghreb’ 2013 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM), Marrakech, Morocco, 8-9 November 2013.

M. Lethrech, I. Elmagrouni, A. Kenzi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A Generic Metamodel for Adaptable Service Oriented Systems and DSM Approach, 3rd. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, Nov 8, 2013 - Nov 9, 2013, Marrakech - Morocco.

A. Loutfi, M. ElKoutbi, “Impact of Mobility and Density on a Cross-layer Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), published on the August 2013.

A.Loutfi, M.Elkoutbi, J.BenOthman, A.Kobbane, “An Energy Aware Algorithm for OLSR Clustering,” Journal of Annals of Telecommunications, accepted for publication in 2013.

A. Loutfi, M. Senhadji, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi “A new Crosslayer Architecture for Service Differentiation in Sensor Wireless Networks”, accepted to IEEE 11th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC 2013).

A. Loutfi, M. Senhadji, E.Sabir, A.Kobbane, M.ElKoutbi, “Service Differentiation in a Cross-layered Architecture for Symmetric and Sensors Wireless Networks,” Journal of Next Generation Information Technology (JNIT), ISSN: 2092-8637, vol.4, no.5, pp.152-163, July, 2013.

H. Machhour, I. Kassou, Improving text categorization a fully automated ontology based approach, Third international conference on communications and information technology, 19-21 juin 2013, Beyrouth, Liban.

H. Machhour, I. Kassou, Ontology Integration Approaches and its Impact on Text Categorization, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP), May 2013, Volume 3, Number 3.

H. Machhour, I. Kassou, Dynamic text classifier based on search engine features, 2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb.

F. Mhada, R. Malhamé, A.Gharbi, R.Pellerin, " (Q,s) models for inventory policy with random component procurement lead times ", IESM 2013, Rabat, Morocco, October 28-30, 2013.

F. Mhada, R. Malhamé, R. Pellerin, A stochastic hybrid state model for optimizing hedging policies in manufacturing systems with randomly occurring defects, (2013) Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, pp. 1-30. . Article in Press.

F. Mhada, R. Malhamé, R. Pellerin, "Unreliable production lines with defective parts and inspection stations", Production and Manufacturing Research, DOI:10.1080/21693277.2013.857618, vol. 1, issue 1, pp 79-101, December 2013.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada, Representing text documents in training document spaces: A novel model for document representation, (2013) Journal of The oretical and Applied Information Technology, 56 (1), pp. 30-39.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. Sentiment Classification : An overview of the State-of-the-Art.1er workshop de Fouille de Données (FDO’12), Meknes, Morocco, 2012, pp32-37. Regular paper.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada, Sentiment Classification on Arabic Corpora: A preliminary cross-study, document Numérique, Vol 16 – n° 1/2013, pp1-26.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada. A Novel Model for Document Representation. In proc of IEEE AICCSA’13, Fes/Ifrane, Morocco, 2013. Poster Paper.

S. Nouh, I. Chana, M. Belkasmi, Decoding of block codes by using genetic algorithms and permutations set, (2013) International Journal of Communication Networks and InformationSecurity, 5,3, pp 201-209.

A. Ouacha, J. El Abbadi, A. Habbani, B. Bouamoud, Proactive routing based distributed energy consumption, (2013) 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, art. no. 6560785.

A. K. E. Ouahed, M. Erradi, H. Azzoune, A discovery service for automatic composition of web services oriented-agent, (2013) Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE, art. no. 6570579, pp. 33-35.

L. Oufkir, M. Fredj, "Mesure de la performance des projets de Gestion de Connaissance : Etat de l’art", 2ème édition des Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d'Information, Réseaux et Télécommunications (JDSIRT’13), ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc, 27-28 Juin 2013.

L. Oufkir, M. Fredj, I. Kassou, “Linking knowledge management valuation to intellectual capital : aconceptualstudy”3ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb'2013 (ISKO’13), Concepts et Outils pour le Management de la Connaissance (KM),8 et 9 novembre 2013, Marrakech, Maroc.

S. Ouhbi, A. Idri, J. L. Aleman, A. Toval, Requirements Engineering Education : A systematic mapping study , To be published in International Journal of Requirements Engineering, 2013.

M. Ouzineb, F. Mhada, I. El Hallaoui, R. Pellerin, "An exact method for solving the buffer sizing and inspection stations allocations problem", IESM 2013, Rabat, Morocco, October 28-30, 2013.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, " A New Reputation Algorithm for Evaluating Trustworthiness in E-Commerce Context ", Actes des troisièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS3), Rabat, Avril 2013.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, “A New Trust Reputation System for E-Commerce Applications”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol.10 - Issue 6, November 2013.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, Contract Integration in Feature-Oriented Component Based Systems, International Conference on Intelligent Information and Network Technology (IC2INT’13), Settat, Morocco, 2013.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, Multilevel Contract Model for Dependable Service Oriented Systems, Journées Doctorales en Systèmes d’Information, Réseaux et Télécommunication, Rabat, Morocco, 2013.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, Survey of Dependability Efforts of Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems Journal of Automation & Systems, Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering (JASE), vol. 7, 2013.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, Towards A Contractual Approach for Reliable Feature-Oriented Components, International Symposium on Security and Safety of Complex Systems (2SCS'13), Agadir, Morocco, 2013.

H.Sbai, M.Fredj, L.Kjiri, To trace and guide evolution in configurable process models, the 10th ACS/IEEE international Conference on computer systems and applications, (IEEE AICCSA’13), 27 – 30 Mai 2013, Fès/Ifrane, Maroc.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, Towards a process patterns based approach for promoting adaptability in configurable process models, (2013) ICEIS 2013 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 3, pp. 382-387.

H.Sbai, M.Fredj, L.Kjiri, Towards a process patterns based approach for promoting adaptability in configurable process models, the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2013), 4-7 July 2013, ESOE, Angers Loire Valley, France.

A. Sabraoui, I. Khriss, M. El Koutbi, “A MDA-Based Model-Driven Approach to Generate GUI for Mobile Applications”, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol. 8, N° 3, March 2013.

E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, M. Koulali, M. Erradi "Design of an Annular Ring Ferry-Assisted Topology for Wireless Sensor Networks", IFIP, Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 2013.

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri, "Engineering of the Decisional Information System by the reuse of patterns", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2013.

A. Sabri, L.Kjiri, "Construction d’ontologies à partir des besoins métier d’un Système d’Information Décisionnel", ASD2013 : Conférence Maghrébine sur les Avancées des Systèmes Décisionnels, Marrakech, 25-27 mai 2013.

A. Sabri, L. Kjiri, Vers une approche à base de patrons pour l’analyse des besoins métier d’un Système d’Information Décisionnel, e-TI Revue électronique des Technologies d'Information, Numéro 7, 20 Décembre 2013.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, "To trace and guide evolution in configurable process models", The 10th ACS/IEEE International conference on computer Systems and applications (AICCSA 2013), May 27–30, Fes/Ifrane, Morocco, 2013. (Indexé sur Scopus).

I. Slimani, S. Achchab, Sharing demand forecasts in a basic supply chain using game theory, 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO 2013, art. no. 655266.

S. Slimani, S. Baina, K. Baina, "Toward a semantic SOA implementation strategy", 3d. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb 2013 Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM) November 8th. - 9th, 2013. Marrakech, Morocco.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, Towards a process patterns based approach for promoting adaptability in configurable process models, the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2013), 4-7 July, ESOE, Angers Loire Valley, France, 2013. (Indexé par DBLP et SciTePress Digital Library).

A. Taoudi, B. Bounabat, Toward a methodology to Control Interoperability improvement projects execution, IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability Collaboration, Interoperability and ervices for Networked Enterprises, IWEI 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands Conference: March 27th- 28th, 2013.

A. Taoudi, B. Bounabat, B. Elmir, Control Theory based Approach for the Improvement of Integrated Business Process Interoperability, International Journal of Computer Science Issues Vol. 10, Issue 5, No 1, pp. 201-207, September 2013.

A. Taoudi, B. Bounabat, B.Elmir, Toward a Methodology to Control Interoperability Improvement Projects Execution. In Enterprise Interoperability.5th International IFIP Working Conference, IWEI 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands, March 27-28, 2013, Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 144, Volume package: IFIP-LNCS Volumes(pp. 186-197). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

K. Tikito, S. Achchab, Combined optimization of shipping and storage costs in multi- roduct and multi-level, 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied, 28-30 avril 2013 à Hammamet Tunisie.

K. Tikito, S. Achchab, Optimization of costs of the storage and the shipping in a multi-stage and multiproduct supply chain under a stochastic demand, International Symposium on Operational Research and Applications (ISORAP 2013, 8-10 mai 2013 à Marrakech.

A. Zakriti, N.A. Touhami, K. Bargach, M. Lamsalli, M. Essaaidi, Design and realization of three-pole bandpass filter with spurious response suppression using defected ground structures, (2013) Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 45, pp. 87-100.

A. Zeddari, A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, Using Colored Petri Networks for Modeling Multiview Class, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol.13 No. 8 pp. 25-30, 2013  

M.R. Abid, I.F. Fihri, H. Mousannif, A. Hayar, M. Essaaidi, MarUnivCloud : Towards a Moroccan inter-university cloud, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, E-Learning Center de l’Université Mohammed V-Souissi : Défis et Réalisations, Colloque e-Omed, les 10 et 11 Février 2014, à Hammamet, Tunisie

M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, Apport des TIC pour améliorer la qualité d’apprentissage : cas de l'Université Mohammed V-Souissi, CIIP’14 Colloque International sur l’innovation Pédagogique. 10 - 11 avril 2014, UM5S, Rabat, Maroc

S. Achchab, K. Tikito, Y. Benadada, Stochastic Model Predictive Control for optimization costs in multi-level supply chain, accepted for publication in IJCSI Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2014

N. Adadi, M. Berrada, D. Chenouni, B. Bounabat, Multi-agent architecture for business modeling of web services composition based on WS2JADE framework, 2014, International Review on Computers and Software

M. Ajana El Khaddar, M. Chraibi, H. Harroud, M . Boulmalf, M. Elkoutbi, A. Maach, Modeling and enforcing security and service control policies using FlexRFID middleware: Healthcare scenarios, Science and Information Conference (SAI), 27-29 Aug. 2014, Page(s): 461 – 467, SBN: 978-0-9893-1933-1, SAI 2014.

A. Ahmadi, F. El Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, Four Parallel Decoding Schemas of Product Block Codes, Transactions on Networks and Communications, pg. 49-69, Vol 2, Issue 3, June 2014.

A. Ahmadi, F. El Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, New Iterative Decoding algorithms of 2D Product Block Codes, WCCAIS'2014, January 17-19Hammamet, Tunisia

O. Ait Oualhaj, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, M. Erradi, J. Ben-Othman, A ferry-assisted solution for forwarding function in Wireless Sensor Networks, Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014, Page(s): 1 – 6, Year: 2014

M. Al-Hubaishi, T. Alahdal, R. Alsaqour, A. Berqia, M. Abdelhaq, O. Alsaqour, Enhanced binary exponential backoff algorithm for fair channel access in the ieee802.11 medium access control protocol, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Volume 27, Issue 12, Pages: 4166–4184, December 2014.

S. Alaoui, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Semi materialized mediator system, 4th International Conference on Integrated Information, September 5-8, Madrid, 2014.

S. Alaoui, A. Zellou, “Système de Médiation Semi-Matérialisé”, Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, JDTIC ‘ 2014, Rabat, Maroc 19-20 Juin

A. Alfath, S. Baïna, K. Baïna, Elasticity and scalability centric quality model for the cloud, Pp. 135-140 CIST 2014: 30-36, 2014.

A. Alfath, S. Baïna, K. Baïna, Towards quality metrics for Elasticity and Scalability in the cloud, In IEEE CIST'14.

H. Allouch, M. Belkasmi, Efficient vertical handover scheme on IMS network and cost analysis, CIST 2014: 129-134.

F.Z. Amazal, A. Idri, Comparing the Performance of RBFN Networks based Software Effort Estimation Models, 11th Inernational Conference on Decision Making and Soft Comptuing, World Scientific, Brezil, 16-20 August, 2014.

F.Z. Amazal, A. Idri, A. Abran, An Analogy-based Approach to Estimation of Software Development Effort Using Categorical Data, IWSM-Mensura Conference , Rotterdam, 2-4 October, 2014.

F.Z. Amazal, A. Idri, A. Abran, Improving Fuzzy Analogy Based Software Development Effort Estimation, 2014, APSEC (1) 2014: 247-254 .

F.Z. Amazal, A. Idri, A. Abran, Software development effort estimation using classical and fuzzy analogy : A cross-validation comparative study, 2014, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications,"13","3"

F.Z. Ammor, D. Bouzidi, A. El Omri, A Tutoring Model to Facilitate Tutoring Interventions, ICMCS, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2014.

F.Z. Ammor, D. Bouzidi, A. El Omri, A support model for tutoring to facilitate and automate tutoring interventions,, 2014 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings

H. Amraoui, A. Habbani, A. Hajami, CCS: A Correct Cooperation Strategy based on game theory for MANETS, AICCSA 2014: 326-332

H. Amraoui, A. Habbani, A. Hajami, Effect of selfish behaviour on OLSR and AODV routing protocols in MANETs, GSCIT 2014 - Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology, 14-16 June 2014, Page(s):1 – 6, ISBN: 978-1-4799-5626-5, GSCIT 2014.

O. Aoun, A. El Afia, A robust crew pairing based on multi-agent Markov decision processes, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014

O. Aoun, A. El Afia, Using Markov decision processes to solve stochastic gate assignment problem, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014

N. E. Assaad, B. El Bhiri, S. El Fkihi, My. A. Faqihi, Analysis of the Deployment Quality for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Submitted toComputer Networks and Communications Journal, 2014.

N. E. Assaad, B. El Bhiri, S. El Fkihi, My. A. Faqihi, Intrusion Detection Quality Analysis for Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, The International Conference on Networked Systems. 2014.

N. Assad, B. El Bhiri, A. Faqihi, M. Ouadou, D. Aboutajdine, On the Deployment Quality for Multi-intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies'2015, May, 7-9, 2014.

N. Assad, B. Elbhiri, S. El Fkihi, M.A. Faqihi, M. Ouadou, D. Aboutajdine, Short : Intrusion detection quality analysis for homogeneous wireless sensor networks, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)","8593 LNCS"

N. Attaoui, M. Essaaidi, M. Paprzycki, M. Ganzha, Malicious workers tolerance in an agent-based grid resource brokering system - Preliminary considerations, Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2014.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, Memetic algorithm for a Multi-Objective vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, (IJCSA), 2014.

R. Ayadi, Y. Benadada, A. El Afia, A Meta-heuristic for the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple trips, à paraître dans Information Systems and Operational Research, INFOR, 2014.

R. Ayadi, A. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, Y. Benadada, A. El Hilali Alaoui, Evolutionary algorithm for a Green vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014

R. Ayadi, A. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, Y. Benadada, A. El Hilali Alaoui, Memeticalgorithm for a multi-objective green vehicleroutingproblemwith multiple trips, 2ème édition de la conférence IEEE internationale Gestion Opérationnelle de la Logistique GOL-2014, 5-7 juin 2014, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

Y. Baddi, M. D. El Kettani, A fast dynamic multicast tree adjustment protocol for mobile IPv6, 2014, International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services, NGNS.

Y. Baddi, M. D. El Kettani, Multiple active cores-based shared multicast tree for mobile IPv6 environment, 2014, CIST 2014: 378-383

Y. Baddi, M. D. El Kettani, PIM-SM protocol with GRASP-RP selection algorithm based architecture to transparent mobile sources in multicast mobile IPv6 diffusion, 2014, Journal of Mobile Multimedia ,"9".

Y. Baddi, M. D. El Kettani, Qos-based parallel GRASP algorithm for RP selection in PIM-SM multicast routing and mobile IPV6 2014, International Review on Computers and Software,"9","7".

Y. Baddi, M. D. El Kettani, QoS-VNS-CS : QoS constraints core selection algorithm based on variable neighborhood search algorithm, 2014, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security,"6","1".

E. Badidi, M. El Koutbi, A framework for automated SLAs management in service-oriented environments, Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2014 International Conference on, 14-16 April 2014, Page(s):601 – 606, ISBN:978-1-4799-3823-0, ICMCS 2014.

A. Bellabdaoui, I. Bennis, J. Saadi, M. Benajiba, Optimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco [Optimisation des niveaux de stock dans les centres de transfusion sanguine au Maroc], 2014, Transfusion Clinique et Biologique,"21","1".

I. Ben Issa, M. Essaaidi, UWB square split ring resonator slot antenna for WLAN and C band application, 2014, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceeding

K. Benaija, L. Kjiri, Trade-off between risk management, value creation and strategic alignment in project portfolio management, The 16th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014), April 27-30, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

A. Benali, B. Asri, H. Kriouile, Towards Autonomic Context-Aware Computing for SaaS Through Variability Management Mechanisms, in 2014 Copyright (c) IARIA, ed., 'ICSEA 2014, The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', pp. 453 to 457.

A. Benlarabi, Towards a co-evolution model for software product lines based on cladistics, in 'Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on', pp. 1-6.

A. Benlarabi, B. El Asri, A. Khtira, A co-evolution model for software product lines : An approach based on evolutionary trees, in 'Complex Systems (WCCS), 2014 Second World Conference on', pp. 140-145.

A. Benlarabi, A. Khtira, B. Asri, An Analysis of Domain and Application Engineering Co-evolution for Software Product Lines based on Cladistics : A Case Study, in 2014 Copyright (c) IARIA, ed., 'ICSEA,The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', iara, Nice, France, pp. 495 to 501.

H. Bennani, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, J. Ben-Othman, A Tax-inspired Mechanism Design to Achieve QoS in VMIMO Systems: Give to Receive !, Page(s): 56 - 62, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014)

H. Bennani, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi, Virtual MIMO Systems: A Game Theoretical Approach, accepted WCCCS14.

H. Bennani, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, A. Walid, J. Ben-Othman, A tax-inspired mechanism design to achieve QoS in VMIMO systems: Give to receive!, IWCMC 2014 - 10th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference.

M. T. Benslimane, Y. Benadada, Exact method for the multi-regionvehicleroutingproblem in large quantities by a heterogeneousfleet of vehicle, 2ème édition de la conférence IEEE internationale Gestion Opérationnelle de la Logistique GOL-2014, 5-7 juin 2014, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

A. Bessate, F. El Bouanani, A New performances Analysis For MRC Receiver over Correlated Weibull Multipath Fading Channels, 5th Int. Workshop on Codes, Cryptography and Comm. Sys. (IWCCCS), Nov 27-28, 2014, Faculty of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

T. Bouhouche, M. Ajana El Khaddar, M. Boulmalf, M. Bouya, M. Elkoutbi, A new middleware architecture for the integration of RFID technology into information systems, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2014, 14-16 April 2014, Page(s): 1025 – 1030, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3823-0, ICMCS 2014.

A. Boukhriss, A. Essadki, A. Boualloch, T. Nasser, Maximization of generated power from wind energy conversion systems using a doubly fed induction generator with active disturbance rejection control, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014.

A. Boukhriss, T. Nasser, A. Essadki, A. Boualloch, Active disturbance rejection control for DFIG based wind farms under unbalanced grid voltage, 2014, International Review on Modelling and Simulation,"7","1".

A. Boukhriss, T. Nasser, A. Essadki, A. Boualloch, Improved control for DFIG used in wind energy conversion systems, 2014, International Review of Automatic Control,"7","4".

R. Boukour, A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, Multiview Web Service: The Integration of The Notion o f View And Point o f View i n The Web Services, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security , VOL. 14 No .2, February 2014..

R. Boukour, A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, "Multiviex web service: The description multiview WSDL of Web Services", The 7th International Symposium on signal, Image, Video and Communications - (ISIVC 2014), November, 19-21, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco.

Y. Bounagui, H. Hafiddi, A. Mezrioui, Challenges for IT based cloud computing governance, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2014.

T. Chanyour, R. Saadane, M. Belkasmi, Routing based on network coding and clustering in DTMN, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014.

L. Cheikhi, R.E. Al-Qutaish, A. Idri, A. Sellami, Chidamber and kemerer object-oriented measures: Analysis of their design from the metrology perspective, 2014, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications,"8","2".

A. Choukri, A. Habbani, M. El Koutbi, An energy efficient clustering algorithm for MANETs, Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2014 International Conference on 14-16 April 2014, Page(s): 819 – 824, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3823-0, ICMCS 2014.

M. Chraibi, M. Ajana El Khaddar, H. Harroud, A. Maach, M. Elkoutbi, Policy Based Security Middleware as a Service, International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2014, pp: 322-327, Aug. 27, 2014 to Aug. 29, 2014 Barcelona, Spain, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4357-9, 2014.

B. Cruz Zapata, A. Hernández Niñirola, A. Idri, J.L.Fernández-Alemán, Toval, A., Mobile PHRs compliance with android and ios usability guidelines mobile systems, 2014, Journal of Medical Systems,"38","8".

I. Daha Belghiti, M. Elmachkour, I. Berrada, A. Kobbane, Green opportunistic access for CRN with selfish users using coalitional game approach in partition form, CIST 2014: 425-429

I. Dehmouch, Towards an agile feature composition for a large scale software product lines, in 'IEEE 8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, May 28-30, 2014', pp. 1--6.

I. Dehmouch, B. El Asri, Z. Mcharfi, Towards Agile Composition of Service Oriented Product Lines: A Mashup-based Approach, in 'ICSEA 2014, The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', IARIA, 2014, Nice, France, pp. 185 to 190.

A. Echchaachoui, A. Choukri, A. Habbani, M. Elkoutbi, Asymmetric and dynamic encryption for routing security in MANETs, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, (ICMCS 2014),Page(s): 825 – 830, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3823-0, ICMCS 2014.

B. El Asri, Fiche équipe IMS, revu ETI, 2014

F. El Bouanani, A New Closed-Form Approximations For MRC Receiver Over Non-Identical Weibull Fading Channels, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IWCMC'14, Cyprus

F. El Bouanani, H.Ben-Azza, M. Belkasmi, Novel Results for the Spectral Efficiency and Symbol Error Rate of GSC Receiver over Identical and Uncorrelated Weibull Fading Channels, WCCAIS'14, January 17-19, 2014, Hammamet,Tunisia

A. El Bouzekri El Idrissi, A. El Hilali Alaoui, Y. Benadada, Optimizing the amount of emissions of greenhouse gaz for capacitatedvehicleroutingproblem, 2ème édition de la conférence IEEE internationale Gestion Opérationnelle de la Logistique GOL-2014, 5-7 juin 2014, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

M. El Brak, S. El Brak, M. Essaaidi, D. Benhaddou, Wireless sensor network applications in smart grid, Proceedings of 2014 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2014.

L. El Faquih, H. Sbai, M. Fredj, Towards a semantic enrichment of configurable process models, 2014, CIST 2014: 1-6

M. El Hamlaoui, S. Ebersold, A. Anwar, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, Heterogeneous models matching for consistency management, In the Proceedings of the8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014), May 28 - 30, 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco.

M. El Hamlaoui, S. Ebersold, A. Anwar, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, Towards a framework for heterogeneousmodelsmatching, In Journal of Software Engineering, Science Alert, New York - USA, Vol. doi=jse.0000.62750.62750, 2014.

N. El Houari, F. El Bouanani, Enhanced model for urban road trac based on wireless sensors network using data collecting and web mapping, Accepted in March 20, Conference on Sensors and Networks (CSN’14), May 16 to 18, 2014, Suzhou, China.

C. El Houssaini, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A Governance Based Architecture for Enterprise Cloud Computing Adoption, 2014 IJCAC 4(3): 54-67.

B. El Idrissi, S. Baïna, K. Baïna, A Methodology to Prepare Real-World and Large Databases to Ontology Learning, I-ESA 2014 March, 24th-28th

S.E.Y El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, MDPM: An algorithm for mapping discovery in P2P mediation system, Journal of Theoritical and Applied Information Technology, 63(2), 2014, pp. 261-273

S.E.Y El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Pure P2P Mediation System : A Mappings Discovery Approach, in 4th International Conference on Integrated Information;September 5-8, 2014. Madrid, Spain.

A. El Kabli, A. Faqihi, A. Hammouch, Hybrid multi user detection for DS optical CDMA, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645).

A. El Kandoussi, H. El Bakkali, On Access Control Requirements for Inter-Organizational Workflows, Actes des quatrièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS4), Tétouan, Mai 2014.

M. El Mabrouk, M. Ezziyyani, M. Essaaidi, Toward an optimal model based on inequality measures for treatment of historical & real time flood's dataset, CIST 2014: 30-36

R. El Mezouary, A. Loutfi, M. El Koutbi, A cross-layer architecture for service differentiation in Wireless Sensor Networks with multiple sinks, Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), 2014 International Conference on , 14-16 April 2014, Page(s):843 - 848 ISBN: 978-1-4799-3823-0, ICMCS 2014.

Z. El Uahhabi, H. El Bakkali, A Comparative Study of PKI Trust Models, in Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS'14), Casablanca, May 2014.

S. El Yahyaoui El Idrissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, MDPM : An algorithm for Mapping Discovery in P2P Mediation System, JATIT, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, E-ISSN: 1817-3195. May 2014. Vol. 63 No.2.
M. H. El Yazidi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, FMAMS : Fuzzy Mapping Approach for Mediation Systems, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Pages: 13, DOI: 10.4018/jaec.2013070104, ISSN: 1942-3594, EISSN: 1942-3608.

M. H. El Yazidi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Mapping in GAV context, SITA'14 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems : Theories and Applications. 2014. 07-08 May 2014, Rabat, Morocco.

A. ElBouzekri ElIdrissi, A. El Hilali Alaoui, Y. Benadada, The green capacitated vehicle routing problem : Optimizing of emissions of greenhouse gas, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014.

E. Elgharbaoui, A. Essadki, T. Nasser, MPPT commands for a photovoltaic generator using the Incremental Conductance Method and the fuzzy logic command, International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb, CISTEM 2014.

A. Elkandoussi, H. Elbakkali, On access control requirements for inter-organizational workflow, Proceedings of the 4th Edition of National Security Days, JNS4 2014.

M. Elmachkour, I. Daha, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, J. Ben-Othman, Green Opportunistic Access for Cognitive Radio Networks : A Minority Game Approach, IEEE ICC 2014, Page(s): 5372 – 5377, Sydney Australia ICC 2014.

M. Elmachkour, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, J. Ben-othman, M. El koutbi, Data traffic-based analysis of delay and energy consumption in cognitive radio networks with and without resource reservation, 2014 International Journal of Communication Systems.

M. Elmachkour, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, J. Ben-Othman, M. Elkoutbi, The greening of spectrum sensing: a minority game-based mechanism design, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 52 , Issue: 12 Page(s): 150 – 156., Year: 2014.

B. Elmaroud, M.A. Faqihi, M. Abbad, D. Aboutajdine, On the impact of prototype filter length on the PAPR reduction of FBMC signals, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,"6","4".

B. Elmaroud, M.A. Faqihi, M. Abbad, D. Aboutajdine, PAPR Reduction of FBMC Signals by Combining Exponential Companding and Hadamard Transforms, ISNCC 2014.

A. Elmir, N. El Hami, B. Elmir, B. Bounabat, R. Ellaia, M. Itmi, Multiobjective optimization of information system quality enhancement, 2014, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

M. Et-Tolba, F.E. Naamane, M. Belkasmi, Fast performance prediction method for QPSK modulation, 4th International Conference on Communications and Networking, ComNet 2014 - Proceedings.

S. Ezghari, A. Zahi, A. Idri, A learning adaptation cases technique for Fuzzy Analogy-based software development effort estimation, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014.

O. Ezzinbi, A. El Afia, Y. Benadada, M. Sarhani, An Optimization Model for Aircraft on Ground Maintenance Problem, 2ème édition de la conférence IEEE internationale Gestion Opérationnelle de la Logistique GOL-2014, 5-7 juin 2014, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

O. Ezzinbi, M. Sarhani, A.El Afia, Y. Benadada, A metaheuristic approach for solving the airline maintenance routing with aircraft on ground problem, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014.

O. Ezzinbi, M. Sarhani, A.El Afia, Y. Benadada, Particles warm optimization algorithm for solvingairlinecrewscheduling problem, 2ème édition de la conférence IEEE internationale Gestion Opérationnelle de la Logistique GOL-2014, 5-7 juin 2014, ENSIAS, Rabat, Maroc.

R. Faizi, A. El Afia, R. Chiheb, Social media : An optimal virtual environment for learning foreign languages, 2014, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,"9","5".

L.E. Faquih, H. Sbai, M. Fredj, Semantic variability modeling in business processes : A comparative study, 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2014.

A. Fath-Allah, L. Cheikhi, R.E. Al-Qutaish, A. Idri, E-government portals best practices : A comprehensive survey, 2014, Electronic Government,"11","1-2".

T. Fissaa, H. Guermah, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Towards an Ontologybased Architecture for ContextAware Services Composition, In the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), April 14April 14-16 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco.

M. Ghenname, J. Subercaze, C. Gravier, F. Laforest, M. Abik, R. Ajhoun, A hashtags dictionary from crowd sourced definitions, The 10th International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb 2014) co-located with ICDE 2014 March 31, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

H. Guermah, T. Fissaa, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, A Semantic Approach for Service Adaptation in Context-Aware Environment, In International Symposium on Emerging Inter-networks, Communication and Mobility (EICM), held in conjunction with MobiSPC 2014, August 17-20, in Niagara Falls, Canada, Elsevier Science Publisher. (à paraître).

H. Guermah, T. Fissaa, H. Hafiddi, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, An Ontology Oriented Architecture for ContextAware Services Adaptation, In International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2014.

K. Guilavogui, L. Kjiri, M. Fredj, A hybrid strategy for integrating sensor information, The 16th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014), April 27-30, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

K. Guilavogui, L. Kjiri, M. Fredj, Integrating linked sensor data for on-line analytical processing on-the-fly, 2014, CIST 2014: 43-47

M.E. Hamlaoui, S. Ebersold, A. Anwar, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, Towards a framework for heterogeneous models matching, 2014, Journal of Software Engineering.

F. Z. Hammani, Survey of Non-Functional Requirements modeling and verification of Software Product Lines, in 'Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on', pp. 1-6.

F. Z. Hammani, M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, Towards a variable non-functional requirements integration for Component-Based Product Line a generic approach, in 'Complex Systems (WCCS), 2014 Second World Conference on', pp. 146-151.

A. Haqiq, D. Bouzidi, A. Berqia, Editorial : Journal of Mobile Multimedia, PP: 171-172, 2014.

B. Hdioud, M.E.H. Tirari, R. Oulad Haj Thami, Video surveillance: Analyzing people's movements in a closed environment, 2014, International Review on Computers and Software

A. Idri, F.-Z. Amazal, A. Abran, Analogy-based Software Development Effort Estimation : A systematic and Review Study, Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, 2014.

A. Idri, F.-Z. Amazal, A. Abran, Software Development Effort Estimatin by Classical and Fuzzy Analogy, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, 2014.

B.E. Idrissi, S. Baina, K. Baina, Upgrading the semantics of the relational model for rich owl 2 ontology learning, 2014, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.

M. Jaafri, A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, Designing a Collaborative Information System for a Business Opportunity, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp:389-399, Feb. 2014.

Y. Jamoussi, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, Track report of conference on collaborative software process, (CSP 2014)Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies : Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE

A. Jorio, S. El Fkihi, B. Elbhiri, D. Aboutajdine, A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on spectral classification for Wireless Sensor Networks 2014, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings.

N. Kasmi, S.A. Mahmoudi, M. Zbakh, P. Manneback, Performance evaluation of sparse matrix-vector product (SpMV) computation on GPU architecture, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2014 Second World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS), Agadir, Morocco, 10-12 Nov. 2014.

A. Khaled, M. A. Janati Idrissi, B.Chakir, B.Elmir, Applying “SEVALERPS” a Systematic EvaluationMethod for ERP selection in a Public Administration’s Case Study, 2014, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 30-39.

K. A. Kedji, R. Lbath, B. Coulette, M. Nassar, L. Baresse, F. Racaru, Supporting Collaborative Development Using Process Models : A Tool Integration-Focused Approach, In Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Wiley Interscience Publications, Vol. DOI: 10.1002/smr.1640, février 2014.

N. Kerzazi, F. Khomh, Factors Impacting Rapid Releases: An industrial Case Study, ESEM, Torino, Italy, September 18-19, 2014.

N. Kerzazi, F.Khomh, B. Adams, Why Do Automated Builds Break? An Empirical Study, 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Victoria, BC, Canada, 41-50, Oct 2014

A.Khoumsi, W. Krombi, M. Erradi, A formal approach to verify completeness and detect anomalies in firewall security policies, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Note in Bioinformatics).

A. Khtira, A. Benlarabi, B. Asri, Towards Duplication-Free Feature Models when Evolving Software Product Lines, in 'ICSEA 2014, The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', IARIA, 2014, Nice, France, pp. 107 to 113.

A. Khtira, A. Benlarabi, B. El Asri, Towards a requirement-based approach to support early decisions in Software Product Line Engineering, in 'Complex Systems (WCCS), 2014 Second World Conference on', pp. 152-157.

S. Koulali, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, M. Azizi, Ferry-based Architecture for Participatory sensing, Page(s): 845 – 849, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014).

H. Kriouile, B. El Asri, M. EL Haloui, Towards flexible and reusable saas for multi-tenancy to design, implement and bind multi-functional variability for Rich-Variant services, in 'Complex Systems (WCCS), 2014 Second World Conference on', pp. 164-170.

H. Kriouile, B. El Asri, M. El Haloui, A. Benali, Towards Implementation and Design of Multi-tenant SaaS Based on Variability Management Mechanisms, in 'Proc. ICSEA '14 the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', pp. 468--471.

W. Krombi, M. Erradi, A. Khoumsi, Automata-based approach to design and analyze security policies, 2014 : 12th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2014.

Y. Laghouaouta, A. Anwar, M. Nassar, J.-M. Bruel, On the Use of Graph Transformations for Model Composition Traceability, In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014), May 28 - 30, 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Y. Laghouaouta, A. Anwar, M. Nassar, B. Coulette, A Graph BasedApproach to Trace Models Composition, In Journal of Software, Academy Publisher, Finland, 2014 (à paraître).

J. Lakhrouit, K. Baïna, K. Benali, Model and application architecture indicators of evaluation the enterprise architecture, 2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,"276 VOLUME 2".

N. Lakki, A. Habbani, J. El Abbadi, QoS and energy with clustering in MANETs, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Page: 1 – 16, 2014, Volume 13, Issue 1.

M. Lethrech, A. Kenzi, I. Elmagrouni, M. Nassar, A. Kriouile, Domain SpecificModelingApproach for ContextAware Service Oriented Systems, In the Proceedings ofthe 4th International Conference on MultimediaComputing and Systems (ICMCS'14), April 14April 14-16 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco

A. Loutfi, M. Elkoutbi, J. BenOthman, A. Kobbane, An energy aware algorithm for OLSR clustering, annals of telecommunications - annales des telecommunications Journal, 69(3-4): 201-207 (2014) Springer, Year : 2014.

A. Mabrouk , A. Kobbane, M. El Koutbi, E. Sabir, Providing always best connected service in VANET with complete and partial information, Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, International Conference, Pages: 108 – 112, ACSAT, Amman 2014.

A.Mabrouk, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, Achieving Always Best Connected Service for a Mobile User in VANET, accepted WCCCS14.

A. Mabrouk, M. Senhadji, A. Kobbane, A. Walid, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, A congestion game-based routing algorithm for communicating VANETs 2014, IWCMC 2014 - 10th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference.

A. Mabrouk, M. Senhadji, A. Walid, A. Kobbane, M. EL Koutbi, « Gateways’ Mobility Increases the Capacity of Communication in VANETs: Routing Algorithm Based on Congestion Game », Pages : 1417-1425, International Review on Computers and Software, Vol 9, No 8, 2014, ISSN: 1828-6003.

M. Mahieddine, M. Ajana El-Khaddar, S. Oukid, Object serialization white framework in J2ME and its refactoring in black framework, 2014, Journal of Mobile Multimedia.

Z. Mcharfi, B. El Asri, I. Dehmouch, Towards an Efficient Traceability in Agile Software Product Lines, in 'ICSEA 2014, The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', pp. 529--533.

M. Meloui, M. Essaaidi, A dual ultra wide band slotted antenna for C and X bands application, 2014, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters.

G.H. Merabet, M. Essaaidi, H. Talei, M. Madkour, D. Benhaddou, Applications of multi-Agent systems in smart grids : A survey, 2014, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings.

Z. Mcharfi, B. El Asri, I. Dehmouch, Towards an Efficient Traceability in Agile Software Product Lines, in 'ICSEA 2014, The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances', pp. 529--533.

F.Z. Mhada, R. Malhamé, R. Pellerin, A stochastic hybrid state model for optimizing hedging policies in manufacturing systems with randomly occurring defects, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, http ://, vol. 24, pp 69–98, 2014.

F. Z. Mhada, R. Malhamé, R. Pellerin, Unreliable production lines with defective parts and inspection stations, Production and Manufacturing Research Volume 1, Issue 1, pp: 79-101, January 2014.

K. Moumane, A. Idri, Using ISO 9126 with QoS DiffServ Model for Evaluating Software Quality in Mobile Environments, 2nd WCCS, Agadir, 10-13 November, 2014.

A. Mountassir, H. Benbrahim, I. Berrada, The nearest centroid based on vector norms: A new classification algorithm for a new document representation model, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).

F. Mourchid, A. Habbani, M. El Koutbi, Mining user patterns for location prediction in mobile social networks, CIST 2014: 213-218.

S. Naciri, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Third-Party Application Maintenance Management, international Journal of Computer applications (IJCA), Volume 103-Number 6, 2014

A. Naghar, O. Aghzout, A. Vazquez Alejos, M. Garcia Sanchez, M. Essaaidi, Development of a calculator for Edge and Parallel Coupled Micro strip band pass filters, 2014, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)

S. Ouhbi, A. Idri, J. Aleman, A. Toval, Evaluating Software Product Quality : A Systematic Mapping Study, IWSM-Mensura Conference , Rotterdam, 2-4 October, 2014.

S. Ouhbi, Ali Idri, J. L. F. Aleman, A. Toval, H. Benjelloun, Electronic Health Records for Cardiovascular Medicine, 336th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14), Chicago, Illinois, August, 2014.

M. Ouzineb, F. Z. Mhada , I. El Hallaoui , Buffer dimensioning and control stations positioning with a space partitioning-tabu search approach, à paraître dans Information Systems and Operational Research, INFOR, 2014.

M. Ouzineb, F.Z. Mhada, I. El Hallaoui, R. Pellerin, A hybrid method for solving buffer sizing and inspection stations allocation problem, Advances in Production Management System (APMS), Ajaccio, France, 2014.

M. Ouzzif, M. Hamdani, H. Mountasir, M. Erradi, A Formal Modeling Approach for Emergency Crisis Response in Health during Catastrophic Situation, ISCRAM-med 2014: 112-119.

Z. Rachik, A. Issam, R. Oulad Haj Thami, H. Labriji, Non-Functional Requirement-Based Service Ranking and Selection, 2014, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications Security. Jul2014, Vol. 2 Issue 7, p236-241. 6p.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, A New Feedback-Analysis based Reputation Algorithm for E-Commerce Communities. e-TI - la revue électronique des technologies d'information, Numéro 7, décembre 2014.

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, A New Trust Reputation System for E-Commerce Applications, 2014, CoRR abs/1405.3199, 2014.

I. Rahmouni, M. Elkamili, L. Omari, A. Kobbane, Optimal Buffer Management Policies in DTNs: A POMDP Approach, IEEE ICC 2014, Pages: 94 – 99, Sydney Australia ICC 2014.

M. Raiss-el-fenni, M. Elkamili, J. Benothman, A. Kobbane, POMDP Game Framework for Service Providers Inciting Mobile Users, Page(s) : 1742 – 1747, IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney Australia ICC 2014.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, A Contractual Specification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Domain-Specific Components, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 11(1), 2014.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, A multilevel contract model for dependable Feature-Oriented components, in '(SITA-14), 2014 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications', pp. 1--7.

M. Rhanoui, B. El Asri, MAPLE : a Modeling contrAct-Aware Product LinE Profile, in 'Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems', 2014.

M. Romadi, R. Oulah Haj Thami, R. Romadi, R. Chiheb, Detection and recognition of road signs in a video stream based on the shape of the panels, 2014 : 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2014.

H. Routaib, E. Badidi, M. Elmachkour, E. Sabir, M. Elkoutbi, Modeling and evaluating a cloudlet-based architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing, Intelligent Systems : Theories and Applications (SITA-14), 2014 9th International Conference on , 7-8 May 2014, Page(s): 1 - 7 ISBN: 978-1-4799-3566-6, SITA 2014.

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, A Patient-Centric Approach for Intelligent Privacy Policies Generation in Mobile Healthcare, International Journal of e-Healthcare Information Systems (IJeHIS), vol.1, Dec 2014.

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, Enhancing privacy on mobile health: An integrated privacy module, 2014 : International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services, NGNS

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, PPAMH: A Novel Privacy-Preserving Approach for Mobile Healthcare in Proceeding of the 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2014), London, UK, December 2014.

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, Towards controlled-privacy in e-health : A comparative study, in Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), Marrakesh, April 2014.

S. Sadki, Z. El Uahhabi, A. El Kandoussi, H. El Bakkali, Privacy & Security implications of Cloud Computing, Actes des quatrièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS4), Tétouan, Mai 2014.

Y. Saissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri. “Extraction of relational schema from deep web sources: a form driven approach”, 2nd WCCS, Agadir, 10-13 November, 2014, pp. 178-182.

Y. Saissi, A. Zellou , A. Idri, Form driven web source integration, SITA'14 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications. 2014. 07-08 May 2014, Rabat, Morocco.

M. Sarhani, A. El Afia, An extension of X13-ARIMA-SEATS to forecast islamic holidays effect on logistic activities, 2014 : Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014.

M. Sarhani, A. El Afia, An Intelligent system based support vector regression for supply chain demand forecasting, 2014, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014.

H. Sbai, M. Fredj, B. Chakir, L. Kjiri, On managing evolution of configurable services based on configurable processes, 2014, 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014

H. Sbaï, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, A pattern based methodology for evolution management in business process reuse, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 11, Issue 1, No 1, January 2014.

H. Sbaï, M. Fredj, L. Kjiri, Support for resources changes in configurable process models, The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), 14-16 Avril 2014, Marrakech, Maroc.

A.Sbihi, A. Bellabdaoui, J. Teghem, Solving a mixed integer linear program with times setup for the steel-continuous casting planning and scheduling problem, 2014, International Journal of Production Research.

I. Slimani, S. Achchab, Game theory to control logistic costs in a two-echelon supply chain, 2014, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2014

T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, A. Kobbane, Lightweight mobile core networks for machine type communications, Access IEEE , IEEE Journals & Magazines, Volume: 2, Year: 2014 , Page(s): 1128 – 1137, Year: 2014.

K. Tikito, S. Achchab, Y. Benadada, Stochastic Model Predictive Control for optimization costs in multi-level supply chain, IJCSI Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2014.

Z. E. Uahhabi, H. El Bakkali, A comparative study of PKI trust models, 2014 : International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services, NGNS.

A. Walid, M. El Kamili, A. Kobbane, A. Mabrouk, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, A Decentralized Network Selection Algorithm for Group Vertical Handover in Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE WCNC'14, Page(s): 2817 - 2821, Istanbul, Turkey, Year: 2014.

B. C. Zapata , A. H. Niñirola, A. Idri , J. L. F. Alemán , A. Toval, Mobile PHRs compliance with Android and iOS usability guidelines, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer, 2014

A. Zeddari, A. Ettalbi, Towards a new Framework for building a whole user-defined system from a Colred Petri Networks, In Networks Class Diagram to a Colred Petri Networks Towards a new framework, International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), April 14-16, 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco.

A. Zeddari, A. Ettalbi, M. Nassar, Using Colored Petri Networks for Modeling Multiview Class, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), VOL.13 No.8, pp. 25-33 August 2013,

A. Zellou, A. Idri, Pure P2P mediation system: A mappings discovery approach, 4th International Conference on Integrated Information, September 5-8, Madrid, 2014.

A. Zouhair, M. El Mabrouk, M. Essaaidi, Conserving energy in WSN through clustering and power control, 2014, CIST 2014: 402-409.

N. B. Zoukkari, A. Doukkali, B. Regragui, E-readiness : A novel approach for indicators measurements estimation and prediction, 2014, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 

O. Ait Oualhaj, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, J. Ben-othman, M. Erradia, A Ferry-Assisted Solution for Forwarding Function in Wireless Sensor Networks, accepted to Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal Elsevier, 2015

M. Alouane, H. El Bakkali, Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing: Requirements and Approaches, in proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile and Cloud Computing Technologies and Security (CloudTech 2015), Marrakech, Morocco, june 2015 (in Press).

M. Alouane, S.Sadki, H. El Bakkali, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Computing: A Comparative Study , Actes des cinquièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS5), Kénitra, Mai 2015

F. Z. Ammor, D. Bouzidi, A. Elomri, Prediction of an assistance scenario adapted to learning styles of learners, Second international conference on advances in information processing and communication Technology - IPCT 2015, 18-19 April 2015, Rome.

N. Assad, B. Elbhiri, A. Faqihi, M. Ouadou, D. Aboutajdine, Analysis of the Deployment Quality Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 812613.

N. Assad, B. Elbhiri, A. Faqihi, M. Ouadou, D. Aboutajdine, Efficient Deployment Quality Analysis for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, accepted for publication in Wireless Networks. The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information), 2015.

S. Ben chekroun, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, H. Tembine, H. Bouyakhf, A Distributed Open-Close Access for Small-Cell Networks: A Random Matrix Game Analysis, accepted to IWCMC 2015

R. Boukour, A. Ettalbi, MULTIVIEW SOA: EXTENDING SOA USING A PRIVATE CLOUD COMPUTING AS SAAS AND DAAS, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA2015), Vol.6, No.6, pp. 1-11, November 2015,

R. Boukour, A. Ettalbi, Multiview SOA : extending SOA using a private cloud computing as SaaS, (ID54), International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (ClouTech2015), June 2-4, 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco.

F. Chaker, A. El Manouar, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Towards a System Dynamics Modeling Method based on DEMATEL, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology(IJCSIT), Volume 7-Number 2, 2015

R. Cherkaoui, M. Zbakh, Amulti-criteria analysis of intrusion detection architectures in cloud environments, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech’15), Marrakech, Morocco, 2-4 June 2015.

F. El Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, Efficient Performance Evaluation for EGC, MRC and SC Receivers over Weibull Multipath Fading Channel, 10th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), 21-23 April 2015, Doha, Qatar

F. El Bouanani, H. Ben-Azza, Unified analysis of EGC diversity over Weibull fading channels, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, 14. Jan. 2015.

Z. El Uahhabi, S.Sadki, H. El Bakkali, Trust and Privacy in Online Social Networks : A Comparative Study, Actes des cinquièmes Journées Nationales de la Sécurité (JNS5), Kénitra, Mai 2015

M. Elhozmari, A. Ettalbi, Using a central private Cloud to improve a complex system in multi-cloud environement, IEEE 3rd World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS2015), 23 - 25 November 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco (
M. Elhozmari, A. Ettalbi, Using a software architecture based on a Private Central Proxy Cloud to improve a Health Center System, (ID18), 9ème edition de la Conférence Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL2015), 13 – 15 Mai 2015, Hammamet, Tunisie

M. Ellhozmari, A. Ettalbi, Using Cloud SaaS to ensure interoperability and standardization in heterogeneous Cloud based environment, the IEEE 5th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT2015), December 14 – 16, 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco (

M. Elmachkour, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, J. Ben-Othman, Data Traffic-Based Analysis of Delay and Energy Consumption in Cognitive Radio Networks with and without Resource Reservation, International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Wiley, Year: 2015

B. Elmaroud, A. Faqihi, M. Abbad, D. Aboutajdine, Theoretical analysis of SINR Performance for Unsynchronized and Nonlinearly Distorted FBMC Signals, Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, Saïdia, Morocco, May 7-9, 2015.

N. Kerzazi, Conceptual Alignment between SPEM-Based Processes and CMMI, Soumis SITA 2015.

A. Mabrouk, A. Kobbane, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, Coalitional Game Theory for Cooperative Transmission in VANET : Internet Access via Fixed and Mobile Gateways, accepted to Netys 2015

H. Mezouar, A. El Afia, R. Chiheb, F. Ouzayd, Toward a process model of Moroccan electric supply chain, International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies ICEIT'15, IEEE, March 25-27, 2015 Marrakech, Morocco.

S. Naciri, M.A.Janati, A Strategic Release Planning Model from TPM Point of View, Soumis SITA 2015

O. Oualhaj, A. Kobbane, M. Elmachkour, E. Sabir, J. Ben-Othman, A Coalitional-Game-Based Incentive Mechanism for Content Caching in Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Networks, accepted to IWCMC 2015

H. Rahimi, H. El Bakkali, CIOSOS: Combined idiomatic-Ontology based Sentiment Orientation System for Trust Reputation in E-Commerce, in proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2015), Burgos, Spain, Publié dans la série 'Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing', Springer, june 2015 (in Press).

Y. Saissi, A. Zellou, A. Idri, Deep Web Integration : Architecture for Relational Schema Extraction, In ICSSEA 2015, International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications, Paris 27 - 29 Mai 2015.

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, An approach for privacy policies negotiation in mobile health-Cloud environments, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile and Cloud Computing Technologies and Security (CloudTech 2015), Marrakech, Morocco, june 2015 (in Press).

S. Sadki, H. El Bakkali, Towards negotiable privacy policies in Mobile Healthcare, in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2015), Vigo, Spain, may 2015 (in Press)

A. Zeddari, A. Ettalbi, Cloud SaaS Using MDA Approach on a Multiview Models, (ID50), International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (ClouTech2015), June 2-4, 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Abderrazzak Zeddari, Ahmed Ettalbi, Towards a New Framework for Building a Whole User-Defined System from a Colored Petri Networks, Journal of Communication and Computer (JCC), DOI:10.17265/1548-7709/2015.04.004, Vol. 12, DOI:10.17265/1548-7709/2015.04.004 No. 4, pp. 184-190, April, 2015 (,
A. Walid, A. Kobbane, A. Mabrouk, E. Sabir, M. El Koutbi, Group Vertical Handoff Management in Heterogeneous Networks, accepted to Journal WCM, Wiley, 2015

A. Walid, E. Sabir, A. Kobbane, Tarik Taleb, Mohammed El Koutbi, On Improving Network Capacity for Downlink and Uplink of Two-Tier LTE-FDD Networks, accepted to IWCMC 2015. 

Rachid Hba, Abderrazak Bakkas, Abdellah El Manouar, Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi: Eco-strategy: towards a new generation managerial model based on Green IT and CSR; International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 8, No 2, April 2016

S. Naciri, M. A. Janati Idrissi, Applicability of a Strategic TPM Release Planning Model on a CRM project case,  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 2016

Benhiba, Lamia, Asmae Loutfi, and M.A. Janati Idrissi. "A Classification of Healthcare Social Network Analysis Applications." BIOSTEC 2017 (2017).

S. Naciri, M. A. Janati Idrissi,  “A multiobjective TPM Strategic Release Planning model and its application on a CRM project”,  International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS, 2017.

M. A. El Hadj, Benkaouz, Y., Freisleben, B., et Erradi, M., « ABAC rule reduction via similarity computation », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10299 LNCS, p. 86-100, 2017.

M. O. M. Khelifa, Belkasmi, M., Abdellah, Y., et Elhadj, Y. O. M., « An accurate HSMM-based system for Arabic phonemes recognition », in 9th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2017, 2017, p. 211-216.

M. S. Benqatla, Chikhaoui, D., et Bounabat, B., « Actor network theory a framework of it collaboration », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

A. A. Mancour et Nasser, T., « An analysis approach for distributed generation placement and sizing in power distribution system », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 122-126.

E. K. Bouyahyiouy et Bellabdaoui, A., « An ant colony optimization algorithm for solving the full truckload vehicle routing problem with profit », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 142-147.

K. Ouaddi, Benadada, Y., et Mhada, F. Z., « Ant colony system approach for dynamic vehicles routing problem multi tours », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

I. Elmagrouni, Lethrech, M., Kenzi, A., et Kriouile, A., « Approach for building Services-Oriented systems adaptable », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 183-188.

Z. E. Uahhabi et Bakkali, H. E., « An approach for evaluating trust in X.509 certificates », in 2016 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2016, 2017, p. 196-203.

R. Khaldi, A. Afia, E., Chiheb, R., et Faizi, R., « Artificial neural network based approach for blood demand forecasting: Fez transfusion blood center case study », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Freisleben, B., et Khoumsi, A., « Aspect-oriented state machines for resolving conflicts in XACML policies », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10299 LNCS, p. 166-171, 2017.

M. Zouina et Outtaj, B., « An aspiring solution to the MITM bootstrap vulnerability », in Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, 2017, p. 1615-1622.

H. Routaib, Badidi, E., Sabir, E., et Elkoutbi, M., « An asymmetrical nash bargaining for adaptive and automated context negotiation in pervasive environments », in 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2017, 2017, p. 732-736.

E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., et Ayoub, F., « Asymptotic analysis of underwater communication system subject to κ-μ Shadowed fading channel », in 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2017, 2017, p. 855-860.

A. Maarof, Senhadji, M., Labbi, Z., et Belkasmi, M., « Authentication protocol conforming to EPC class-1 Gen-2 standard », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

A. Er-Rady, Faizi, R., Thami, R. O. H., et Housni, H., « Automatic sign language recognition: A survey », in Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing, ATSIP 2017, 2017.

B. Elmaroud, Faqihi, M. A., Abbad, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « BER analysis of FBMC based multi-cellular networks in the presence of synchronization errors and HPA NLD », in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2017.

A. Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, L., Idri, A., et Al-Qutaish, R., « A Best Practice Based E-Government Portals' Maturity Model-A Case Study », in IEEE CIT 2017 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2017, p. 326-331.

M. Elmouhtadi, Lafkik, M., et Elfkihi, S., « Biometric protection approach based on fingerprint hierarchical identification », International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 12, p. 11007-11014, 2017.

I. Aznabet, Ennasar, M. A., O. Mrabet, E., G. Vera, A., Khalladi, M., et Tedjni, S., « A broadband modified T-shaped planar dipole antenna for UHF RFID tag applications », Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 73, p. 137-144, 2017.

A. Abouaomar, Filali, A., et Kobbane, A., « Caching, device-to-device and fog computing in 5th cellular networks generation: Survey », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

I. Kamal et Oubaha, J., « Car recognition using the bag of features method », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 99-102.

M. Zbakh, Bakhouya, M., et Essaaidi, M., « Cloud computing and big data: Technologies and applications », Concurrency Computation, vol. 29, 2017.

M. A. El Hadj, Ayache, M., Benkaouz, Y., Khoumsi, A., et Erradi, M., « Clustering-based approach for anomaly detection in XACML policies », in ICETE 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, 2017, vol. 4, p. 548-553.

A. Touhafi, Braeken, A., Tahiri, A., et Zbakh, M., « CoderLabs: A cloud based platform for real time online labs with user collaboration », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 317-324.

M. Zerrouk, Anwar, A., Benelallam, I., et Elhamlaoui, M., « Collaborative modelling: An MDE-oriented process to manage large-scale models », in 2017 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems, WITS 2017, 2017.

A. Enaanai, Doukkali, A. S., Saif, I., Moutachaouik, H., et Hain, M., « The collaborative relevance in the distributed information retrieval », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017.

S. Achchab, Bencharef, O., et Ouaarab, A., « A combination of regression techniques and cuckoo search algorithm for FOREX speculation », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 569, p. 226-235, 2017.

A. Elkhyari et Bellabdaoui, A., « Combining constraint programming and genetic algorithm for dynamic scheduling problems », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 19-24.

M. Nadour, Essadki, A., et Nasser, T., « Comparative analysis between PI & backstepping control strategies of DFIG driven by wind turbine », International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, vol. 7, p. 1307-1316, 2017.

R. Verma et Aassal, A. E., « Comprehensive method for detecting phishing emails using correlation-based analysis and user participation », in CODASPY 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 2017, p. 155-157.

I. Slimani, I. Farissi, E., et Achchab, S., « Configuration and implementation of a daily artificial neural network-based forecasting system using real supermarket data », International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, vol. 28, p. 144-163, 2017.

M. O. M. Khelifa, Elhadj, Y. M., Abdellah, Y., et Belkasmi, M., « Constructing accurate and robust HMM/GMM models for an Arabic speech recognition system », International Journal of Speech Technology, vol. 20, p. 937-949, 2017.

K. Rkizat, Lahmer, M., Belkasmi, M., et Nouh, S., « Construction and iterative threshold decoding for low rates Quasi-Cyclic One Step Majority logic decodable codes », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

IaEl Farissi, Slimani, Ib, et Achchab, Sa, « Coordination by sharing demand forecasts in a supply chain using game theoretic approach », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 122-127.

E. I. Farissi, Slimani, I., et Achchab, S., « Coordination by sharing demand forecasts in a supply chain using game theoretic approach », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 122-127.

F. Chaker, Idrissi, M. A. Janati, et A. Manouar, E., « A critical evaluation of the sustainability balanced scorecard as a decision aid framework », International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 12, p. 4221-4237, 2017.

M. Sayagh, Kerzazi, N., et Adams, B., « On cross-stack configuration errors », in Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2017, 2017, p. 255-265.

I. Elaalyani, Erradi, M., Mühling, M., et Freisleben, B., « Current trends in text-spotting », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

A. Idri et Kadi, I., « A Data Mining-Based Approach for Cardiovascular Dysautonomias Diagnosis and Treatment », in IEEE CIT 2017 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2017, p. 245-252.

E. A. Afia et Aoun, O., « Data-driven based aircraft maintenance routing by markov decision process model », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

E. M. Haloui et Kriouile, A., « A decision-support model enabling a proactive vision of Cloud Computing adoption », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 192-198.

Y. Laghouaouta, Anwar, A., Nassar, M., et Coulette, B., « A dedicated approach for model composition traceability », Information and Software Technology, vol. 91, p. 142-159, 2017.

S. Benlakhdar, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Directional data classification using a hierarchical model of von Mises distribution », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

S. Bouzbita, A. Afia, E., Faizi, R., et Zbakh, M., « Dynamic adaptation of the ACS-TSP local pheromone decay parameter based on the Hidden Markov Model », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 344-349.

F. Chaker, Manouar, A. E., et Idrissi, M. A. J., « The dynamic adaptive sustainability balanced scorecard: A new framework for a sustainability-driven strategy », International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 12, p. 6182-6191, 2017.

A. Harbouche, Elmachkour, M., Djedi, N., Erradi, M., et Kobbane, A., « Dynamic coalitional matching game approach for fair and swift data-gathering in wireless body sensor networks », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

B. Assila, Kobbaney, A., Elmachkourz, M., et M. Koutbi, E., « A dynamic Stackelberg-Cournot game for competitive content caching in 5G networks », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

E. Chaimae, Romadi, R., et Abdellatif, E. A., « ECC certificate for authentication in cloud-based RFID », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 200-203.

B. Ouhbi et Berqia, A., « Editorial », Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 13, p. 181-182, 2017.

A. Sahnoun, Habbani, A., et J. Abbadi, E., « EEPR-OLSR: An energy efficient and path reliability protocol for proactive mobile Ad-hoc network routing », International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol. 9, p. 22-29, 2017.

E. A. Afia, Bouzbita, S., et Faizi, R., « The effect of updating the local pheromone on ACS performance using fuzzy logic », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 7, p. 2161-2168, 2017.

H. Boualame, Tahiri, N., Chana, I., Azouaoui, A., et Belkasmi, M., « An efficient soft decision decoding algorithm using cyclic permutations and compact genetic algorithm », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

S. Ouhbi, Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., Carrillo-De-Gea, J. M., Toval, A., et Idri, A., « E-health internationalization requirements for audit purposes », Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 144, p. 49-60, 2017.

I. Abnane, Idri, A., et Abran, A., « Empirical evaluation of fuzzy analogy for Software Development Effort Estimation », in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017, vol. Part F128005, p. 1302-1304.

A. Sahnoun, Habbani, A., et J. Abbadi, E., « An energy-efficient proactive routing scheme for MANET: Game theoretical approach of forwarding with selfish nodes », International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol. 63, p. 399-404, 2017.

S. E. Koutbi et Idri, A., « Entropy-based framework dealing with error in software development effort estimation », in ENASE 2017 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 2017, p. 195-202.

I. Abnane et Idri, A., « Evaluating Fuzzy Analogy on incomplete software projects data », in 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2016, 2017.

M. Chentouf et Abidine, A. I. Z. El, « Evaluating the impact of max transition constraint variations on power reduction capabilities in cell-based designs », Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, vol. 7, 2017.

R. Faizi, S. Fkihi, E., A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « Extracting business value from big data », in Proceedings of the 29th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, 2017, p. 997-1002.

A. Abouyahya, S. Fkihi, E., Thami, R. O. H., et Aboutajdine, D., « Features extraction for facial expressions recognition », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 46-49.

M. Elmouhtadi, S. Fkihi, E., et Aboutajdine, D., « Fingerprint identification using hierarchical matching and topological structures », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 533, p. 714-722, 2017.

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M. Elmouhtadi, S. Fkihi, E., et Aboutajdine, D., « Fingerprints indexing algorithms based on multiple characteristics », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 434-437.

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A. Kobbane et Ibrahimi, K., « Foreword », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

M. Essaaidi et Zaz, Y., « Foreword », in Proceedings of 2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2016, 2017.

M. Essaaidi et Zaz, Y., « Foreword », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017.

R. Khtira, Elasri, B., et Rhanoui, M., « From data to big data: Moroccan public sector », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

E. I. Asri, Kerzazi, N., Benhiba, L., et Janati, M., « From periphery to core: A temporal analysis of github contributors’ collaboration network », IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 506, p. 217-229, 2017.

A. El-Yahyaoui et Kettani, M. D. Ec- Chrif E., « Fully homomorphic encryption: Searching over encrypted cloud data », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

A. Idri et Abnane, I., « Fuzzy Analogy Based Effort Estimation: An Empirical Comparative Study », in IEEE CIT 2017 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2017, p. 114-121.

F. Mourchid, Kobbane, A., Ben Othman, J., et M. Koutbi, E., « A game-theoretic approach for non-overlapping communities detection », in 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2017, 2017, p. 1315-1320.

L. Sardi, Idri, A., et Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., « Gamified mobile blood donation applications », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10208 LNCS, p. 165-176, 2017.

I. Saif, Doukkali, A. S., Enaanai, A., et Benlahmar, E. H., « GENAUM: New semantic distributed search engine », Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 13, p. 210-221, 2017.

E. L. Bassiti, M. Haiba, E., et Ajhoun, R., « Generic innovation designing -GenID- Framework: Towards a more systematic approach to innovation management », in Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 2017, vol. 2, p. 1097-1106.

A. E. Afia et Mezouar, H., « A global mapping of the Moroccan supply chain of hospital drugs, and a simulation of the dispensation process », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

O. Elmouaatamid, Lahmer, M., et Belkasmi, M., « Group authentication with fault tolerance for internet of things », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10542 LNCS, p. 299-307, 2017.

M. Haoues, Sellami, A., Ben-Abdallah, H., et Cheikhi, L., « A guideline for software architecture selection based on ISO 25010 quality related characteristics », International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, vol. 8, p. 886-909, 2017.

M. Tali, Essadki, A., et Nasser, T., « Harmonic detection methods of Shunt Active Power Filter under unbalanced loads », in Proceedings of 2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2016, 2017, p. 1017-1023. 

M. Hosni, Idri, A., Nassif, A. B., et Abran, A., « Heterogeneous Ensembles for Software Development Effort Estimation », in Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence, ISCMI 2016, 2017, p. 174-178.

A. E. Afia, Sarhani, M., et Aoun, O., « Hidden markov model control of inertia weight adaptation for Particle swarm optimization », IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, p. 9997-10002, 2017.

M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « Hidden Markov Model for a self-learning of Simulated Annealing cooling law », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 558-563.

A. Haddad, Aoutoul, M., Rais, K., et Essaaidi, M., « A high gain Novel Dielectric Resonator Antenna (NDRA) for anti-collision short range radar (SRR) application », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 484-486.

Y. A. Alaoui, A. Hassouny, E., R. Thami, O. Haj, et Tairi, H., « Human fall detection using von mises distribution and motion vectors of interest points », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

Aa Abderrahman, Karim, E. Bb, Ahmed, E. H. Aa, et Adil, Bb, « A hybrid algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time windows and target time », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 95, p. 210-219, 2017.

A. Abbassi, K. Bouyahyiouy, E., A. Alaoui, E. Hilali, et Bellabdaoui, A., « A hybrid algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time windows and target time », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 95, p. 210-219, 2017.

Y. Hamada, Benadada, Y., et Gendron, B., « A hybrid approach for a strategic planning problem represented by a three-echelon logistics network », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2017, p. 2084-2085.

R. Chafik, Benadada, Y., et Boukachour, J., « A hybrid bin-packing algorithm for solving the yard optimization problem », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2017, p. 1983-1991.

S. Y. Chadli et Idri, A., « Identifying and mitigating risks of software project management in global software development », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F131936, p. 12-22.

H. L'Amrani, Berroukech, B. E., Y. Idrissi, E. Bouzekri E., et Ajhoun, R., « Identity management systems: Laws of identity for models7 evaluation », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 736-740.

K. Imgharene, Doumi, K., et Baina, S., « Impact of agility on the business IT alignment », in BMSD 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 2017, p. 233-237.

E. I. Fachtali, Saadane, R., et M. Koutbi, E., « Improved vertical handover decision algorithm using ants' colonies with adaptive pheromone evaporation rate for 4th generation heterogeneous wireless networks », International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, vol. 12, p. 154-165, 2017.

H. Saadaoui et F. Bouanani, E., « Information sharing in UAVs cooperative search based on calculating the minimum time », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 168-173.

A. Hamlili, « Intelligibility of Erdös-Rényi random graphs and time varying social network modeling », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 201-206.

B. C. Youssef, Nada, M., Elmehdi, B., et Boubker, R., « Intrusion detection in cloud computing based attacks patterns and risk assessment », in Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Systems of Collaboration, SysCo 2016, 2017.

A. Idri, Bachiri, M., Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., et Toval, A., « ISO/IEC 25010 Based Evaluation of Free Mobile Personal Health Records for Pregnancy Monitoring », in Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2017, vol. 1, p. 262-267.

M. A. Marhraoui et Manouar, A. E., « IT-enabled organizational agility –proposition of a new framework », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 95, p. 5431-5442, 2017.

I. Kadi, Idri, A., et Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., « Knowledge discovery in cardiology: A systematic literature review », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS, vol. 97, p. 12-32, 2017.

N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Knowledge flows within open source software projects: A social network perspective », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 397, p. 247-258, 2017.

A. Frigul, Nasser, T., Essadki, A., et Boualouch, A., « Linear active disturbances rejection control (LADRC) applied for wind turbine DFIG based operating in primary frequency control for a micro-grid », International Review on Modelling and Simulations, vol. 10, p. 337-345, 2017.

S. Labghough, Ayoub, F., et Belkasmi, M., « Majority logic coding schemes performance over FSO channels », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

K. Mrhar, Zary, N., et Abik, M., « Making MOOCs matter in formal education through a federating environment », in Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 2017, vol. 2010-October, p. 557-565.

O. Benallou, Aboulaich, R., et Nadem, Y., « Making the case for defined benefit pension plans self-adjusting steering schemes », International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol. 15, p. 525-550, 2017.

M. Amine, Walid, A., Kobbane, A., et Cherkaoui, S., « A many-to-many matching game in ultra-dense LTE HetNets », in 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2017, 2017, p. 1245-1250.

A. Azougaghe, Oualhaj, O. A., Hedabou, M., Belkasmi, M., et Kobbane, A., « Many-to-one matching game towards secure virtual machines migration in cloud computing », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

I. Aznabet, Ennasar, M., O. Mrabet, E., Tedjini, S., et Khalladi, M., « Meander-line UHF RFID tag antenna loaded with split ring rersonator », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 757-759.

H. Rachih, Mhada, F. Z., et Chiheb, R., « Metaheuristics applied in remanufacturing and reverse logistics: A review », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

B. Chabibi, Anwar, A., et Nassar, M., « Metamodeling approach for creating an abstract representation of simulation tools concepts », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017.

H. Amraoui, Habbani, A., et Hajami, A., « Mobility quantification for MultiPoint Relays selection algorithm in Mobile Ad hoc Networks », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 278-283.

A. Harbouche, Djedi, N., Erradi, M., Ben-Othman, J., et Kobbane, A., « Model driven flexible design of a wireless body sensor network for health monitoring », Computer Networks, vol. 129, p. 1339-1351, 2017.

A. Saoud et Bellabdaoui, A., « Model of distributed hierarchical framework for carrier collaboration », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 160-165.

E. M. Mejjatti, Habbani, A., Essaid, B., et Amraoui, H., « Moisture vulnerability of antenna operation in UHF band », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 64-68.

C. Benjbara, Habbani, A., F. Mahdi, E., et Essaid, B., « Multi-path routing protocol in the Smart Digital Environment », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 14-18.

A. Farchane et Belkasmi, M., « New decoder for linear block codes », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

E. M. Amrani, Benadada, Y., et Gendron, B., « New exact method to solve multi-capacitated location problem using set partitioning formulation », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2017, p. 1973-1982.

S. Addi, Berkani, A., Azouaoui, A., et Belkasmi, M., « New hard decision decoder of LDPC codes using single bit flipping algorithm », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

A. Bessate et F. Bouanani, E., « A new performance results of MIMO system with orthogonal STBC over independent and identical weibull fading channels », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

A. Patel, Alhussian, H., Pedersen, J. M., Bounabat, B., Júnior, J. C., et Katsikas, S., « A nifty collaborative intrusion detection and prevention architecture for Smart Grid ecosystems », Computers and Security, vol. 64, p. 92-109, 2017.

A. Patel, Alhussian, H., Pedersen, J. Myrup, Bounabat, B., Junior, J. Celestino, et Katsikas, S., « A nifty collaborative intrusion detection and prevention architecture for Smart Grid ecosystems », COMPUTERS & SECURITY, vol. 64, p. 92-109, 2017.

Aab Patel, Alhussian, Hc, Pedersen, J. Md, Bounabat, Be, Júnior, J. Ca, et Katsikas, Sf, « A nifty collaborative intrusion detection and prevention architecture for Smart Grid ecosystems », Computers and Security, vol. 64, p. 92-109, 2017.

M. Souidi, Habbani, A., Berradi, H., et Essaid, B., « Node localization to optimize the MPR selection in smart mobile communication », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 8-13.

A. Yatribi, Belkasmi, M., Ayoub, F., et M'rabet, Z., « Non-binary cyclic majority-logic decodable codes: An algebraic construction by using Genetic Algorithms », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

M. Zakaria, Fouad, A., Mostafa, B., Anouar, Y., et Z. Ismaili, E. Abidine Al, « Non-binary Euclidean Geometry codes: Majority Logic Decoding », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

Aa Koulou, Hami, NaEl, Hmina, Na, Elmir, Ab, et Bounabat, Bb, « A novel approach IMA of interoperability measurement », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 665-669.

A. Koulou, N. Hami, E., Hmina, N., Elmir, A., et Bounabat, B., « A novel approach IMA of interoperability measurement », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 665-669.

S. Bouzbita, A. Afia, E., et Faizi, R., « A novel based Hidden Markov Model approach for controlling the ACS-TSP evaporation parameter », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 633-638.

M. Bajtaoui, Abraray, A., O. Mrabet, E., Aznabet, M., et Essaaidi, M., « A novel compact CPW OCSRR strucutre for 2.45 GHz rectenna application », in Proceedings of 2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2016, 2017, p. 979-982.

Z. Labbi, Senhadji, M., Maarof, A., et Belkasmi, M., « A novel efficient ultralightweight authentication algorithm for RFID systems », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

M. Aoutoul, Haddad, A., Essaaidi, M., et Faqir, M., « A novel interconnection technique using zero-degree phase shifting microstrip TL for RF QFN package at S-band », Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 67, p. 125-130, 2017.

M. Zouina et Outtaj, B., « A novel lightweight URL phishing detection system using SVM and similarity index », Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, vol. 7, 2017.

R. Moumen, Chiheb, R., Zarra, T., Faizi, R., et A. Afia, E., « A novel text-to-speech synthesizer for processing sms in moroccan Arabic », in Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE, 2017.

E. O. Mouaatamid, Lahmer, M., Belkasmi, M., M'rabet, Z., et Yatribiz, A., « One-step majority-logic decodable codes derived from oval designs », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

N. Essadi, Anwar, A., et Laghouaouta, Y., « Operators role-based approach to coordinate between heterogeneous DSLs », in 2017 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems, WITS 2017, 2017.

K. Bouanane, Benadada, Y., et Marcotte, S., « Optimization of vehicle routing problem in the context of reverse logistics of handling containers in closed loop », in Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2017, p. 2087-2088.

H. Bennasar, Bendahmane, A., et Essaaidi, M., « An overview of the state-of-the-art of cloud computing cyber-security », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10194 LNCS, p. 56-67, 2017.

E. A. Afia et Sarhani, M., « Particle swarm optimization for model selection of aircraft maintenance predictive models », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

I. Khoufi, Minet, P., Koulali, M. - A., et Kobbane, A., « Path planning of mobile sinks in charge of data gathering: A coalitional game theory approach », in 2016 IEEE 35th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, IPCCC 2016, 2017.

A. Sahnoun, J. Abbadi, E., et Habbani, A., « Path reliability metric for proactive MANET routing », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 726-730.

B. Elmaroud, Faqihi, A., et Aboutajdine, D., « Performance analysis of asynchronous and non linear FBMC systems », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10542 LNCS, p. 550-561, 2017.

E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., et Ayoub, F., « Performance analysis of dual-hop underwater communication system subject to κ-μ shadowed fading channel », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

R. Cherkaoui, Zbakh, M., Braeken, A., et Touhafi, A., « Performance analysis of intrusion detection systems in cloud-based systems », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10542 LNCS, p. 206-213, 2017.

E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., et Ayoub, F., « Performance analysis of mixed RF/FSO communication system with the presence of pointing error using the MGF-based approach », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 85-92.

M. Hajji et F. Bouanani, E., « Performance analysis of mixed Weibull and Gamma-Gamma dual-hop RF/FSO transmission systems », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

T. Chaayra, F. Bouanani, E., et Ben-Azza, H., « Performance analysis of TAS/MRC based MIMO systems over Weibull fading channels », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

F. Lachhab, Bakhouya, M., Ouladsine, R., et Essaaidi, M., « Performance evaluation of CEP engines for stream data processing », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 64-69.

E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., et Ayoub, F., « A performance study of a hybrid 5G RF/FSO transmission system », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

T. Benazzouz, Echchatbi, A., et Bellabdaoui, A., « Planning problems of nurses: Case of a Moroccan healthcare unit », International Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 10, p. 243-251, 2017.

E. I. Fachtali, Saadane, R., M. Koutbi, E., et Chaibi, H., « Power-optimized vertical handover scheme for 4th generation heterogeneous wireless network », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 824-829.

IaEl Fachtali, Saadane, Rb, Koutbi, MaEl, et Chaibi, Ha, « Power-optimized vertical handover scheme for 4th generation heterogeneous wireless network », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 824-829.

R. Khaldi, Chiheb, R., A. Afia, E., Akaaboune, A., et Faizi, R., « Prediction of supplier performance: A novel DEA-ANFIS based approach », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

M. Belkasmi et F. Bouanani, E., « Preface », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

M. Essaaidi et Zbakh, M., « Preface », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017.

I. Kadi, Idri, A., et Ouhbi, S., « Quality evaluation of cardiac decision support systems using ISO 25010 standard », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017.

F. Mourchid, Kobbane, A., Ben Othman, J., et M. Koutbi, E., « Random walk based co-occurrence prediction in location-based social networks », in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2017.

L. Niharmine, Outtaj, B., et Azouaoui, A., « Recognition of handwritten tifinagh characters using gradient direction features », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 95, p. 3087-3095, 2017.

E. O. Maleky, Ben Abdelouahab, F., Essaaidi, M., et Ajana, L., « Reconfigurable T-shaped antenna for S-band applications », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 451-455.

A. Berkani et Belkasmi, M., « A reduced complexity decoder using compact genetic algorithm for linear block codes », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.

S. Ouhbi, Idri, A., Hakmi, R., Benjelloun, H., Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., et Toval, A., « Requirements for a mobile personal health record to improve cardiovascular healthcare services », in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017, vol. Part F128005, p. 557-562.

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H. K. Fezeu, Djotio, T., et Thami, R. O. H., « Safe and irrefutable decentralized communication: Bringing non-repudiation to mesh networks », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

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H. Talei, Essaaidi, M., et Benhaddou, D., « Smart campus energy management system: Advantages, architectures, and the impact of using cloud computing », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 1-7.

M. Hosni et Idri, A., « Software effort estimation using classical analogy ensembles based on random subspace », in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017, vol. Part F128005, p. 1251-1258.

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E. F. Mahdi, Habbani, A., Mouchfiq, N., et Essaid, B., « Study of security in MANETs and evaluation of network performance using ETX metric », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 220-228.

E. A. Afia et Kabbaj, M. M., « Supervised learning in branch-and-cut strategies », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

A. Idri et Cheikhi, L., « A survey of secondary studies in software process improvement », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017.

W. Aitfares, Kobbane, A., et Kriouile, A., « Suspicious behavior detection of people by monitoring camera », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 113-117.

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A. Bessate et Bouanani, F. El, « A tight approximate analytical framework for performance analysis of equal gain combining receiver over independent Weibull fading channels. », EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications & Networking, vol. 2017, p. 1 - 12, 2017.

A. Sara, Y. Idrissi, E. Bouzekri E., et Ajhoun, R., « Time aware recommendation », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2017, p. 244-247.

A. Bentaleb et Ettalbi, A., « Toward Cloud SaaS for web service composition optimization based on genetic algortihm », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 147-152.

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H. L'Amrani, Berroukech, B. E., Y. Idrissi, E. Bouzekri E., et Ajhoun, R., « Toward interoperability approach between federated systems », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.

O. Iraqi et H. Bakkali, E., « Toward third-party immune applications », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 10446 LNCS, p. 348-359, 2017.

M. Bernatchou, Ouzayd, F., Bellabdaoui, A., et Hamdaoui, M., « Towards a simulation model of an outpatient chemotherapy unit », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in

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A. Misbah et Ettalbi, A., « Towards a standard WSDL implementation of Multiview Web services », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 195-199.

E. Badidi, Routaib, H., et M. Koutbi, E., « Towards data-as-a-service provisioning with high-quality data », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 397, p. 611-623, 2017.

E. L. Bassiti et Ajhoun, R., « Towards innovation excellence: Why and how to measure innovation performance? », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2017, p. 99-104.

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M. A. Ennasar, Essaaidi, M., Aznabet, I., et O. Mrabet, E., « A UHF RFID tag antenna with improved bandwidth », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 465-467.

E. F. Bouanani et Ben-Azza, H., « Unified analysis of EGC diversity over Weibull fading channels », International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 30, 2017.

A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Using BECAMEDA method to specify and verify a smart home system », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 42-47.

M. Hosni, Idri, A., Abran, A., et Nassif, A. B., « On the value of parameter tuning in heterogeneous ensembles effort estimation », Soft Computing, p. 1-34, 2017.

A. Annouch et Bellabdaoui, A., « Variable neighborhood search heuristic for the full truckload problem in liquefied petroleum gas supply », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 193-198.

A. El-Yahyaoui et Kettani, M. D. Ech- Chrif, « A verifiable fully homomorphic encryption scheme to secure big data in cloud computing », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.

M. Alouane et H. Bakkali, E., « Virtualization in Cloud Computing: Existing solutions and new approach », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 116-123.

J. Sangai et Bellabdaoui, A., « Workload balancing in nurse scheduling problem: Models and discussion », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 82-87.

M. A. Madani, Erradi, M., et Benkaouz, Y., « ABAC Based Online Collaborations in the Cloud », Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, vol. 206, p. 67-76, 2018.

F. Mourchid, Kobbane, A., Ben Othman, J., et M. Koutbi, E., « CGAM: A community and geography aware mobility model », International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 31, 2018.

A. Sahnoun, Habbani, A., et J. Abbadi, E., « A coalition-formation game model for energy-efficient routing in mobile Ad-hoc network », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 8, p. 26-33, 2018.

A. Touhafi, Braeken, A., Tahiri, A., et Zbakh, M., « CoderLabs: A cloud-based platform for real-time online labs with user collaboration », Concurrency Computation, 2018.

B. Aylaj, Belkasmi, M., Nouh, S., et Zouaki, H., « Construction of regular quasi cyclic-low density parity check codes from cyclic codes », ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 13, p. 982-989, 2018.

A. Bentaleb et Ettalbi, A., « Context-aware for service composition optimization in cloud computing », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 640, p. 311-321, 2018.

E. Badidi et Routaib, H., « A DaaS Based Framework for IoT Data Provisioning », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 661, p. 369-379, 2018.

M. Sarhani, A. Afia, E., et Faizi, R., « Facing the feature selection problem with a binary PSO-GSA approach », Operations Research/ Computer Science Interfaces Series, vol. 62, p. 447-462, 2018.

M. Elmouhtadi, S. Fkihi, E., et Aboutajdine, D., « Fingerprint identification using hierarchical matching and topological structures », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 730, p. 393-408, 2018.

A. Khoumsi, Erradi, M., et Krombi, W., « A formal basis for the design and analysis of firewall security policies », Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 30, p. 51-66, 2018.

M. Bouabdellah, Kaabouch, N., F. Bouanani, E., et Ben-Azza, H., « Network layer attacks and countermeasures in cognitive radio networks: A survey », Journal of Information Security and Applications, vol. 38, p. 40-49, 2018.

R. S. Kale, Wadhai, V. M., et Helonde, J. B., « Novel threshold formulation for energy detection method to efficient spectrum sensing in cognitive radio », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 651, p. 25-35, 2018.

M. Ouzineb, Mhada, F. Z., Pellerin, R., et I. Hallaoui, E., « Optimal planning of buffer sizes and inspection station positions », Production and Manufacturing Research, vol. 6, p. 90-112, 2018.

C. B. Zapata, Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., Toval, A., et Idri, A., « Reusable Software Usability Specifications for mHealth Applications », Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 42, 2018.

M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « A self-tuned simulated annealing algorithm using hidden markov model », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 8, p. 291-298, 2018.

J. Maqboul et Bounabat, B., « Towards a completeness prediction based on the complexity and impact », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 640, p. 108-116, 2018.



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